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news.digitalmars.com - digitalmars.D

Jul 24    When you use the wrong bitmask, but is works out anyway (2)
Jul 24    Cherry on top for redub: looking for a module import analyzer (1)
Jul 23    Dub build fails to build my project on macOS with M1 chip (1)
Jul 23    Allow PRs to be tried out on run.dlang.io (1)
Jul 23    Compiler-recognized template patterns (4)
Jul 22    Better SDLang (4)
Jul 21    _aaApply2 (13)
Jul 20    D Profiles Idea (6)
Jul 20    executable libary pattern `Error: only one entry point `main` is (1)
Jul 19    [Not really OT] Crowdstrike Analysis: It was a NULL pointer from the (61)
Jul 19    Precompiling D, and its potential applications (1)
Jul 19    code-d vscode plugin & autocompletion (2)
Jul 17    dmd "hello world" now compiles and runs with AArch64 code gen (1)
Jul 14    D3 printing api should get some attention (3)
Jul 13    D support in Zed editor (6)
Jul 13    Appreciating D (5)
Jul 12    DMD AArch64 takes its first breath! (2)
Jul 12    We should deprecate -release (46)
Jul 12    [solucion] como conectar sql server con D en odbc (1)
Jul 11    Curiously Recurring C++ Bugs (9)
Jul 11    Cool project idea: organise/remove imports (12)
Jul 08    DIP 1040 (19)
Jul 04    C bitfields guarantees (47)
Jul 02    Wouldn't this be better with bitfields? (29)
Jul 01    D not considered memory safe (146)
Jun 22    lib dev code golf (5)
Jun 21    Sharding Phobos an alternative to sharding druntime (13)
Jun 21    [Offtopic] Trick an llm to give you the password (4)
Jun 20    Does anyone use a custom GC? (5)
Jun 20    Arm64 disassembler now part of DMD (1)
Jun 19    Dub test compiles tests for dependencies? (2)
Jun 19    aliasing main (1)
Jun 17    State of -preview=rvaluerefparam (6)
Jun 14    Strange copying of a constant array of structures (7)
Jun 05    The Future of D Runtime (45)
Jun 05    Lesson #100 in DLang YouTube playlist is coming -- Want to contribute (11)
Jun 02    ldc2 exception handling on macOS (5)
Jun 01    dmd Arm64 - first function compile! (37)
Jun 01    Floating point precision with writeln (3)
May 30    What's wrong with D ? this bug remains unfixed since 12 years (11)
May 27    IFTI needs to be updated if you accept tuples (6)
May 26    Printing a range of ranges drains them (9)
May 23    Regression ICE with 2.108.1 (4)
May 21    GC: two major pain point the compiler/druntime can help with (7)
May 20    Web Programming in D (18)
May 17    Golden birthday ideas (1)
May 16    Proposed Changes to the Range API for Phobos v3 (23)
May 16    Shared libraries, symbol visibilities, Posix vs. Windows (5)
May 12    Disagreeing addresses of `this` (4)
May 10    HTML-Code in doc of "std.algorithm.mutation.remove - multiple (3)
May 10    Talk on D at DORS/CLUC (25)
May 07    Overloading based on named arguments is possible, (3)
May 05    Big picture on shared libraries when they go wrong, how? (24)
May 01    Is public by default an unsafe default? (30)
Apr 30    Common type of ubyte and const ubyte is int (27)
Apr 30    news.digitalmars.com NNTP access over TLS (1)
Apr 29    RFC: Remove OMF Support from DMD (2)
Apr 29    algorithm lists (1)
Apr 29    Forum moderation policy idea: No overly combative debating (39)
Apr 26    OT: Leaving Rust gamedev after 3 years (47)
Apr 25    Object.toString, toHash, opCmp, opEquals (49)
Apr 22    DMD release cadence report 2023 (18)
Apr 21    collectNoStack should be axed (26)
Apr 21    "using the result of a comma expression is not allowed" (10)
