digitalmars.D - std.experimental.checkedint is ready for comments!
- Robert burner Schadek (32/32) Jun 07 2016 As with many other languages (C, C++, Java, etc.), D's built-in
- tsbockman (3/4) Jun 07 2016 Thanks.
- Jack Stouffer (5/6) Jun 09 2016 I left my commentary in the PR. Overall it looks pretty good
- Robert burner Schadek (6/6) Jun 14 2016 In two weeks I will talk to tsbockmann how much time he needs to
- Andrea Fontana (3/9) Jun 14 2016 Any documentation/example?
- Andrea Fontana (2/12) Jun 14 2016 Whoops I see it's in PR. You should link here too :)
- tsbockman (3/6) Jun 14 2016 I can't, because the link is not stable. The docs are rebuilt and
- =?UTF-8?B?Tm9yZGzDtnc=?= (25/26) Jun 14 2016 I also have
- =?UTF-8?B?Tm9yZGzDtnc=?= (3/4) Jun 14 2016 Should be:
- tsbockman (26/28) Jun 14 2016 I spent some time studying the possibility of a `BoundInt` type.
- =?UTF-8?B?Tm9yZGzDtnc=?= (2/5) Jun 14 2016 Ok. Thanks.
- Walter Bright (5/12) Jun 14 2016 What the differences between these types are is unclear, for example, th...
- Walter Bright (3/16) Jun 14 2016 A better explanation:
- Walter Bright (43/43) Jun 14 2016 Overall, I find the documentation to be unusually good. Nice work!
- tsbockman (40/91) Jun 14 2016 Originally I wanted to have the policies just be `throws` and
- Walter Bright (8/34) Jun 14 2016 Something better than 'N'.
- tsbockman (22/40) Jun 14 2016 `Int`? `Base`?
- tsbockman (3/12) Jun 14 2016 Done. (It turns out that they were actually already supported,
- Walter Bright (3/6) Jun 15 2016 Ain't it cool when that happens?
- Walter Bright (12/37) Jun 15 2016 Since they aren't recursive, that shouldn't be a problem. Besides, the s...
- tsbockman (30/59) Jun 15 2016 `BaseInt`?
- Jacob Carlborg (6/10) Jun 14 2016 nothrow is actually two words, "no" and "throw". Therefore the symbol
- tsbockman (9/11) Jun 14 2016 This is specified fully in the template constraints:
- Walter Bright (4/13) Jun 14 2016 The fact that anyone has to write !isUnqual, i.e. a double negative, is ...
- tsbockman (14/23) Jun 14 2016 Generic code (contrived, oversimplified example):
- Walter Bright (4/5) Jun 15 2016 Ok. I'd just change the constraint to:
- tsbockman (21/27) Jun 15 2016 This was a deliberate design decision, which I do not think
- tsbockman (3/5) Jun 14 2016 Done.
- Walter Bright (2/5) Jun 15 2016 I hope you like the results, and are not doing it just because I asked.
- tsbockman (4/12) Jun 15 2016 Definitely the latter. :-)
- tsbockman (3/6) Jun 14 2016 Fixed and linked, like -O.
- Walter Bright (2/8) Jun 15 2016 Tip 'o the hat.
- Andrei Alexandrescu (110/112) Jun 15 2016 Thanks for this work. Documentation can be seen here:
- Walter Bright (7/13) Jun 15 2016 Just a note to add to these excellent comments. One style of integer ari...
- Andrei Alexandrescu (3/21) Jun 15 2016 Also, the proposed design mentions "hysteresis" and allows Hook to
- tsbockman (108/152) Jun 15 2016 Your message was very long, so for the moment I'm going to filter
- tsbockman (32/49) Jun 15 2016 Re-reading what I wrote there, I makes it sound like the closed
- Andrei Alexandrescu (5/30) Jun 15 2016 I don't agree with this. On the face of it, three built-in policies
- tsbockman (9/18) Jun 15 2016 Well, I'm satisfied with my design in this respect, and
- tsbockman (20/22) Jun 15 2016 I already sent a much longer message detailing some of the
- tsbockman (5/13) Jun 15 2016 I should mention that one possible "trimming" would be to remove
- Andrei Alexandrescu (24/42) Jun 15 2016 I'd say that's a fair assessment on the face of it. But the pieces are
- tsbockman (40/90) Jun 15 2016 I set out to solve a specific problem with `checkedint`, and I
- Andrei Alexandrescu (19/29) Jun 15 2016 Apologies about that. I've done a bit of spelunking to see what
- tsbockman (35/65) Jun 15 2016 Numerous other mentions were made of this project in various
- lobo (11/51) Jun 15 2016 Has this work/design been submitted as a DIP? I cannot find it.
- Andrei Alexandrescu (6/9) Jun 16 2016 We're still working on making DIPs a process that requires leadership to...
- tsbockman (5/15) Jun 16 2016 My observation has been that the DIP process is not followed, in
- John Colvin (6/27) Jun 16 2016 I think anything sufficiently large is likely to be reviewed in
- tsbockman (19/25) Jun 16 2016 I think that consideration should be given to splitting reviews
- Andrei Alexandrescu (14/39) Jun 16 2016 I am sure there were, which was especially visible to you because you
- tsbockman (5/24) Jun 16 2016 Yes, it's mostly a process issue, not an individual one. See my
- Steven Schveighoffer (37/92) Jun 16 2016 This is a good point. I personally have avoided doing anything in 1-8
- tsbockman (38/40) Jun 16 2016 Having had some time to think about all it now, I believe this
- Walter Bright (9/16) Jun 16 2016 +1
- Jack Stouffer (2/3) Jun 16 2016 Your HTTPS cert seems to be broken
- Walter Bright (5/13) Jun 16 2016 It's a consequence of starting to read a document cold, i.e. the first t...
- tsbockman (10/26) Jun 16 2016 Yes I understand - it's a very natural thing to do (and I have
- Walter Bright (8/10) Jun 16 2016 Andrei is in charge of the library and has my full support.
- tsbockman (10/20) Jun 16 2016 There are many ways to go about "raising the bar"; making Andrei
- Ola Fosheim =?UTF-8?B?R3LDuHN0YWQ=?= (3/6) Jun 16 2016 I think maybe the C++ approach is better. If you want something
- deadalnix (3/9) Jun 17 2016 std.experimental should probably be our boost.
- Ola Fosheim =?UTF-8?B?R3LDuHN0YWQ=?= (10/21) Jun 17 2016 It could be, but "experimental" sends signals of not being
- Jacob Carlborg (6/7) Jun 17 2016 We have to make it very clear, somewhere, exactly what requires Andrei's...
- Walter Bright (2/7) Jun 17 2016 Certainly, adding new modules would.
- tsbockman (7/12) Jun 17 2016 What caught me off guard here isn't that Andrei had to approve it
- jmh530 (3/7) Jun 17 2016 I hope you don't get too discouraged. Even if not in phobos, the
- Walter Bright (16/21) Jun 17 2016 History is full of examples of individuals who decide they can do better...
- Robert burner Schadek (51/51) Jun 17 2016 What you said is true, but IMO you're missing the point.
- Walter Bright (15/18) Jun 17 2016 I do all the time. The net result - nothing happens.
- Robert burner Schadek (8/8) Jun 18 2016 Ok, where is this list? And where is list for phobos?
- Walter Bright (35/39) Jun 18 2016 I've posted them from time to time. Most recently I put a "call to actio...
- Jacob Carlborg (7/34) Jun 18 2016 Now you're doing exactly as you're telling us not to do. Writing an
- Walter Bright (2/5) Jun 18 2016 Good point.
- Robert burner Schadek (22/23) Jun 18 2016 I created this:
- Walter Bright (3/19) Jun 18 2016 That is a most excellent and valuable set of projects you're working on!
- tsbockman (27/32) Jun 18 2016 People actually have been working on a lot of the stuff in your
- Walter Bright (6/13) Jun 18 2016 Actually, Andrei has agreed with the issues autodecoding has, he's just
- tsbockman (13/24) Jun 18 2016 Unless you're trying to say that Andrei has now agreed to
- tsbockman (19/34) Jun 17 2016 That has nothing to do with my point: "better" is subjective, and
- Walter Bright (6/8) Jun 17 2016 You know, I do sympathize, even if I don't agree. One big motivation for...
- tsbockman (10/21) Jun 17 2016 Indeed, D has many excellent ideas. I hope that some day you'll
- Walter Bright (2/4) Jun 17 2016 Thanks, that's a good plan.
- Timon Gehr (2/9) Jun 15 2016
- Andrei Alexandrescu (4/14) Jun 15 2016 Nice! On first glance (number of steps :o)) these looks like what I had
- tsbockman (23/28) Jun 15 2016 Another angle on why `checkedint` does not currently include a
- Andrei Alexandrescu (3/7) Jun 15 2016 Fair point, though one could make the same claim for integers within
- tsbockman (9/19) Jun 15 2016 Sure. I'm just trying to explain my design goals and philosophy -
- Andrei Alexandrescu (2/18) Jun 15 2016 My perception is your implementation is professional. -- Andrei
- tsbockman (3/13) Jun 15 2016 Thank you.
