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news.digitalmars.com - c++.dos.16-bits

Jun 21    80c186 embedded target ? (1)
Jun 06 2021    8086 PC-DOS 1.0 .COM target for C (4)
Jul 22 2018    Problems to build QuickC 2.5 hello.obj (hello world), small model (2)
Nov 29 2016    Getting Error Compiling 16-Bit Dos Source Code (2)
Apr 09 2012    How to make my 16-bit app 'play nice' under XP? (3)
Jan 07 2012    long long support in 16 bit memory models? (3)
Feb 23 2010    "org" directive (1)
Jan 21 2010    Suggestion for tiny sds.lib (1)
May 27 2009    How to install DOS 16 libraries (1)
Mar 23 2009    Virtual Memory For 640K DOS (3)
Feb 13 2009    Explicit cast to convert (1)
Aug 31 2007    strings (2)
Feb 27 2007    C++ Exceptions not working in 16bit DOS LARGE model? (2)
Nov 01 2006    fatal error LNK1123 (3)
Sep 18 2006    malloc() question (4)
Jul 22 2006    newsgroup moved to new server... (12)
Jan 14 2006    C++ Compression Library ? (2)
Mar 20 2005    spawnl problem (4)
Jan 05 2005    set start address of .com file (3)
Nov 25 2004    stack overflow - server2.c (3)
Nov 24 2004    weird compilation error - server2.c (6)
Jun 11 2004    Calling assembly functions from C++. (1)
Mar 14 2004    Drive Wipe (3)
Sep 11 2003    Debugging DOS applications (3)
Jul 31 2003    Problem with optlink/dmc and absolute segments (4)
Jul 06 2003    can't make a dos 16 bits program (2)
Jun 26 2003    Not picking up #defines from dos.h (4)
Apr 07 2003    8086 froze on long variable usage (13)
Apr 04 2003    Size optimization (2)
Mar 21 2003    Zinc Application Framework (4)
Mar 16 2003    Optlink Problem (3)
Feb 16 2003    fopen requires const char instead of char in other compilers (5)
Feb 15 2003    wrong code generated by tiny program of below thread (5)
Feb 14 2003    best compiler settings for fastest code of tiny C program? (8)
Jan 12 2003    Implementation of a delay() function (9)
Oct 21 2002    putchar/printf question; \r translates to \n\r on output (1)
Sep 18 2002    Serial Communications Help (2)
Aug 12 2002    CodeView crashing on some .exe's (2)
Jun 29 2002    sc -s loops forever for 16-bit code (2)
Jun 29 2002    Which instructions sets are supported? (2)
Jun 24 2002    bool behaviour (3)
Jun 22 2002    hybrid MS-DOS/Win32 exe? (2)
Mar 21 2002    Exceptions (6)
Mar 10 2002    Clipper (9)
Feb 17 2002    CAN NOT with intdos(). (3)
Jan 30 2002    Problem with function containing inline assembly (4)
Jan 16 2002    DOS 64Kb error (2)
Jan 08 2002    int86 is broken (7)
Jan 07 2002    HELP!!! Zortech V2.1 disks lost (2)
Oct 02 2001    32-bit emmulation bug (2)
Sep 12 2001    Replacing Borland's TLINK (11)
Sep 11 2001    STACK (2)
Aug 31 2001    TSR and DOS stack problem (2)
Aug 14 2001    TSR and stack (2)
Aug 09 2001    Bug when Bit-Shifting a long (2)
Jul 28 2001    BLAZE.EXE (1)
Jul 16 2001    Bug...? register variable CX is used for shifting another register variable SI. (5)
Jul 10 2001    How do I specify near call to make static object to construct? (6)
Jun 09 2001    'this' is always to access to DS: ? (4)
Jun 04 2001    New newsgroups! (9)
Jun 04 2001    DOS 16-bits (1)

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