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Jul 25    What is an rvalue constructor? (2)
Jul 25    Prevent self-comparison without taking the address (10)
Jul 24    copy must be const?!? (12)
Jul 21    Using FFI to write a std::string to a buffer passed in from D (3)
Jul 20    Array concatenation & optimisation (9)
Jul 20    Tuple deconstruction in Phobos (4)
Jul 19    Unexpected range assignment behaviour (8)
Jul 18    Libraries for Model Loading (3)
Jul 18    Error: circular reference to variable cause by order (bugs?) (2)
Jul 13    std.container.rbtree has no search method?! e.g. `contains`, `canFind` (4)
Jul 13    How to build a statically linked executable, before i loose my mind (11)
Jul 09    Being reading a lot about betterC, but still have some questions (18)
Jul 08    Wrapper around a recursive data type (7)
Jul 07    Weird std.path API? (7)
Jul 07    Vibe.d v0.9.0, v0.10.0: ` dub init hello -t vibe.d` fails to build on (6)
Jul 01    odbc error Im008 sql server :( (1)
Jul 01    need help to get bitoffsetof bitwidth for clang (3)
Jul 01    Why does this mixin fail to compile? (17)
Jul 01    need help to check symbol is static variable or not (6)
Jun 29    Default struct constructors if a struct member is a union (7)
Jun 27    12 line program... `main` is a nested function when trying to use (4)
Jun 27    SumType extraction (8)
Jun 25    __asm LDC2: Attribute 'elementtype' type does not match parameter! (2)
Jun 24    Octal Prime Numbers (challenge) (2)
Jun 24    Why `foo.x.saa.aa` and `foo.y.saa.aa` is the same? `shared_AA.saa` (9)
Jun 23    Call an external program from CTFE (6)
Jun 21    importC Error: undefined identifier `__atomic_thread_fence` (2)
Jun 18    Why is this happening to my software? An illegal instruction error. (8)
Jun 18    Get Private Key in a File (2)
Jun 17    SHA256 Signature (3)
Jun 17    Google Auth API (4)
Jun 17    aligned struct field weirdness (4)
Jun 16    Pointer to dlang spec for this alias construct? (4)
Jun 16    DWT - Can't build release while building debug doesn't raise any (1)
Jun 16    What's the latest GDC stable release version? (5)
Jun 12    Feedback request from production of the usage of DWT (8)
Jun 11    How to assign and compare arrays to SumType? (6)
Jun 11    How to use D without the GC ? (38)
Jun 11    Comparing slice to an Array in assert (9)
Jun 08    How to generate a random number from system clock as seed (16)
Jun 07    Trying to call some C code using Extern(C) but got unexpected linker (3)
Jun 07    How do I install a non-outdated D compiler on Linux? (not in (4)
Jun 07    modInverse & powMod (2)
Jun 06    Unintentional sharing? (4)
Jun 04    bool passed by ref, safe or not ? (12)
Jun 04    How to pass in reference a fixed array in parameter (16)
May 31    Socket and spawn() (8)
May 29    need help to use C++ callback from garnet (3)
May 28    Get milliseconds from time and construct time based on milliseconds (5)
May 28    Hide console on Windows with app running SDL2 (3)
May 27    Implementation Details (2)
May 26    Problem with clear on shared associative array? (7)
May 24    How does one attach a manifest file to a D executable on Windows? (9)
May 24    Parallel safe associative array? (2)
May 16    __gshared is "somewhat" transitive, isn't it ? (2)
May 12    What prevents ImportC from using .h directly? (2)
May 12    Anybody know about SDL and particularly SDL_TTF initialization? (4)
May 11    FIFO (10)
May 11    How to load a DLL file in D? (3)
May 09    "in" operator gives a pointer result from a test against an (7)
May 09    moving from classical lex/yacc to pegged parser (2)
May 08    D doesn't have weak references. So how can I make a associative array (7)
May 06    TIL: statically initializing an Associative Array (5)
May 06    Why is Phobos `Flag` so overthought ? (10)
May 05    How can I put the current value of a variable into a delegate? (7)
May 05    Show dialog box for uncaught exception (Windows, lld-link) (4)
May 04    Turning fixed sized array into tuple (3)
May 03    Goto skipping declarations (5)
May 01    Recommendations for good concurrent hashset (esp. for strings)? (1)
May 01    aliasing private (2)
Apr 30    Phobos function to remove all occurances from dynamic array? (6)
Apr 29    dynamic linker flags with dub (3)
Apr 26    Challenge Tuples (12)
Apr 24    Recommendations on porting Python to D (18)
Apr 24    Range handling difficulties (3)
Apr 22    Adapting foreign iterators to D ranges (6)
Apr 21    Find homography in D? (5)
Apr 21    How to make project with main application and cli application in the (4)