As with many other languages (C, C++, Java, etc.), D's built-in integer data types are quite difficult to use correctly. It is tempting to think of int, for example, as if it were an actual mathematical integer. Doing so, however leads to buggy code due to unintuitive behaviour like: * Wrapped overflow * Reinterpretation of signed values as unsigned in mixed expressions * Floating Point Exceptions which aren't Exceptions and have nothing to do with floating point * Formally "undefined behaviour" with some inputs for various operations This checkedint module provides alternative operations and types (SafeInt,SmartInt) that protect the user from most difficulties of this sort, while maintaining good performance (provided that inlining and optimizations are enabled). == SmartInt == SmartInt smartOp strive to actually give the mathematically correct answer whenever possible, rather than just signaling an error. == SafeInt == SafeInt safeOp strive to match the behaviour of the basic integral types exactly, $(B except) that where the behaviour of the basic type is wrong, or very unintuitive, an error is signaled instead. The main downsides to using checkedint are: Some added friction when interfacing to non-checkedint-aware code. Slower compilation and larger binaries. PR: DUB: I will do the review management.
Jun 07 2016
On Tuesday, 7 June 2016 at 08:50:07 UTC, Robert burner Schadek wrote:I will do the review management.Thanks.
Jun 07 2016
On Tuesday, 7 June 2016 at 08:50:07 UTC, Robert burner Schadek wrote:...I left my commentary in the PR. Overall it looks pretty good design wise, and I would totally vote for it's inclusion in Phobos.
Jun 09 2016
In two weeks I will talk to tsbockmann how much time he needs to work in all comments. After he is done I will start the formal review phase. p.s. everybody please take an interest. This module can give D another strategic advantage over our competition.
Jun 14 2016
On Tuesday, 14 June 2016 at 10:20:58 UTC, Robert burner Schadek wrote:In two weeks I will talk to tsbockmann how much time he needs to work in all comments. After he is done I will start the formal review phase. p.s. everybody please take an interest. This module can give D another strategic advantage over our competition.Any documentation/example?
Jun 14 2016
On Tuesday, 14 June 2016 at 10:33:34 UTC, Andrea Fontana wrote:On Tuesday, 14 June 2016 at 10:20:58 UTC, Robert burner Schadek wrote:Whoops I see it's in PR. You should link here too :)In two weeks I will talk to tsbockmann how much time he needs to work in all comments. After he is done I will start the formal review phase. p.s. everybody please take an interest. This module can give D another strategic advantage over our competition.Any documentation/example?
Jun 14 2016
On Tuesday, 14 June 2016 at 10:34:49 UTC, Andrea Fontana wrote:On Tuesday, 14 June 2016 at 10:33:34 UTC, Andrea Fontana wrote:I can't, because the link is not stable. The docs are rebuilt and given a new URL every time I update the PR.Any documentation/example?Whoops I see it's in PR. You should link here too :)
Jun 14 2016
On Tuesday, 7 June 2016 at 08:50:07 UTC, Robert burner Schadek wrote:PR: also have providing Ada-style range type at and providing Ada-style module type at I'm currently using `Mod` in an useful way here unittested here to automatically get bounded integers when searching for elements in static arrays. In turn, I'm using this in my radix tree implementation here to provide more type-safe indexing of statically sized arryas. I know, it's big, but it *is* motivated when accessing static arrays in specialized containers like radix trees. Have you thought about extending checkedint to something similar to bounded integer wrapper type like my `bound.d`? Not that my `Bound`-type probably should be used inplace of `Mod`, but I haven't had time to do the switch yet.
Jun 14 2016
On Tuesday, 14 June 2016 at 10:39:01 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:providing Ada-style module type atShould be: providing Ada-style modulo type at
Jun 14 2016
On Tuesday, 14 June 2016 at 10:39:01 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:Have you thought about extending checkedint to something similar to bounded integer wrapper type like my `bound.d`?I spent some time studying the possibility of a `BoundInt` type. Some conclusions I reached: 1) Designing and implementing `BoundInt` to my standards for quality and performance would be a large project of similar magnitude to what has already been done on `checkedint`, which took me about a year. (And I was building on the earlier work of burner and others.) 2) `BoundInt` is not a replacement for `SafeInt` or `SmartInt`, although they would likely share some parts of the implementation. 3) Adding `BoundInt` later should not require any breaking changes to the public API of `checkedint`. 4) Pervasive, natural use of `BoundInt` in large systems (like Phobos) may cause *awful* template bloat issues, depending on the design used. (Improvements to the compiler front-end could mitigate this issue, in the long run.) Given the above, I believe we should move forward with `checkedint` as-is. Someone can add a `BoundInt` type to it later, if there is demand.
Jun 14 2016
On Tuesday, 14 June 2016 at 13:58:29 UTC, tsbockman wrote:Given the above, I believe we should move forward with `checkedint` as-is. Someone can add a `BoundInt` type to it later, if there is demand.Ok. Thanks.
Jun 14 2016
Thanks for doing this! On 6/7/2016 1:50 AM, Robert burner Schadek wrote:== SmartInt == SmartInt smartOp strive to actually give the mathematically correct answer whenever possible, rather than just signaling an error. == SafeInt == SafeInt safeOp strive to match the behaviour of the basic integral types exactly, $(B except) that where the behaviour of the basic type is wrong, or very unintuitive, an error is signaled instead.What the differences between these types are is unclear, for example, the former says "correct" and the latter says "not wrong". Also, "very unintuitive" has a pretty slippery meaning.
Jun 14 2016
On 6/14/2016 4:25 PM, Walter Bright wrote:Thanks for doing this! On 6/7/2016 1:50 AM, Robert burner Schadek wrote:A better explanation: SmartInt == SmartInt smartOp strive to actually give the mathematically correct answer whenever possible, rather than just signaling an error. == SafeInt == SafeInt safeOp strive to match the behaviour of the basic integral types exactly, $(B except) that where the behaviour of the basic type is wrong, or very unintuitive, an error is signaled instead.What the differences between these types are is unclear, for example, the former says "correct" and the latter says "not wrong". Also, "very unintuitive" has a pretty slippery meaning.
Jun 14 2016
Overall, I find the documentation to be unusually good. Nice work! ================================================ .noex The .noex member is oddly named, being a negative and no idea what 'ex' means. It sets a sticky flag on error, so perhaps .sticky? --- N is a basic integral type, it needs a better name than 'N'. How about 'BaseType' or even 'BaseIntegralType'? A complete list of what types are acceptable for 'N' would be desirous, too. --- 'bscal' is a complete mystery without reading the documentation. Perhaps 'value' instead? --- enum IntFlagPolicy policy; Should contain a link to the complete explanation. --- Should have a "References:" section with link to core.checkedint --- -O (DMD) should be a link to the -O flag instructions --- '--inline' is not a DMD switch --- Remove all use of 'you' and 'your' from the documentation. For example: "If you really need more speed, try switching to DebugInt for the hottest code in your program (like inner loops) before giving up on checkedint entirely." becomes: "For more speed, switch to DebugInt for the hottest code in the program (like inner loops)." (The internal link to DebugInt is wrong.) And: "This way, you can use SafeInt!N to debug your integer logic in testing, but switch to basic N in release mode for maximum speed and the smallest binaries." becomes: "This way, use SafeInt!N to debug integer logic in testing, but switch to basic N in release mode for maximum speed and the smallest binaries." Reference material should never contain "you" or "your". --- "debuggin" => "debugging" --- There's an overall lack of use of internal links to navigate within the page. --- Functions are tagged safe. Are there any unsafe functions?
Jun 14 2016
On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 00:16:12 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:Overall, I find the documentation to be unusually good. Nice work!Thanks. :-D================================================ .noex The .noex member is oddly named, being a negative and no idea what 'ex' means. It sets a sticky flag on error, so perhaps .sticky?Originally I wanted to have the policies just be `throws` and `nothrow` - but of course `nothrow` is a keyword, so I chose `noex` (short for "no exceptions") instead. I agree it looks kind of odd though, especially since I later added the `asserts` policy. I'll consider renaming `noex`, or at least add an explanation of the mnemonic to the docs.--- N is a basic integral type, it needs a better name than 'N'. How about 'BaseType' or even 'BaseIntegralType'? A complete list of what types are acceptable for 'N' would be desirous, too.`N` is not a public symbol, and it's used all over the place. Do I really need to give it some giant multi-word name? Besides which, Phobos uses single-letter names for template parameter type names all over the place.--- 'bscal' is a complete mystery without reading the documentation. Perhaps 'value' instead?`value` is a very popular name for function parameters and local variables. `bscal` needs a more obscure name to prevent the free function version (a shim to facilitate uniform treatment of basic integral types and checkedint types in generic code) from shadowing or being shadowed by local symbols. (I originally called it `value`, but changed it once I realized how annoying it is not to be able to use that name for anything else in generic code that uses `checkedint`.) Also, I prefer a more unfriendly name for `bscal` to remind people that accessing it entails giving up all of the safety benefits of `checkedint`. The fact that it's grep-able, too, could be helpful to linters and the like.--- enum IntFlagPolicy policy; Should contain a link to the complete explanation. --- Should have a "References:" section with link to core.checkedint --- -O (DMD) should be a link to the -O flag instructions --- '--inline' is not a DMD switch --- Remove all use of 'you' and 'your' from the documentation. For example: "If you really need more speed, try switching to DebugInt for the hottest code in your program (like inner loops) before giving up on checkedint entirely." becomes: "For more speed, switch to DebugInt for the hottest code in the program (like inner loops)." (The internal link to DebugInt is wrong.) And: "This way, you can use SafeInt!N to debug your integer logic in testing, but switch to basic N in release mode for maximum speed and the smallest binaries." becomes: "This way, use SafeInt!N to debug integer logic in testing, but switch to basic N in release mode for maximum speed and the smallest binaries." Reference material should never contain "you" or "your". --- "debuggin" => "debugging" --- There's an overall lack of use of internal links to navigate within the page.I will work on the docs some more.--- Functions are tagged safe. Are there any unsafe functions?Sort of. There are a small number of template functions in `checkedint` that call some outside function whose safety is unspecified, requiring the safe-ty of the `checkedint` function to be inferred. I believe the complete list currently is: * SmartInt.toString(sink, fmt) * SafeInt.toString(sink, fmt) * * IntFlag.toString(sink, fmt) * IntFlags.toString(sink, fmt) (It would be great if we could fill in the gaps in D's attribute system - it's kind of ridiculous that for every attribute, there is at least one possible mode that cannot be indicated explicitly in any way.)