Apr 21    Inside of =?UTF-8?B?ROKAmXM=?= GC in Russian (12)
Apr 20    Are there any notable libraries written in D which have gotten (2)
Apr 17    Using DMD on Raspberry Pi (2)
Apr 17    Attribute promises vs inference rules (1)
Apr 16    How purity w/o the specific optimizations then allowed is useful ? (5)
Apr 13    Real D (39)
Apr 11    Array focused iterators (3)
Apr 09    Named Arguments Status Update - Overloading by name (10)
Apr 09    Is anyone running gtk4 is D? (3)
Apr 07    Structured Concurrency vs P2300R7 (3)
Apr 06    Statics, FreeBSD (4)
Apr 04    Why is `opequals` for objects not ` safe` by default? (10)
Apr 04    Why? (37)
Apr 04    ImportC with Garbage Collector (3)
Apr 03    Any one knows how can I obtain the GUID of a USB? (1)
Apr 03    Why convenient dependencies may not be the boon they seem (2)
Apr 02    The Trouble with MonoTimeImpl (including at least one bug) (4)
Apr 01    std.traits.ParameterIdentifierTuple producing empty results. (5)
Mar 31    Garbage Collection for Systems Programmers (106)
Mar 31    importC: __asm volatile parsing failure - issue or not? (6)
Mar 30    d can work with dxhd (1)
Mar 29    safe(er) by default forerunner (1)
Mar 28    DIP Feedback (3)
Mar 28    Blazingly =?UTF-8?B?8J+UpQ==?= fast =?UTF-8?B?8J+agA==?= memory (6)
Mar 27    Side-Effect System in D (3)
Mar 26    What are benifits of fildena Fildena double 200mg? (1)
Mar 26    18% faster build time when using DMD with mimalloc! (8)
Mar 25    Bring back foreach int indexes (2)
Mar 22    On the panel discussion at Dconf day 3 (1)
Mar 21    This one simple trick allows D programmer use llama.cpp, rust (6)
Mar 19    Simultaneous video streams of two cameras using DCV (1)
Mar 18    core.sys.windows.com.ComObject apparently has wrongly laid out Vtable (38)
Mar 17    tuple-syntax (12)
Mar 17    Voldemort toHexString Compile Error (6)
Mar 17    Spec: can a class method change the type of the object (vtable) ? (5)
Mar 14    Separate dynamic object arrays for multiple instances of overlying (12)
Mar 13    forum.dlang.org as a flashlight app (4)
Mar 11    Memory safe in D (111)
Mar 10    DMD backend generation future with the new AI race processor (14)
Mar 06    run.dlang.io - is still broken: "export gist" and "shorten" buttons (1)
Mar 06    Google's take on memory safety (51)
Mar 04    Range Redesign: Empty Ranges (43)
Mar 03    Generic memory allocation in D (29)
Mar 02    Refactoring Code (11)
Feb 29    Surprise using DMD as replacement C compiler (15)
Feb 27    ImportC: Overriding standard search paths for C includes (3)
Feb 27    importC reflection drop const attribute bugs (6)
Feb 26    What ever happened to move semantics? (39)
Feb 26    "Back to the Building Blocks": D should get in on this action (6)
Feb 26    importC reflection bugs (3)
Feb 26    How to make D resolve C++ symbols by mangling symbols with the Itanium (19)
Feb 25    yxml v0.1.3 (2)
Feb 25    Documentation suggestion (2)
Feb 24    [Feature Request] Keywords for symbol operators (18)
Feb 23    String Interpolation: SQL revisited: Dynamic Table Names (2)
Feb 23    Building DMD on macOS arm64 - 23 Feb 2024 (3)
Feb 21    FOSDEM 2024: Sega Dreamcast Homebrew with GCC (including GDC) (2)
Feb 20    Beeflang garbage seeker/collector (13)
Feb 19    ImportC now supports function-like macros (20)
Feb 15    Thoughts on Backward Compatibility (23)
Feb 13    Interpolation struct names and location (10)
Feb 12    By ref and by pointer kills performance. (37)
Feb 12    [Language construct idea] The for loop with prepare step (9)