Apr 19    Doing a `static foreach` or `foreach` through enum members in a (3)
Apr 19    Digger on Windows -- should it work? (2)
Apr 17    Statically compiled binary with C interop crashes. (4)
Apr 16    Making one struct work in place of another for function calls. (5)
Apr 13    How to set include paths of a c source in dub when using importc (9)
Apr 10    mmap file performance (7)
Apr 10    What I thought was straightforward blew up in my face.. (2)
Apr 10    Why does Nullable implicitly casts when assigning a variable but not (4)
Apr 09    How can I tell D that function args are nogc etc. (9)
Apr 09    Compile-time list of imported modules (1)
Apr 08    Setting up CI for Dub project on Github (3)
Apr 06    "Error: `TypeInfo` cannot be used with -betterC" on a CTFE function (19)
Apr 06    Using core/sys/posix/mqueue.d on FreeBSD (4)
Apr 05    Inconsistent chain (implicitly converts to int) (7)
Apr 05    Run unitest as default behaviour of a program. (1)
Apr 04    How to add a character literal to a string without ~ operator? (7)
Apr 04    How to resolve two packages requiring different versions of another (3)
Apr 04    CTFE write message to console (11)
Apr 03    How best to implement items and weapons in my RPG. Nested classes? (2)
Apr 01    How can I get an identifiquer of an usb or a harddisk? using C or Cpp (3)
Apr 01    Boneheaded question regarding compilation... (4)
Mar 31    Dub generated a visuald project for me that includes pegged + dqt (Qt (2)
Mar 30    std.traits.ParameterIdentifierTuple problem (12)
Mar 30    LDC Internal Compiler Error (ICE) mentioning attribute 'nocapture' (2)
Mar 29    How to make fields inaccessible (unreadable and unachangeable) outside (6)
Mar 28    range.chunks(2) error (2)
Mar 28    Opinions on iterating a struct to absorb the decoding of a CSV? (4)
Mar 27    Difference between chunks(stdin, 1) and stdin.rawRead? (3)
Mar 27    Unittests pass, and then an invalid memory operation happens after? (10)
Mar 27    Two chunks but No allocation (5)
Mar 26    Best way to use large C library in D as of 2024 (11)
Mar 26    request assistance resolving curl error (3)
Mar 25    How do I use libdparser, or any library for editing D code? (2)
Mar 24    Why is this code slow? (21)
Mar 24    impure (9)
Mar 23    How use SafeRefCounted in safe code safely? (1)
Mar 23    Mutate immutable inside shared static constructor (4)
Mar 23    Mutability issue (5)
Mar 23    Limits of implicit conversion of class arrays (6)
Mar 22    Implicit conversion of string to array of immutable ubytes (2)
Mar 22    Unexpected inefficiency of minIndex (2)
Mar 21    Optimization when using a 2-dimensional array of objects (3)
Mar 20    ImportC GUID compilation problem with some Windows headers (4)
Mar 20    DFLAGS and DMD Windows (3)
Mar 19    Had to reinstall my Raspberry Pi, how do I set up LDC2's environment (2)
Mar 17    Defining classes with cyclic dependencies (2)
Mar 16    Reworking the control flow for my tactical role-playing game (9)
Mar 16    DUB error I can't make sense of (4)
Mar 15    dub: Could not resolve configuration for package demo (5)
Mar 14    Deriving a struct from another one via template: Easy way to propagate (6)
Mar 14    varargs when they're not all the same type? (8)
Mar 14    Alguien me dice como podria conectarme a una base de datos en SQL (5)
Mar 13    How to connect SQLserver to Dlang using ddbc library (1)
Mar 13    How to make a struct containing an associative array to deeply copy (14)
Mar 13    The std.file rename method fails in the docker environment. (7)
Mar 11    Disable wrilten buf in docker (5)
Mar 11    Challenge: Make a data type for holding one of 8 directions allowing (19)
Mar 11    How to use eventcore write an echo server? (3)
Mar 11    static functions? (5)
Mar 11    Recommendation about templating engine library (9)
Mar 09    How to terminate thread under module destructor? (1)
Mar 09    DMD windows and Clang's llvm-link.exe (5)
Mar 08    Why am I getting segfaults when doing `foreach` with arrays of (5)
Mar 07    Can a D library have some types determined by the client program? (12)
Mar 06    Hidden members of Class objects (7)
Mar 04    Testing membership in associative array (3)
Mar 04    Need help with Windows linkage ( DMD using ImportC) (6)
Mar 03    Question on shared memory concurrency (6)
Mar 02    Why does disabling a struct's postblit increase its size in memory? (5)
Mar 02    Compile-time predicate for checking whether an aggregate field is (3)
Mar 02    New update fix (3)