Jun 14 2016
On 6/14/2016 8:15 PM, tsbockman wrote:It appears all over the public documentation.N is a basic integral type, it needs a better name than 'N'. How about 'BaseType' or even 'BaseIntegralType'? A complete list of what types are acceptable for 'N' would be desirous, too.`N` is not a public symbol, and it's used all over the place.Do I really need to give it some giant multi-word name?Something better than 'N'.Besides which, Phobos uses single-letter names for template parameter type names all over the place.Generally 'T' is used for 'any type'. 'N' has no corresponding significance.Greppability is inddeed a plus, but 'bscal' is needlessly uninformative. Note that publicly facing names should not be so.--- 'bscal' is a complete mystery without reading the documentation. Perhaps 'value' instead?`value` is a very popular name for function parameters and local variables. `bscal` needs a more obscure name to prevent the free function version (a shim to facilitate uniform treatment of basic integral types and checkedint types in generic code) from shadowing or being shadowed by local symbols. (I originally called it `value`, but changed it once I realized how annoying it is not to be able to use that name for anything else in generic code that uses `checkedint`.) Also, I prefer a more unfriendly name for `bscal` to remind people that accessing it entails giving up all of the safety benefits of `checkedint`. The fact that it's grep-able, too, could be helpful to linters and the like.I will work on the docs some more.Thank you.* SmartInt.toString(sink, fmt) * SafeInt.toString(sink, fmt) * * IntFlag.toString(sink, fmt) * IntFlags.toString(sink, fmt)I see no love for output ranges :-(
Jun 14 2016
On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 03:42:52 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:On 6/14/2016 8:15 PM, tsbockman wrote:`Int`? `Base`? Whatever it is needs to be short; `BaseIntegralType` is *way* too long for this and would make many of the signatures painfully verbose.Do I really need to give it some giant multi-word name?Something better than 'N'.I have seen all of `S`, `F`, `G`, `X`, `R`, `C`, `A`, and `B` used as template parameter names in Phobos. Often there is no particular significance to the letter chosen, but the purpose of the parameter is obvious from the context, anyway. Using short template parameter names helps keep D's already-very-long signatures from growing even longer than they already are.Besides which, Phobos uses single-letter names for template parameter type names all over the place.Generally 'T' is used for 'any type'. 'N' has no corresponding significance.Greppability is inddeed a plus, but 'bscal' is needlessly uninformative. Note that publicly facing names should not be so.`basic`? `base`? Again, this needs to be short for readability and usability. Normally it's not needed at all, but when it is needed (like in the implementation of `SmartInt` and `SafeInt`), it tends to be needed *a lot*. The obvious choices - `value`, `val`, or `raw` - are out because of the shadowing problem.I will add support. Someone should update this wiki page with whatever the current best practice is: will work on the docs some more.Thank you.* SmartInt.toString(sink, fmt) * SafeInt.toString(sink, fmt) * * IntFlag.toString(sink, fmt) * IntFlags.toString(sink, fmt)I see no love for output ranges :-(
Jun 14 2016
On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 04:48:02 UTC, tsbockman wrote:On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 03:42:52 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:Done. (It turns out that they were actually already supported, but I updated the docs to make this clearer.)I will add support.* SmartInt.toString(sink, fmt) * SafeInt.toString(sink, fmt) * * IntFlag.toString(sink, fmt) * IntFlags.toString(sink, fmt)I see no love for output ranges :-(
Jun 14 2016
On 6/14/2016 11:17 PM, tsbockman wrote:Done.Pretty dazz!(It turns out that they were actually already supported, but I updated the docs to make this clearer.)Ain't it cool when that happens?
Jun 15 2016
On 6/14/2016 9:48 PM, tsbockman wrote:On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 03:42:52 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:'Integer' would work fine.On 6/14/2016 8:15 PM, tsbockman wrote:`Int`? `Base`?Do I really need to give it some giant multi-word name?Something better than 'N'.Whatever it is needs to be short; `BaseIntegralType` is *way* too long for this and would make many of the signatures painfully verbose.Since they aren't recursive, that shouldn't be a problem. Besides, the signature will be the actual type name, not the alias for it.1. Each one should be evaluated on its own merits. 2. Style is not something cast in stone, we try to constant evolve better ways. 3. Bad practice in one case is not a rationale to use bad practice elsewhere :-) 4. You mentioned greppability - 'N' is as ungreppable as it gets!I have seen all of `S`, `F`, `G`, `X`, `R`, `C`, `A`, and `B` used as template parameter names in Phobos. Often there is no particular significance to the letter chosen, but the purpose of the parameter is obvious from the context, anyway.Besides which, Phobos uses single-letter names for template parameter type names all over the place.Generally 'T' is used for 'any type'. 'N' has no corresponding significance.Using short template parameter names helps keep D's already-very-long signatures from growing even longer than they already are.The parameter names don't appear in the signature.'integer'? (to go with 'Integer' for the type)Greppability is inddeed a plus, but 'bscal' is needlessly uninformative. Note that publicly facing names should not be so.`basic`? `base`?Again, this needs to be short for readability and usability. Normally it's not needed at all, but when it is needed (like in the implementation of `SmartInt` and `SafeInt`), it tends to be needed *a lot*.Internal to the implementation does not require it to be short.Thank you.I see no love for output ranges :-(I will add support.
Jun 15 2016
On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 07:16:18 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:On 6/14/2016 9:48 PM, tsbockman wrote:`BaseInt`? `SmartInt!Integer` looks weird to me, because of the repetition. Also, if we're going to use a long name like that I think it should hint at the fact that the true base type of a checked integer type is always a basic type, not a custom type like `SmartInt` or `BigInt`.`Int`? `Base`?'Integer' would work fine.Besides, the signature will be the actual type name, not the alias for it.I'm not sure what you're getting at here? I'm concerned about how stuff like this appears in the docs (which is the only place where the user will ever see this name). Obviously the docs must use the alias, since they are for the generic type, rather than a specific instantiation.Obviously I don't think your way is better. :-)I have seen all of `S`, `F`, `G`, `X`, `R`, `C`, `A`, and `B` used as template parameter names in Phobos. Often there is no particular significance to the letter chosen, but the purpose of the parameter is obvious from the context, anyway.1. Each one should be evaluated on its own merits. 2. Style is not something cast in stone, we try to constant evolve better ways.3. Bad practice in one case is not a rationale to use bad practice elsewhere :-)But when a practice works out fine in one case, that *is* evidence that it is likely to work out in others.4. You mentioned greppability - 'N' is as ungreppable as it gets!Which is irrelevant, because `N`/`BaseIntegralType`/whatever will never appear in the user's code (but `bscal` will).They appear in the docs. I'm talking about the docs, because that's the only place anyone outside the Phobos dev team will ever see the `N`/`Integer`/whatever name.Using short template parameter names helps keep D's already-very-long signatures from growing even longer than they already are.The parameter names don't appear in the signature.Keeping names that don't need to be long short(ish) makes it a lot easier for me to read code. Also, in practice people usually choose convenience over safety. If writing an algorithm using `checkedint` instead of the basic integer types makes the algorithm twice as long, the vast majority of people simply won't use `checkedint`. For me, there is no point to pursuing inclusion of `checkedint` in Phobos if doing so requires making the API so verbose that no one will want to use it. (Which is not to say that `.bscal` => `.integer` is such a problem.)Again, this needs to be short for readability and usability. Normally it's not needed at all, but when it is needed (like in the implementation of `SmartInt` and `SafeInt`), it tends to be needed *a lot*.Internal to the implementation does not require it to be short.
Jun 15 2016
On 2016-06-15 05:15, tsbockman wrote:Originally I wanted to have the policies just be `throws` and `nothrow` - but of course `nothrow` is a keyword, so I chose `noex` (short for "no exceptions") instead. I agree it looks kind of odd though, especially since I later added the `asserts` policy.nothrow is actually two words, "no" and "throw". Therefore the symbol should be noThrow. Solving both the conflict with the keyword and using correct grammar :) -- /Jacob Carlborg
Jun 14 2016
On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 00:16:12 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:A complete list of what types are acceptable for 'N' would be desirous, too.This is specified fully in the template constraints: if (isIntegral!N && isUnqual!N) if ((isIntegral!N && !isUnqual!N) || isCheckedint!N) The second overload simply forwards to the first, after applying BasicScalar!(Unqual!N). However, I recall that new users tend to get confused/intimidated by template constraints, so I suppose I should add a prose explanation to the docs, as well.