Feb 12    Why Bloat Is Still =?UTF-8?B?U29mdHdhcmXigJlz?= Biggest Vulnerability (15)
Feb 09    D Language Foundation - page update needed (1)
Feb 08    Static ctors in wasm (19)
Feb 08    A proposal: Sumtypes (18)
Feb 08    Introduce a New DRuntime Hook Lowering Pass to Unify the Logic for All (3)
Feb 08    A few assiociative arrays measurements (2)
Feb 07    Web Programming in D (11)
Feb 06    Wasm: druntime with full GC (5)
Feb 04    Brainstorming about ecosystem, userbases and codebases (3)
Feb 02    What is the reasoning behind the lack of conversions when passing (42)
Feb 02    Phobos 3 Discussion Notes - 02-01-2024 (87)
Feb 01    Please remove github workflow approval on dlang-community repositories (2)
Feb 01    LDC wasm target: suppressing needless exports? (6)
Jan 31    trick to avoid limits on run.dlang.io all compilers (6)
Jan 31    Perfect precision with Dlang, for scientific computations. (1)
Jan 31    Varargs issue with LDC (12)
Jan 30    Replacement of code-d extension for vscode?! (11)
Jan 29    Zig's Andrew Kelley: "The compiler is too dam slow, that's why we have (25)
Jan 22    Automating formatting for official D repos (12)
Jan 22    New blog post featuring D (8)
Jan 22    No Privacy Policy in D tools (dmd, dub, phobos, etc) (19)
Jan 20    Range Redesign: Copy Semantics (66)
Jan 20    `alias x = v.x;` not working in struct bodies? (23)
Jan 19    Lambda in UDA - undocumented behavior (4)
Jan 18    Is anyone running gtk4 is D? (4)
Jan 17    Improvement to struct inheritance possible? (11)
Jan 16    Should I invest time in D? (20)
Jan 16    I approved DIP1036e (77)
Jan 16    An idea; Coroutines (13)
Jan 15    D Bugzilla is still the right place to report problems (9)
Jan 15    looking for a D3 stl project (9)
Jan 15    The forked elephant in the room (156)
Jan 14    yet another string interp dip, simple edition (13)
Jan 14    Yet another terrible compile time argument proposal (19)
Jan 14    Warn about using the GC (32)
Jan 12    Tuples, CTFE, and Sliding Template Arguments (59)
Jan 12    [SAOC 2023] dfmt rewrite - Weekly update #17 (4)
Jan 12    [SAOC 2023] C++ STL INTEROP - WEEKLY UPDATE #17 (3)
Jan 11    named arguments, string interpolation, please stop. (143)
Jan 08    Interpolated strings and SQL (74)
Jan 08    Link error (issue 23209) (3)
Jan 07    Please fix `.init` property (15)
Jan 05    [SAOC 2023] C++ STL INTEROP - WEEKLY UPDATE #16 (1)
Jan 05    [SAOC 2023] dfmt rewrite - Weekly update #16 (1)
Jan 05    Named Arguments Status Update (27)
Jan 03    Making 2024 the Year of D (23)
Jan 02    We are forking D (246)
Jan 01    Need help for a test script in a PR for DMD (1)
Dec 30 2023    Thank you to Rainer: shared library support (7)
Dec 30 2023    lock-free library for D? (8)
Dec 29 2023    Poll/discussion: dfmt option for single vs double indents for (8)
Dec 25 2023    Shouldn't safety be the default. (24)
Dec 25 2023    dmd command line scripting experiments and observations (8)
Dec 10 2023    "Faster than Rust and C++: the PERFECT hash table" (8)
Nov 29 2023    Bring back foreach int indexes (34)
Nov 06 2023    https://tour.dlang.org/ is down (22)
Oct 27 2023    static switch over is expression cases? (2)
Sep 28 2023    Improve the OOP ABI (63)
Sep 04 2023    On the panel discussion at Dconf day 3 (42)
Jun 21 2023    Web Programming in D (4)
May 01 2023    GUI library for Windows with static binding (9)
May 27 2022    New safe rule: defensive closures (12)
Feb 28 2009    D for projects similar to Forth Interpreters? (12)

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