
D Programming Language 2.0

Last update Wed Apr 11 21:24:27 2012


The std.cstream module bridges std.c.stdio (or std.stdio) and std.stream. Both std.c.stdio and std.stream are publicly imported by std.cstream.

Boost License 1.0.

Ben Hinkle


class CFile: std.stream.Stream;
A Stream wrapper for a C file of type FILE*.

this(shared(_iobuf)* cfile, FileMode mode, bool seekable = false);
Create the stream wrapper for the given C file.

FileMode mode a bitwise combination of FileMode.In for a readable file and FileMode.Out for a writeable file.
bool seekable indicates if the stream should be seekable.

@property shared(_iobuf)* file();
@property void file(shared(_iobuf)* cfile);
Property to get or set the underlying file for this stream. Setting the file marks the stream as open.

void flush();
void close();
bool eof();
char getc();
char ungetc(char c);
size_t readBlock(void* buffer, size_t size);
size_t writeBlock(const void* buffer, size_t size);
ulong seek(long offset, SeekPos rel);
void writeLine(const(char)[] s);
void writeLineW(const(wchar)[] s);
Overrides of the Stream methods to call the underlying FILE* C functions.

CFile din;
CFile wrapper of std.c.stdio.stdin (not seekable).

CFile dout;
CFile wrapper of std.c.stdio.stdout (not seekable).

CFile derr;
CFile wrapper of std.c.stdio.stderr (not seekable).