Jun 14 2016
On 6/14/2016 8:23 PM, tsbockman wrote:On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 00:16:12 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:Why would a checkedint be a base type for a checkedint?A complete list of what types are acceptable for 'N' would be desirous, too.This is specified fully in the template constraints: if (isIntegral!N && isUnqual!N) if ((isIntegral!N && !isUnqual!N) || isCheckedint!N) The second overload simply forwards to the first, after applying BasicScalar!(Unqual!N).However, I recall that new users tend to get confused/intimidated by template constraints, so I suppose I should add a prose explanation to the docs, as well.The fact that anyone has to write !isUnqual, i.e. a double negative, is crummy design. But that's not your fault :-)
Jun 14 2016
On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 03:45:39 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:On 6/14/2016 8:23 PM, tsbockman wrote:Generic code (contrived, oversimplified example): import checkedint.throws, checkedint.traits; SmartInt!(typeof(A.init + B.init)) add(A, B)(const A a, const B b) if (isIntegral!A && isIntegral!B) { SmartInt!A ma = a; SmartInt!B mb = b; return ma + mb; } Of course I could force the user to write `BasicScalar` everywhere - but why? The intent is just as clear this way, and it's less verbose.This is specified fully in the template constraints: if (isIntegral!N && isUnqual!N) if ((isIntegral!N && !isUnqual!N) || isCheckedint!N) The second overload simply forwards to the first, after applying BasicScalar!(Unqual!N).Why would a checkedint be a base type for a checkedint?
Jun 14 2016
On 6/14/2016 9:57 PM, tsbockman wrote:The intent is just as clear this way, and it's less verbose.Ok. I'd just change the constraint to: if (isIntegral!N || isCheckedint!N) You can do the qualification machinations using a static if inside the template.
Jun 15 2016
On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 07:08:22 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:On 6/14/2016 9:57 PM, tsbockman wrote:This was a deliberate design decision, which I do not think should be changed (although I will if you insist): * With your signature, the user may wrongly expect SmartInt to support qualified `N`. My scheme encodes the fact that only unqualified types are *really* supported in the public signatures. (I should add an explanatory note about this in the docs, too.) * Your scheme will make uglier and more verbose error messages and fully qualified type signatures, as `SmartInt` will become `SmartInt.SmartInt` or `SmartIntImpl`. This is confusing for users who are not familiar with the details of D's template system, and still annoying for the rest of us. * Your scheme will also complicate the docs, as it will replace the top-level entry for `struct SmartInt` with a nested `template SmartInt` => `struct SmartInt` entry.The intent is just as clear this way, and it's less verbose.Ok. I'd just change the constraint to: if (isIntegral!N || isCheckedint!N) You can do the qualification machinations using a static if inside the template.
Jun 15 2016
On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 00:16:12 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:Remove all use of 'you' and 'your' from the documentation.Done."debuggin" => "debugging"Done.
Jun 14 2016
On 6/14/2016 11:16 PM, tsbockman wrote:On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 00:16:12 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:I hope you like the results, and are not doing it just because I asked.Remove all use of 'you' and 'your' from the documentation.Done.
Jun 15 2016
On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 07:17:56 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:On 6/14/2016 11:16 PM, tsbockman wrote:Definitely the latter. :-) I have heard such rules before, and they seem silly to me, personally. But, it's not a big deal either way, so I changed it.On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 00:16:12 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:I hope you like the results, and are not doing it just because I asked.Remove all use of 'you' and 'your' from the documentation.Done.
Jun 15 2016
On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 00:16:12 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:-O (DMD) should be a link to the -O flag instructions'--inline' is not a DMD switchFixed and linked, like -O.
Jun 14 2016
On 6/14/2016 11:32 PM, tsbockman wrote:On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 00:16:12 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:Tip 'o the hat.-O (DMD) should be a link to the -O flag instructions'--inline' is not a DMD switchFixed and linked, like -O.
Jun 15 2016
PR: DUB: for this work. Documentation can be seen here: I think there are a few considerable issues with the proposal, but also that all are fixable. Here are a few notes: * The opening documentation states this proposal is concerned with adding checking capabilities to integral types. It is a full-blown package with 6 modules totaling 4690 lines as wc counts. (For comparison: std.experimental.allocator, which offers many facilities and implements a number of difficult structures and algorithms, has 11831 lines.) That's a high budget and a high imposition on users for adding checks to integral types. Such extensive style of coding goes against the D style we want to promote. Also it is worrisome that one type wasn't enough (in spite of extensive parameterization with policies) and two are needed, with subtle differences between them that need to be summarized in a table. The budget I'd establish for this is one parameterized type in one module of manageable size. Several parameterized types would be okay if they characterize distinct abstractions and use the same backend. Anything else is an indication of a design run awry. * std.experimental.checkedint says "Normally this module should not be imported directly." -> this doesn't bode well. I suspect that's also the case for std.experimental.checkedint.flags. Modules should be import units. * Naming: "Safe" has a different meaning throughout D and Phobos. Using it here is liable to confuse. * Naming: The name of a type ("Int") in a name is often a red flag, and indeed here it's redundant. One should be able to say Smart!int, not stutter SmartInt!int (or Checked!int or whatever). Also, this suggests that other types should be considered, how about Smart!bool and Smart!double? * One of the first things I looked for was establishing bounds for numbers, like Smart!(int, 0, 100) for percentage. For all its might, this package does not offer this basic facility, and from what I can tell does not allow users to enforce it via policies. * Naming: I have no idea what "N bscal;" means. * Documentation suddenly mentions isFixedPoint without having discussed it. Does this package do something about fixed-point numbers? * Not sure about the value of wrapping bsf, bsr, ilogb and probably others. Unlike overflow etc,. calling them with the appropriate values is trivial on the user side. A completeness argument could be made but all of these wrappers are weight of little value. * Typos: "equiavlents" * Documentation uses "you" in several places, colloquialism that should be avoided. * The idea of a loose federation of smart operators that sanitize the result of usual arithmetic operators is valuable. The idea of using different imports for the same name depending on design is clever, but can be simplified. Define functions such as enforcedOp, assertedOp (you don't need "unary" and "binary", they can be overloads), and then: import std.checkedint : smartOp = enforcedOp; ... auto x = smartOp!"+"(a, b); * Not sure why divPow2 is needed, why not some enforcedOp!"<<" etc. Same about pow, why not enforcedOp!"^^"? * Getting to the design: the root of the problem is a byzantine design that is closed to extension. The current definition goes: struct SafeInt(N, IntFlagPolicy _policy, Flag!"bitOps" bitOps = Yes.bitOps); Looking at the IntFlagPolicy, it offers three canned behavior: throws, asserts, and noex. Users cannot customize behavior and there is no information passed into the policy (e.g. the operands in case of overflow, or the numerator in case of division by zero). Passing the appropriate information would make it possible to implement various policies, e.g. the policy cannot say "I'm actually okay with this" or "here I'll implement a saturation policy". A better design would use the policy as a last-resort hook, allowing it to substitute its own answer for the result if it can't be computed safely. For example, consider addition: bool overflow; auto result = myAdd(payload, rhs.payload, overflow); if (!overflow) return result; return onOverflow(payload, rhs.payload); The onOverflow function is a policy, which allows user code to exactly define what should happen (including all current policies). The same goes about all other hooks - multiplication, division, power etc. Each should be configurable. * I see little value in free functions such as e.g. abs() because they are trivial one-liners. I understand the need for completeness, but it seems a good aspiration for consistency is being marred by a bunch of code pulp that really does nothing interesting. Probably not worth it. === This suggests a much simpler design that uses DbI to choose behaviors in a flexible manner. The definition would go: struct Checked(T, Hook, T min = T.min, T max = T.max) if (...) { // state { static if (stateSize!Hook > 0) private Hook hook; else private alias hook = Hook; private T payload; // } ... } The struct Hook may have no member at all, in which case Checked!T will be as close to plain T as possible. Things become interesting when Hook defines optional methods that can be detected by introspection, such as onOverflow, onDiv0, onOutOfRangeCmp, etc. - essentially all hooks that may be ever needed. Whenever an operation cannot complete with the right behavior, the appropriate hook is statically introspected; if nonexistent, fine, return with the builtin behavior. If the hook does exist, pass responsibility to the hook along with enough information to actually let the hook supplant the computation. The hook may have state (e.g. hysteresis, NaN flag, error state, etc) so that's why it may be embedded within Checked. The only remaining matter is to implement a few preexisting policies (Hook implementations) to implement typical choices (such as the ones present today), and the core algorithms for doing bounded operations. The most interesting algorithms are for computing the bounds of operations such as |, &, and ^. The D compiler needs those as well, and currently implements them incorrectly. I have these in my mind and I can help with those. Thanks, Andrei
Jun 15 2016
On 6/15/2016 9:40 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:Looking at the IntFlagPolicy, it offers three canned behavior: throws, asserts, and noex. Users cannot customize behavior and there is no information passed into the policy (e.g. the operands in case of overflow, or the numerator in case of division by zero). Passing the appropriate information would make it possible to implement various policies, e.g. the policy cannot say "I'm actually okay with this" or "here I'll implement a saturation policy".Just a note to add to these excellent comments. One style of integer arithmetic is "saturation" arithmetic, whereby if it overflows, instead of an error it gets "stuck" at T.max. Same for underflow. A good test for a policy API design is if saturation behavior could be done with a user-defined policy, instead of it being a pre-defined one.
Jun 15 2016
On 06/15/2016 02:26 PM, Walter Bright wrote:On 6/15/2016 9:40 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:Also, the proposed design mentions "hysteresis" and allows Hook to introduce state. -- AndreiLooking at the IntFlagPolicy, it offers three canned behavior: throws, asserts, and noex. Users cannot customize behavior and there is no information passed into the policy (e.g. the operands in case of overflow, or the numerator in case of division by zero). Passing the appropriate information would make it possible to implement various policies, e.g. the policy cannot say "I'm actually okay with this" or "here I'll implement a saturation policy".Just a note to add to these excellent comments. One style of integer arithmetic is "saturation" arithmetic, whereby if it overflows, instead of an error it gets "stuck" at T.max. Same for underflow. A good test for a policy API design is if saturation behavior could be done with a user-defined policy, instead of it being a pre-defined one.
