Last update Sun Mar 4 12:00:58 2018



struct lconv *localeconv(void);
localeconv returns a pointer to a filled-in struct lconv which contains information specific to the current country or locale. struct lconv looks like this:
struct lconv
   char *decimal_point;
   char *thousands_sep;
   char *int_curr_symbol;
   char *currency_symbol;
   char *mon_decimal_point;
   char *mon_thousands_sep;
   char *negative_sign;
   char frac_digits;
   char p_cs_precedes;
   char p_sep_by_space;
   char n_cs_precedes;
   char n_sep_by_space;
   char n_sign_posn;
   char lc[6];
The fields are:

Field Description
decimal_point The decimal point character for non-monetary usage.
thousands_sep The separator in non-monetary usage to the left of the decimal point.
int_curr_symbol The international currency symbol used in the locale.
currency_symbol The local currency symbol.
mon_decimal_point The decimal point character for monetary usage.
mon_thousand_sep The separator in monetary usage to the left of the decimal point.
negative_sign A string to indicate a negative monetary quantity.
frac_digits The number of digits to display to the right of the decimal point for a monetary quantity.
p_cs_precedes 1 if currency_symbol is a prefix, 0 if currency_symbol is a suffix for positive monetary quantities.
p_sep_by_space 1 if currency_symbol is separated by a space from a positive monetary quantity, 0 if there is no space.
n_cs_precedes 1 if currency_symbol is a prefix, 0 if currency_symbol is a suffix for a negative monetary quantity.
n_sep_by_space 1 if currency_value is separated by a space from a negative monetary quantity, 0 if there is no space.
n_sign_posn A value that indicates how to position negative_sign for a formatted monetary quantity.
lc[6] The current state of the locale. LC_XXX forms the index of this array. Its values are from _LOCALE enumeration in locale.h.
Return Value
A pointer to a struct lconv. The values contained within the structure should be regarded as read only.
DOS Windows 3.x Phar Lap DOSX Win32
See Also
See setlocale


char *setlocale(int category, const char *locale);
setlocale changes locale-dependent behavior or checks on its current settings. category can be one of the following predefined constants. Digital Mars C++ supports the minimal ANSI C definition and therefore only the following constants have an effect.

Constant Description
LC_ALL Specifies the locale for all categories
LC_COLLATE Change the locale for the strcoll() and strxfrm() functions
LC_CTYPE Change the locale for the character-handling functions and the multi-byte functions.
LC_MONETARY Change the locale for monetary formatting.
LC_NUMERIC Change the locale for numeric formatting.
LC_TIME Change the locale for the strftime() function.

The following locales are recognized:

Locale Description
C The minimal default locale.
USA Predefined in locale.h as the "native" locale. setlocale(LC_ALL,"") selects this.

It also recognizes Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, UK, Japan, Korea, China.

Information about the current locale can be obtained by calling setlocale with a NULL second argument. This will return the current locale for the category selected. Having set the locale, a call to localeconv will obtain a pointer to a filled in struct lconv with the specific locale values. See localeconv for details.

Return Value
A pointer containing the currently selected locale for the category specified. A NULL is returned if the locale specified is not supported.
DOS Windows 3.x Phar Lap DOSX Win32
See Also
/* Example for setlocale */

#include <locale.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

char *countries[] =

void main()
  char *loc;
  char *currency;
  int i;
  struct lconv *lcptr;
  int money = 100; /* Something to display */

  /* setlocale can be called with a NULL
     locale to check on its current setting
  loc = setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL);
  printf("The default locale is the \"%s\" locale\n", loc);

  for (i = 0; countries[i]; i++)
    loc = setlocale(LC_ALL, countries[i]);
    lcptr = localeconv();
    currency = malloc
      (strlen(lcptr->currency_symbol) + 1);
    strcpy(currency, lcptr->currency_symbol);
    if (loc)
      printf("Monetary figure for %s locale: %s%d\n",
        loc, currency, money);
The default locale is the "C" locale
Monetary figure for USA locale: $100
Monetary figure for Italy locale: L. 100
Monetary figure for Norway locale: kr100
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