digitalmars.D.learn - confused about template constructors and implicit type conversions
Would someone be able to explain this ? I can only seem to call a template constructor in one way, but I can't seem to pass what looks like an accepted type to the template constructor via a function call. /+ main.d +/ import std.stdio ; struct obj_ (T) { int demo ; this (int R,int C)(T[R][C] val) { writeln ("init for type is ",val.init) ; writeln ("num rows ",R ) ; writeln ("num cols ",C ) ; } } void check (obj_!float val) { writeln ("success") ; } int main () { float[3][4] testval ; obj_!float p = testval ; /+ works +/ check (testval) ; /+ not callable using argument types compiler error +/ return 0 ; }
Dec 04 2019
On Wednesday, 4 December 2019 at 23:53:53 UTC, NeeO wrote:Would someone be able to explain this ? I can only seem to call a template constructor in one way, but I can't seem to pass what looks like an accepted type to the template constructor via a function call. /+ main.d +/ import std.stdio ; struct obj_ (T) { int demo ; this (int R,int C)(T[R][C] val) { writeln ("init for type is ",val.init) ; writeln ("num rows ",R ) ; writeln ("num cols ",C ) ; } } void check (obj_!float val) { writeln ("success") ; } int main () { float[3][4] testval ; obj_!float p = testval ; /+ works +/ check (testval) ; /+ not callable using argument types compiler error +/ return 0 ; }Hello, the problem you encounter here is that D, per spec, does not perform implicit construction from parameters. You have to constructs explicitly. Nothing more to explain.
Dec 04 2019