Jun 15 2016
On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 16:40:19 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:Thanks for this work. [...] I think there are a few considerable issues with the proposal, but also that all are fixable.Your message was very long, so for the moment I'm going to filter it down to just the high-level design criticism. (The rest is unimportant unless/until we reach consensus on the design, anyway.)* The opening documentation states this proposal is concerned with adding checking capabilities to integral types. It is a full-blown package with 6 modules totaling 4690 lines as wc counts. (For comparison: std.experimental.allocator, which offers many facilities and implements a number of difficult structures and algorithms, has 11831 lines.) That's a high budget and a high imposition on users for adding checks to integral types. Such extensive style of coding goes against the D style we want to promote. [...] The budget I'd establish for this is one parameterized type in one module of manageable size. Several parameterized types would be okay if they characterize distinct abstractions and use the same backend. Anything else is an indication of a design run awry.This can be summarized as, "It's too big and complicated." `checkedint` as it stands is, I believe, fairly close to the smallest implementation possible in D today, within the constraints of the features demanded by the community in past discussions, coupled with my high-level design goals. If you want something shorter or simpler, you will have to cut features or compromise the design in other ways. (Or improve the D language to facilitate a more elegant design.) Some features and design goals that combine to motivate my design: 1) Checked types must signal an error (somehow) whenever their behaviour deviates from that of an ideal mathematical integer. 2) It should be possible to recover from errors - using `assert(false)` or a deliberate divide-by-zero to crash the program is bad design unless the condition that triggers it is never supposed to happen, ever. 3) Performance (with respect to both speed and memory use) should be as close as possible to that of the built-in machine integer types. 4) The API should minimize verbosity and ceremony, because otherwise hardly anyone will use it - people generally prefer convenience over safety. 5) Writing generic code that works correctly with both checked and unchecked types must be easy. 6) The API must make safe usage easy, and (accidental) unsafe usage hard, because people generally don't pay much attention to the docs (even if they're good). A false sense of security is worse than none at all. 7) The API must be usable in `nothrow nogc` code. 8) The number of distinct template instantiations generated in natural use must be finite, to prevent excessive combinatorial explosion when checked types are used in public APIs. (Templates that are just aliases, and small functions that always inline don't count against this.)Also it is worrisome that one type wasn't enough (in spite of extensive parameterization with policies) and two are needed, with subtle differences between them that need to be summarized in a table.The reason for the `SmartInt` versus `SafeInt` split is that with D's current semantics (4) and (5) conflict. `SmartInt` prioritizes (4); `SafeInt` and `DebugInt` prioritize (5).Getting to the design: the root of the problem is a byzantine design that is closed to extension.The design was closed deliberately because of (8). Template bloat is a major concern, even with the current finite design. I want `checkedint` to be usable in public APIs, and that requires some standardization of error handling and base types to be enforced upon the users. Otherwise, everyone will choose something different and all template instantiations involving integer types will become practically single-use.Looking at the IntFlagPolicy, it offers three canned behavior: throws, asserts, and noex.The choice of policies is motivated by the natural incompatibility of (2), (4), (6), and (7). I built in enough variety to allow people to choose their own priorities among those goals, and no more because of (8).* One of the first things I looked for was establishing bounds for numbers, like Smart!(int, 0, 100) for percentage. For all its might, this package does not offer this basic facility, and from what I can tell does not allow users to enforce it via policies.Here you are suggesting adding even more complexity to a design that you have already de-facto rejected as overly complex. As discussed earlier in this very thread, I studied adding support for arbitrary bounds and decided not to pursue that right now because implementing it in a performant way would greatly increase the complexity of `checkedint`, and make the template bloat problem much worse.Also, this suggests that other types should be considered, how about Smart!bool and Smart!double?Neither `bool` nor `double` has the kind of severe-but-fixable safety and correctness issues that the machine integer types do, which motivates the `checkedint` design. No doubt someone can make up some sort of meaning to attach to those symbols, but it will most likely have nothing to do with `SmartInt`.* Not sure why divPow2 is needed, why not some enforcedOp!"<<"Because (although similar) a bit shift is actually semantically different than dividing or multiplying by a power of two. The bit shift implies different rules for rounding and overflow. I realized in testing that even for `SmartInt`, the bit shift semantics are still useful sometimes, and decided that it was better not to confuse the two. A `smartOp` version of the bit shifts is necessary because the built-in bit shifts have some undefined behaviour that needs to be fixed.etc. Same about pow, why not enforcedOp!"^^"?`pow()` exists as a free function to satisfy (5), and because the `^^` and `^^=` operators both have language-level bugs that currently make their use incompatible with (6).I see little value in free functions such as e.g. abs() because they are trivial one-liners. I understand the need for completeness, but it seems a good aspiration for consistency is being marred by a bunch of code pulp that really does nothing interesting. Probably not worth it.`checkedint`-aware versions of functions like `abs()` are necessary to satisfy (4) and (6) together.The hook may have state (e.g. hysteresis, NaN flag, error state, etc) so that's why it may be embedded within Checked.The early iterations of `checkedint` worked this way (although I had no plans to support user-defined hooks). I implemented and debugged it, and thought it was about ready to submit many months ago. Then I actually tried *using* it, and hated it. The problem with using a NaN state, is that in nothrow code you have to manually check it before *every* call to an external (non-`checkedint`-aware) function, or you may accidentally lose it. As a result, safe NaN-based APIs violate (4), while concise APIs violate (6). The IEEE-inspired sticky flags feature is my solution to this problem, and it is far more pleasant to work with in practice - as well as faster and more memory efficient. Meanwhile, in code that allows exceptions, there is no reason to pay the speed and memory penalty of carting around the NaN state to check later - just throw on the spot whenever something goes wrong.
Jun 15 2016
On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 18:34:15 UTC, tsbockman wrote:On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 16:40:19 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:Re-reading what I wrote there, I makes it sound like the closed design was motivated solely by template bloat concerns. But, that's not true either. Standardizing the error handling methods is also important for other interoperability-related reasons: * If every third-party library designs a different error handling method, people writing applications that depend on many libraries will have to study the `checkedint` error signaling of each one, and make sure that their code which interacts with each library knows how to detect and respond to its particular signaling mechanism. My design for `checkedint` reduces the number of `checkedint`-specific signaling methods that need to be studied down to one (the sticky flags policy). The other two policies are just using D's standard error- handling facilities, and don't require any user intervention anyway, unless you want to catch the exception for some reason. Even the sticky flags policy is only of concern for `nothrow nogc` APIs, which I suspect in practice will mostly mean game libraries. * The relative simplicity of my policy set has allowed me to arrange them into a strict linear hierarchy, so that the results of mixing policies is predictable and safe.Getting to the design: the root of the problem is a byzantine design that is closed to extension.The design was closed deliberately because of (8). Template bloat is a major concern, even with the current finite design. I want `checkedint` to be usable in public APIs, and that requires some standardization of error handling and base types to be enforced upon the users. Otherwise, everyone will choose something different and all template instantiations involving integer types will become practically single-use.Looking at the IntFlagPolicy, it offers three canned behavior: throws, asserts, and noex.The choice of policies is motivated by the natural incompatibility of (2), (4), (6), and (7). I built in enough variety to allow people to choose their own priorities among those goals, and no more because of (8).
Jun 15 2016
On 06/15/2016 07:13 PM, tsbockman wrote:Standardizing the error handling methods is also important for other interoperability-related reasons: * If every third-party library designs a different error handling method, people writing applications that depend on many libraries will have to study the `checkedint` error signaling of each one, and make sure that their code which interacts with each library knows how to detect and respond to its particular signaling mechanism. My design for `checkedint` reduces the number of `checkedint`-specific signaling methods that need to be studied down to one (the sticky flags policy). The other two policies are just using D's standard error- handling facilities, and don't require any user intervention anyway, unless you want to catch the exception for some reason. Even the sticky flags policy is only of concern for `nothrow nogc` APIs, which I suspect in practice will mostly mean game libraries. * The relative simplicity of my policy set has allowed me to arrange them into a strict linear hierarchy, so that the results of mixing policies is predictable and safe.I don't agree with this. On the face of it, three built-in policies solve the matter of interoperability: if you want interop, use one of those. Done. But interop is not a reason to preclude any flexibility. -- Andrei
Jun 15 2016
On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 00:06:13 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:On 06/15/2016 07:13 PM, tsbockman wrote:Well, I'm satisfied with my design in this respect, and completely lack motivation, time, emotional energy, etc. to rewrite `checkedint` again from the ground up to properly account for arbitrary pluggable error handling policies. So, the community will have to decide how important this is, and find someone else to take over the project if you all demand a rewrite.Standardizing the error handling methods is also important for other interoperability-related reasons: [...]I don't agree with this. On the face of it, three built-in policies solve the matter of interoperability: if you want interop, use one of those. Done. But interop is not a reason to preclude any flexibility. -- Andrei
Jun 15 2016
On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 16:40:19 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:I think there are a few considerable issues with the proposal, but also that all are fixable.I already sent a much longer message detailing some of the reasons why I believe my design is sensible. But, before we continue this discussion much further, I need to stop and make one thing clear: What you are proposing is *not* "fixing" my design - it is basically scrapping it and replacing it with a ground-up rewrite, with perhaps some bits and pieces and general inspiration taken from my work. I'm OK with the community rejecting my design if that's what people really want to do, but I will not be implementing your proposal myself. I will simply leave `checkedint` on DUB, and move on with my life. So, I'm putting out a general call now for the community to download the DUB package, try actually *using* it for something, and speak up as to whether the design seems good, or not. If the decision is made to accept the high-level design, then we can go back to bikeshedding about names, fixing typos, tweaking/trimming the API, etc.