Feb 28    question about ctfe init importC zero length array of struct (1)
Feb 28    Bind C++ template specialized with void parameter (3)
Feb 27    Array types and index types (2)
Feb 26    Is it possible to generate docs + json file without succesful (1)
Feb 26    importC with gc-sections not work on linux (3)
Feb 26    importC error Error: undefined identifier `__builtin_unreachable` (4)
Feb 25    need help with simple importC (2)
Feb 24    Error when using `import`. (19)
Feb 23    DIP 1036e not on the DIPs list? (2)
Feb 23    Searching for i" in the forum (3)
Feb 21    Missing library dependencies compiling app with importC (9)
Feb 20    Using ImportC to augment a big C project with D (4)
Feb 18    std.uni.CodepointSet from range of pairs of integers (6)
Feb 18    vibe.d still does not work on FreeBSD. (5)
Feb 15    Are exceptions caught in unittests? (6)
Feb 15    Circular enum member references in UDAs (3)
Feb 14    what was the problem with the old post blit operator already ? (6)
Feb 12    std.string.assumeUTF() silently casting mutable to immutable? (7)
Feb 10    LDC Stacktrace with symbols instead of addresses (4)
Feb 10    The difference between the dates in years (17)
Feb 09    Vibe D: Get access to files (2)
Feb 07    How to get the client's MAC address in Vibe (5)
Feb 06    std.uni CodepointSet toString (12)
Feb 05    How to unpack a tuple into multiple variables? (13)
Feb 05    real.sizeof (4)
Feb 02    profiling vibe (1)
Feb 02    Scripting with Variant from std.variant: parameter passing (9)
Feb 01    template/mixin magic for to! auto inferring type from variable (5)
Feb 01    import locality with function parameters (3)
Jan 31    how can I load html files and not .dt or diet files in vibe.d (7)
Jan 29    Safety is not what you think (5)
Jan 29    Branching of a discussion in forums? (5)
Jan 25    Using C++ Classes From D: dmd cannot link, while ldc segfault (5)
Jan 25    Accessing array elements with a pointer-to-array (7)
Jan 25    Why is the following failing? (7)
Jan 24    Function Composition (9)
Jan 23    Constructing arrays of structs (6)
Jan 23    opApply + const (5)
Jan 22    std.sumtype nested SumTypes (5)
Jan 22    Effective String to Date conversion? (3)
Jan 22    Setting field of struct object (24)
Jan 21    Providing implicit conversion of (26)
Jan 20    Partial function application (Currying) (7)
Jan 20    Delegates and values captured inside loops (11)
Jan 20    trouble with associative Arrays (4)
Jan 18    Re: Help optimize D solution to phone encoding problem: extremely (19)
Jan 18    Datetime format? (7)
Jan 17    vector crash (13)
Jan 17    length's type. (47)
Jan 17    compute from a string the text of a string literal (3)
Jan 16    Understanding the Use of Nested Import and Selective Import in D (11)
Jan 16    Nested delegates and closure allocations (5)
Jan 15    Would you recommend TDPL today? (5)
Jan 15    `static` function ... cannot access variable in frame of ... (8)
Jan 13    Help optimize D solution to phone encoding problem: extremely slow (40)
Jan 11    The One Billion Row Challenge (5)
Jan 10    How to use ImportC to import WebGPU header (5)
Jan 09    static array is not a range (8)
Jan 08    Using C header libs with importC (8)
Jan 08    Doubt about Struct and members (3)
Jan 07    linux dynamic library __gshared var (2)
Jan 07    Generating custom toString for structs (4)
Jan 05    Trying to understand map being a template (5)
Jan 03    Pick a class at random (3)
Jan 01    Synchronisation help (11)
Dec 30 2023    sokol-d: Static Struct (8)
Dec 29 2023    How to implement filterMap (9)
Dec 26 2023    Non-blocking keyboard input (6)
Oct 03 2023    macOS Sonoma Linker Issue (25)
Aug 07 2023    Setting up a final switch from a list (12)
Jul 16 2023    Print debug data (8)
Apr 29 2023    hunt-examples/website-basic (2)
Feb 05 2023    ImportC "no include path set" (15)
Jan 05 2023    Error "Outer Function Context is Needed" when class declared in (7)
Oct 28 2022    ImportC in a Dub project (15)
Aug 13 2022    chain of exceptions, next method (6)
Jan 01 2021    Socket handle leak and active handle warning with Vibe-D (19)
Jan 18 2019    Deprecation: foreach: loop index implicitly converted from size_t to (13)
Mar 04 2018    What's the proper way to add a local file dependence to dub? (8)
Nov 16 2017    User defined type and foreach (25)
Dec 14 2015    I Did It! Calling D Library from Objective C in XCode on OSX (21)
Feb 04 2014    How can i find my LAN IP Address using std.socket? (19)

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