Jun 15 2016
On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 18:50:32 UTC, tsbockman wrote:What you are proposing is *not* "fixing" my design - it is basically scrapping it and replacing it with a ground-up rewrite, with perhaps some bits and pieces and general inspiration taken from my work. [...] If the decision is made to accept the high-level design, then we can go back to bikeshedding about names, fixing typos, tweaking/trimming the API, etc.I should mention that one possible "trimming" would be to remove either `SmartInt`/`smartOp` or `SafeInt`/`safeOp`. I don't *want* to do this, obviously, but I wouldn't categorize it as "scrapping the design", either.
Jun 15 2016
On 06/15/2016 02:50 PM, tsbockman wrote:On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 16:40:19 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:I'd say that's a fair assessment on the face of it. But the pieces are there and the grit and expertise to assemble them are already there. The real question is what's the "right" design. Ideally we should optimize for that.I think there are a few considerable issues with the proposal, but also that all are fixable.I already sent a much longer message detailing some of the reasons why I believe my design is sensible. But, before we continue this discussion much further, I need to stop and make one thing clear: What you are proposing is *not* "fixing" my design - it is basically scrapping it and replacing it with a ground-up rewrite, with perhaps some bits and pieces and general inspiration taken from my work.I'm OK with the community rejecting my design if that's what people really want to do, but I will not be implementing your proposal myself. I will simply leave `checkedint` on DUB, and move on with my life.That is sensible, and a course of action I thought would transpire. But I suggest you to reconsider. Your PR is a solid implementation of the wrong idea. Before anyone gets offended, let me add that I think there's a lot of good in that. For this kind of work (not algorithm-intensive) ideas are cheap; the solid implementation matters a lot more than the idea - the same expertise can be put to use on another idea. I tried to offer a careful review by a competent peer, with an eye for taking an okay design toward a great design. The kind of review I wish to get now as much as at any point of my career. They are difficult to receive but often have a lot of potential in them.So, I'm putting out a general call now for the community to download the DUB package, try actually *using* it for something, and speak up as to whether the design seems good, or not. If the decision is made to accept the high-level design, then we can go back to bikeshedding about names, fixing typos, tweaking/trimming the API, etc.I don't think checkedint in a form close to its current one is for Phobos. I would argue it's not for D. Starting with the problem statement "we want to check integral operations for overflow and other surprising behaviors" and ending with 4.5 KLOC defining a bunch of names in 6 modules makes it highly suspicious there is an overgrown underbelly somewhere. The language features are not orchestrated properly. Even if it were the case that there's no smaller design that conforms with the requirements, that means requirements have a problem. Andrei
Jun 15 2016
On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 00:31:38 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:On 06/15/2016 02:50 PM, tsbockman wrote:I set out to solve a specific problem with `checkedint`, and I believe my design succeeds in the areas that it is intended to, to the extent that is reasonably possible with D today. In order to convince me to rewrite this, you would need to convince me that *my* goals can be met significantly better by a different library design. So far, I see no evidence of this. You are of course free to set different goals than I have, but from my perspective this is *major* scope creep, and not what I volunteered for.What you are proposing is *not* "fixing" my design - it is basically scrapping it and replacing it with a ground-up rewrite, with perhaps some bits and pieces and general inspiration taken from my work.I'd say that's a fair assessment on the face of it. But the pieces are there and the grit and expertise to assemble them are already there. The real question is what's the "right" design. Ideally we should optimize for that.There is only one thing about all this that really offends me: `checkedint` (and burner's `SafeInt` before it) have been under development in the open for over a year now. There have been several discussions in the forums, with feedback being actively solicited. Significant design changes were made to address various people's needs. `SafeInt` was an open pull request for many months with 100+ comments accumulating in that time. Why didn't you make your design requirements known at any earlier point in this process? If you are ultimate gate keeper for Phobos (as you seem to be), you ought to make your requirements known *before* the implementation is finished. Even so, I'm not particularly upset. I've learned a great deal through this project, and `checkedint` will still be available for anyone who wants to use it through DUB. The code is Boost Licensed, so anyone who wants to is free to fork it and try to fulfill your vision.I'm OK with the community rejecting my design if that's what people really want to do, but I will not be implementing your proposal myself. I will simply leave `checkedint` on DUB, and move on with my life.That is sensible, and a course of action I thought would transpire. But I suggest you to reconsider. Your PR is a solid implementation of the wrong idea. Before anyone gets offended, let me add that I think there's a lot of good in that.For this kind of work (not algorithm-intensive) ideas are cheap; the solid implementation matters a lot more than the idea - the same expertise can be put to use on another idea. I tried to offer a careful review by a competent peer, with an eye for taking an okay design toward a great design. The kind of review I wish to get now as much as at any point of my career. They are difficult to receive but often have a lot of potential in them.I don't mind a scathing review, so long as it has been properly researched and thought through. I do object to being criticized for not including features that no one asked me for until now, and which have little to do with the original purpose of the project, though.I believe a fundamental part of the problem, is that something like `SmartInt` should be built in to the language as the default integer type, not tacked on as a library. (Stuff like bound types would still be implemented in the library.) However, my understanding is that this approach was reject by Walter Bright about two years ago (and obviously actually making it default would involve unacceptable breakage at this point). So, I tried to work with what we have.So, I'm putting out a general call now for the community to download the DUB package, try actually *using* it for something, and speak up as to whether the design seems good, or not. If the decision is made to accept the high-level design, then we can go back to bikeshedding about names, fixing typos, tweaking/trimming the API, etc.I don't think checkedint in a form close to its current one is for Phobos. I would argue it's not for D. Starting with the problem statement "we want to check integral operations for overflow and other surprising behaviors" and ending with 4.5 KLOC defining a bunch of names in 6 modules makes it highly suspicious there is an overgrown underbelly somewhere. The language features are not orchestrated properly. Even if it were the case that there's no smaller design that conforms with the requirements, that means requirements have a problem. Andrei
Jun 15 2016
On 6/15/16 9:34 PM, tsbockman wrote:`checkedint` (and burner's `SafeInt` before it) have been under development in the open for over a year now. There have been several discussions in the forums, with feedback being actively solicited. Significant design changes were made to address various people's needs. `SafeInt` was an open pull request for many months with 100+ comments accumulating in that time. Why didn't you make your design requirements known at any earlier point in this process? If you are ultimate gate keeper for Phobos (as you seem to be), you ought to make your requirements known *before* the implementation is finished.Apologies about that. I've done a bit of spelunking to see what happened. Indeed the first reference to SafeInt is on a forum post on 6/7/2015, followed immediately by which entailed a long discussion. You first posted about checkedint here on 6/30/2015, in a large thread. At that time, I had the std.allocator review going on (started on 6/11/2015), a newborn baby, and a move across the continent to worry about (which happened at the end of June). It is entirely possible I just missed that discussion, or more likely saw it and had no meaningful input at the time. There has been a gap in forum posts with "checkedint" in the title between 7/3/2015 and 6/7/2016, so it's not like there was a continuing presence I was working hard to ignore. I honestly think there's nothing to be offended over. This underlies a larger issue. There must be a protocol that guarantees a proposal is brought to consideration to the D leadership. Dicebot is leading such an initiative (which can be seen as a revamping of DIPs) and we hope to get it finalized soon. Andrei
Jun 15 2016
On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 02:53:38 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:On 6/15/16 9:34 PM, tsbockman wrote:Numerous other mentions were made of this project in various contexts on the forums, in GitHub pull requests, and on the bug tracker - including discussions in which you participated. 'posts with "checkedint" in the title' is too narrow of a search filter.Why didn't you make your design requirements known at any earlier point in this process? If you are ultimate gate keeper for Phobos (as you seem to be), you ought to make your requirements known *before* the implementation is finished.Apologies about that. I've done a bit of spelunking to see what happened. Indeed the first reference to SafeInt is on a forum post on 6/7/2015, followed immediately by which entailed a long discussion. You first posted about checkedint here on 6/30/2015, in a large thread. At that time, I had the std.allocator review going on (started on 6/11/2015), a newborn baby, and a move across the continent to worry about (which happened at the end of June). It is entirely possible I just missed that discussion, or more likely saw it and had no meaningful input at the time. There has been a gap in forum posts with "checkedint" in the title between 7/3/2015 and 6/7/2016,so it's not like there was a continuing presence I was working hard to ignore. I honestly think there's nothing to be offended over.Malicious intent is not required to make the act offensive; you're still jumping into a project a year in the making and demanding that I choose between investing an additional six months (wild guess) of my time working on things I don't care about (at best), or canceling the project (which has otherwise received generally positive feedback so far). I am not too upset mostly because I had a variety of reasons for pursuing this, not all of which depend on getting it into Phobos.This underlies a larger issue. There must be a protocol that guarantees a proposal is brought to consideration to the D leadership. Dicebot is leading such an initiative (which can be seen as a revamping of DIPs) and we hope to get it finalized soon. AndreiThat is part of the problem, but this is also a fine example of a broader pattern that I have noticed in D's review process: Pull requests are routinely reviewed in an upside-down fashion: 1) Formatting 2) Typos 3) Names 4) Tests (and names again) 6) Docs (and names) 8) Design (and more about names) 9) Does this even belong in Phobos? I don't think people are doing it on purpose - it's just easier to start with the trivial nit-picks, because you don't need a deep understanding of the code and the problem domain (or decision-making authority) to complain about a missing ' ' or something. But, that doesn't change the fact that the process still feels almost perfectly designed to waste contributors' time. Unless the PR is a complete mess, (9) and (8) should be debated *first*, before worrying about any of the other stuff. Why waste people's time fixing trivialities, if it's all going to just be deleted or rewritten anyway?
Jun 15 2016
On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 03:56:02 UTC, tsbockman wrote:On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 02:53:38 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:Has this work/design been submitted as a DIP? I cannot find it. I thought all Phobos additions of any magnitude were required to pass the DIP submission first in order to avoid this sort of situation. If there is a DIP that was accepted then to have it knocked back now would suck. Without a DIP you have to expect the design could be turned down by any core developer when they first get the opportunity to review it, no matter how long after the work was initiated. bye, lobo[...]Numerous other mentions were made of this project in various contexts on the forums, in GitHub pull requests, and on the bug tracker - including discussions in which you participated. 'posts with "checkedint" in the title' is too narrow of a search filter.[...]Malicious intent is not required to make the act offensive; you're still jumping into a project a year in the making and demanding that I choose between investing an additional six months (wild guess) of my time working on things I don't care about (at best), or canceling the project (which has otherwise received generally positive feedback so far). I am not too upset mostly because I had a variety of reasons for pursuing this, not all of which depend on getting it into Phobos.[...]That is part of the problem, but this is also a fine example of a broader pattern that I have noticed in D's review process: Pull requests are routinely reviewed in an upside-down fashion: 1) Formatting 2) Typos 3) Names 4) Tests (and names again) 6) Docs (and names) 8) Design (and more about names) 9) Does this even belong in Phobos? I don't think people are doing it on purpose - it's just easier to start with the trivial nit-picks, because you don't need a deep understanding of the code and the problem domain (or decision-making authority) to complain about a missing ' ' or something. But, that doesn't change the fact that the process still feels almost perfectly designed to waste contributors' time. Unless the PR is a complete mess, (9) and (8) should be debated *first*, before worrying about any of the other stuff. Why waste people's time fixing trivialities, if it's all going to just be deleted or rewritten anyway?
Jun 15 2016
On 6/16/16 2:55 AM, lobo wrote:Without a DIP you have to expect the design could be turned down by any core developer when they first get the opportunity to review it, no matter how long after the work was initiated.We're still working on making DIPs a process that requires leadership to intervene, but I'd say this is already true now. Per the title of this thread: "std.experimental.checkedint is ready for comments!". What kind of comments were expected? Andrei
Jun 16 2016
On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 06:55:00 UTC, lobo wrote:Has this work/design been submitted as a DIP? I cannot find it. I thought all Phobos additions of any magnitude were required to pass the DIP submission first in order to avoid this sort of situation. If there is a DIP that was accepted then to have it knocked back now would suck. Without a DIP you have to expect the design could be turned down by any core developer when they first get the opportunity to review it, no matter how long after the work was initiated. bye, loboMy observation has been that the DIP process is not followed, in practice. The DIP for this project (which I did not start; I merely continued burner's work) is actually the same one as that of the recently accepted `ndslice`:
Jun 16 2016
On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 03:56:02 UTC, tsbockman wrote:That is part of the problem, but this is also a fine example of a broader pattern that I have noticed in D's review process: Pull requests are routinely reviewed in an upside-down fashion: 1) Formatting 2) Typos 3) Names 4) Tests (and names again) 6) Docs (and names) 8) Design (and more about names) 9) Does this even belong in Phobos? I don't think people are doing it on purpose - it's just easier to start with the trivial nit-picks, because you don't need a deep understanding of the code and the problem domain (or decision-making authority) to complain about a missing ' ' or something. But, that doesn't change the fact that the process still feels almost perfectly designed to waste contributors' time. Unless the PR is a complete mess, (9) and (8) should be debated *first*, before worrying about any of the other stuff. Why waste people's time fixing trivialities, if it's all going to just be deleted or rewritten anyway?I think anything sufficiently large is likely to be reviewed in that order. In a lot of cases all the work for 1 - 8 is progressively done while working out 9. Should people not mention the smaller mistakes / disagreements they find along the way until they've reached the end and can provide a final judgement?
Jun 16 2016
On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 07:02:21 UTC, John Colvin wrote:I think anything sufficiently large is likely to be reviewed in that order. In a lot of cases all the work for 1 - 8 is progressively done while working out 9. Should people not mention the smaller mistakes / disagreements they find along the way until they've reached the end and can provide a final judgement?I think that consideration should be given to splitting reviews into two phases by policy: 1. The big picture: refining the overall design, and debating whether the change is worthwhile or not. This ends when the change has been formally approved by someone who has the authority to do so. 2. Completing and polishing the implementation, until it is actually ready to merge. Distinguish clearly between these phases, and make it clear to submitters that they are not required or expected to fix/finish all the little stuff until (1) is over, since there's a good chance it will all be irrelevant, anyway. Obviously there will be some fuzziness as to whether an issue belongs in (1) or (2), but there's lots and lots of stuff that clearly falls into one or the other. One of the things that such a policy would accomplish is to highlight the essential (but often ignored) question, "Who actually has authority to approve this?"
Jun 16 2016
On 6/15/16 11:56 PM, tsbockman wrote:Numerous other mentions were made of this project in various contexts on the forums, in GitHub pull requests, and on the bug tracker - including discussions in which you participated. 'posts with "checkedint" in the title' is too narrow of a search filter.I am sure there were, which was especially visible to you because you were following the project. Some examples would be helpful so I can learn from them.Agreed malice is not required. But I'm still having trouble seeing the offense. Annoyance at a negative review, sure, we're all human. But taking offense? The closest anything came to "demanding" anything has been:so it's not like there was a continuing presence I was working hard to ignore. I honestly think there's nothing to be offended over.Malicious intent is not required to make the act offensive; you're still jumping into a project a year in the making and demanding that I choose between investing an additional six months (wild guess) of my time working on things I don't care about (at best), or canceling the project (which has otherwise received generally positive feedback so far).This suggests a much simpler design [...] But I suggest you to reconsider.How could I have phrased my review and follow-up in ways that are not offensive? Should I have just accepted the proposal on grounds that a lot of work has been put into it and the deadline has passed for influencing it? (Non-rhetorical questions.)Pull requests are routinely reviewed in an upside-down fashion: 1) Formatting 2) Typos 3) Names 4) Tests (and names again) 6) Docs (and names) 8) Design (and more about names) 9) Does this even belong in Phobos? I don't think people are doing it on purpose - it's just easier to start with the trivial nit-picks, because you don't need a deep understanding of the code and the problem domain (or decision-making authority) to complain about a missing ' ' or something.I can see how that could be happening. Often (and in this case) there are different folks touching on the different points. Andrei
Jun 16 2016
On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 12:25:39 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:Yes, it's mostly a process issue, not an individual one. See my earlier reply to John Colvin, for a practical suggestion as to how to improve with this.Pull requests are routinely reviewed in an upside-down fashion: 1) Formatting 2) Typos 3) Names 4) Tests (and names again) 6) Docs (and names) 8) Design (and more about names) 9) Does this even belong in Phobos? I don't think people are doing it on purpose - it's just easier to start with the trivial nit-picks, because you don't need a deep understanding of the code and the problem domain (or decision-making authority) to complain about a missing ' ' or something.I can see how that could be happening. Often (and in this case) there are different folks touching on the different points.
Jun 16 2016
On 6/15/16 11:56 PM, tsbockman wrote:On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 02:53:38 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:This is a good point. I personally have avoided doing anything in 1-8 unless I first agree it's a change I think we should accept. Which then results in 0) nobody is looking at this!??? I will occasionally chime in when there is a particular pain point with design philosophy, but the problem is, this gives the impression that I am willing to accept the change after X nitpicks are done. I try not to do this unless there is another reviewer that seems motivated to do a full review who has already posted, and they haven't covered that piece. On the other hand, peoples minds can change. e.g: "The early iterations of `checkedint` worked this way (although I had no plans to support user-defined hooks). I implemented and debugged it, and thought it was about ready to submit many months ago. Then I actually tried *using* it, and hated it." And there is a further problem -- Walter and Andrei are gatekeepers, but are stretched incredibly thin. So a reviewer that is keen on a certain addition may put in a lot of time on steps 1-8 assuming that step 9 is a given, and when W/A come around to looking at it, they say no. How to fix this? I don't know. The only recommendation I have is to do 2 things: 1. Get pre-approval if you have your heart set on Phobos inclusion. Make SURE you understand the expectations from Andrei and Walter. 2. Be willing to put it on instead, and Phobos as a secondary goal (your approach). I had a similar experience with dcollections, though I never really intended on it being in Phobos, it was meant for Tango. But that didn't work out either, as the gatekeeper there was working on his own version of containers.On 6/15/16 9:34 PM, tsbockman wrote:Numerous other mentions were made of this project in various contexts on the forums, in GitHub pull requests, and on the bug tracker - including discussions in which you participated. 'posts with "checkedint" in the title' is too narrow of a search filter.Why didn't you make your design requirements known at any earlier point in this process? If you are ultimate gate keeper for Phobos (as you seem to be), you ought to make your requirements known *before* the implementation is finished.Apologies about that. I've done a bit of spelunking to see what happened. Indeed the first reference to SafeInt is on a forum post on 6/7/2015, followed immediately by which entailed a long discussion. You first posted about checkedint here on 6/30/2015, in a large thread. At that time, I had the std.allocator review going on (started on 6/11/2015), a newborn baby, and a move across the continent to worry about (which happened at the end of June). It is entirely possible I just missed that discussion, or more likely saw it and had no meaningful input at the time. There has been a gap in forum posts with "checkedint" in the title between 7/3/2015 and 6/7/2016,so it's not like there was a continuing presence I was working hard to ignore. I honestly think there's nothing to be offended over.Malicious intent is not required to make the act offensive; you're still jumping into a project a year in the making and demanding that I choose between investing an additional six months (wild guess) of my time working on things I don't care about (at best), or canceling the project (which has otherwise received generally positive feedback so far). I am not too upset mostly because I had a variety of reasons for pursuing this, not all of which depend on getting it into Phobos.This underlies a larger issue. There must be a protocol that guarantees a proposal is brought to consideration to the D leadership. Dicebot is leading such an initiative (which can be seen as a revamping of DIPs) and we hope to get it finalized soon. AndreiThat is part of the problem, but this is also a fine example of a broader pattern that I have noticed in D's review process: Pull requests are routinely reviewed in an upside-down fashion: 1) Formatting 2) Typos 3) Names 4) Tests (and names again) 6) Docs (and names) 8) Design (and more about names) 9) Does this even belong in Phobos?Unless the PR is a complete mess, (9) and (8) should be debated *first*, before worrying about any of the other stuff. Why waste people's time fixing trivialities, if it's all going to just be deleted or rewritten anyway?I understand your frustration. All I can say is, open source contributors have to have a thicker skin (and I'm not saying you don't). We are all human and have our faults, and any team in any context can have miscommunication, or misunderstandings. I can assure you it's not the plan to waste people's time or to cause frustration. Even with a mitigating plan in place, these can happen. Have a plan that you can control, with a viable path if the things you can't don't go your way. -Steve
Jun 16 2016
On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 13:56:26 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:And there is a further problem -- Walter and Andrei are gatekeepers, but are stretched incredibly thin.Having had some time to think about all it now, I believe this was my actual problem. When I started working on this, I was new to the D project and, based on following the GitHub discussions and observing the voting and review process for `std.logger` and `std.ndslice`, I believed that the acceptance process for Phobos was somewhat democratic: the more people who approved of a design, the more likely it would be accepted (with, of course, substantially more weight placed on the opinions of the leadership, who at the time I identified more or less as, "those with merge rights"). Having seen the outcome of the recent auto-decoding discussion, and the way that this review effectively ended abruptly the moment that Andrei Alexandrescu decided that he didn't like my design for `checkedint` - despite a number of other people earlier speaking positively of it - I now perceive that the democratic aspects of the Phobos process are essentially advisory in nature, with little-to-no real authority attached to them. I do not intend this as a criticism, as I am not a stickler for democracy. I do think this should be communicated clearly to future new contributors, though, to avoid confusion. (Keep in mind that I joined the project before the "all new Phobos symbols must be approved by Andrei" rule was announced.) Anyway, I think I see things from Andrei's perspective now, and would like to apologize for taking offense, now that I understand his role better. I will, however, be ending my participation in the D development process, as I am not personally interested in working in an environment where everything I do needs pre-approval from someone with his opinions and leadership style (this is not specifically about `checkedint`) - especially since he seems too busy to effectively manage more contributors using the current system, anyway. I will continue to be available for follow-up on the work I have already done, and will try to finish at least some of my current pending pull requests. I wish D well, and may still post on the forums once in a while.
Jun 16 2016
On 6/16/2016 6:56 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:I understand your frustration. All I can say is, open source contributors have to have a thicker skin (and I'm not saying you don't). We are all human and have our faults, and any team in any context can have miscommunication, or misunderstandings. I can assure you it's not the plan to waste people's time or to cause frustration. Even with a mitigating plan in place, these can happen. Have a plan that you can control, with a viable path if the things you can't don't go your way.+1 Also, if it isn't approved for Phobos, that doesn't necessarily mean the work is wasted. Dub is full of add on libraries, add it there. Approval from others is not necessary. My own Sargon is for things I wrote that were not approved for Phobos for one reason or another: Work is wasted only when the author gives up on it.
Jun 16 2016
On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 21:52:16 UTC, Walter Bright wrote: HTTPS cert seems to be broken
Jun 16 2016
On 6/15/2016 8:56 PM, tsbockman wrote:Pull requests are routinely reviewed in an upside-down fashion: 1) Formatting 2) Typos 3) Names 4) Tests (and names again) 6) Docs (and names) 8) Design (and more about names) 9) Does this even belong in Phobos?It's a consequence of starting to read a document cold, i.e. the first thing noticed is the formatting, then the typos, then the names, etc. A deep understanding of the design comes much later, only after having thoroughly read it and hit all the speedbumps of typos, etc.
Jun 16 2016
On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 21:02:32 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:On 6/15/2016 8:56 PM, tsbockman wrote:Yes I understand - it's a very natural thing to do (and I have done it myself). I think my suggestion fundamentally boils down to, "Try to communicate to submitters early on who needs to approve their change, and that they may delay addressing all the lesser issues until after their basic proposal has been (tentatively) approved." My problem with `checkedint` was that I formed a wrong idea of whose approval I needed (interested Phobos devs collectively, versus Andrei specifically).Pull requests are routinely reviewed in an upside-down fashion: 1) Formatting 2) Typos 3) Names 4) Tests (and names again) 6) Docs (and names) 8) Design (and more about names) 9) Does this even belong in Phobos?It's a consequence of starting to read a document cold, i.e. the first thing noticed is the formatting, then the typos, then the names, etc. A deep understanding of the design comes much later, only after having thoroughly read it and hit all the speedbumps of typos, etc.
Jun 16 2016
On 6/16/2016 2:11 PM, tsbockman wrote:My problem with `checkedint` was that I formed a wrong idea of whose approval I needed (interested Phobos devs collectively, versus Andrei specifically).Andrei is in charge of the library and has my full support. We've talked many times about raising the bar much higher on Phobos. It's a tough competitive environment for programming languages out there, and we should all expect the review process going forward for Phobos to be brutal. On the other hand, getting an endorsement from Andrei for a design is something anyone should be proud of, and I suspect will be worth the blood, sweat and tears. I know my own code has gotten a lot better from Andrei's professional criticism.
Jun 16 2016
On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 22:30:48 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:Andrei is in charge of the library and has my full support. We've talked many times about raising the bar much higher on Phobos. It's a tough competitive environment for programming languages out there, and we should all expect the review process going forward for Phobos to be brutal. On the other hand, getting an endorsement from Andrei for a design is something anyone should be proud of, and I suspect will be worth the blood, sweat and tears. I know my own code has gotten a lot better from Andrei's professional criticism.There are many ways to go about "raising the bar"; making Andrei the sole arbiter of a design's quality will not necessarily accomplish this, but will make the need for constant communication with him a major bottleneck for development, regardless. It also risks making him into a single point of failure. I do not think this approach will scale in the long run, no matter who is given that role. Of course, I would be happy to be proven wrong.
Jun 16 2016
On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 23:27:06 UTC, tsbockman wrote:I do not think this approach will scale in the long run, no matter who is given that role. Of course, I would be happy to be proven wrong.I think maybe the C++ approach is better. If you want something into C++ std your best bet is to try to get it into Boost first.
Jun 16 2016
On Friday, 17 June 2016 at 06:54:20 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 23:27:06 UTC, tsbockman wrote:std.experimental should probably be our boost.I do not think this approach will scale in the long run, no matter who is given that role. Of course, I would be happy to be proven wrong.I think maybe the C++ approach is better. If you want something into C++ std your best bet is to try to get it into Boost first.
Jun 17 2016
On Friday, 17 June 2016 at 07:16:20 UTC, deadalnix wrote:On Friday, 17 June 2016 at 06:54:20 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:It could be, but "experimental" sends signals of not being production ready. If it isn't ready for production it also won't be tested to the same extent. Anyway, having something like Boost with a different custodian than Phobos, would allow people to vote with their feet. If a library is popular it should be a candidate. C++ has "experimental" for unstable APIs: Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 23:27:06 UTC, tsbockman wrote:std.experimental should probably be our boost.I do not think this approach will scale in the long run, no matter who is given that role. Of course, I would be happy to be proven wrong.I think maybe the C++ approach is better. If you want something into C++ std your best bet is to try to get it into Boost first.
Jun 17 2016
On 2016-06-17 00:30, Walter Bright wrote:Andrei is in charge of the library and has my full support.We have to make it very clear, somewhere, exactly what requires Andrei's approval and what doesn't. No, I cannot do that because I don't know the requirements. -- /Jacob Carlborg
Jun 17 2016
On 6/17/2016 1:58 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:On 2016-06-17 00:30, Walter Bright wrote:Certainly, adding new modules would.Andrei is in charge of the library and has my full support.We have to make it very clear, somewhere, exactly what requires Andrei's approval and what doesn't. No, I cannot do that because I don't know the requirements.
Jun 17 2016
On Friday, 17 June 2016 at 08:58:51 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:On 2016-06-17 00:30, Walter Bright wrote:What caught me off guard here isn't that Andrei had to approve it in some sense - it's that the judgment of everyone else who approved my design seemingly became irrelevant the moment that Andrei decided he could do better. This implies that the only safe way to go about design a new module, is to collaborate closely with Andrei from the start.Andrei is in charge of the library and has my full support.We have to make it very clear, somewhere, exactly what requires Andrei's approval and what doesn't. No, I cannot do that because I don't know the requirements.
Jun 17 2016
On Friday, 17 June 2016 at 14:52:27 UTC, tsbockman wrote:What caught me off guard here isn't that Andrei had to approve it in some sense - it's that the judgment of everyone else who approved my design seemingly became irrelevant the moment that Andrei decided he could do better.I hope you don't get too discouraged. Even if not in phobos, the project is still worth having.
Jun 17 2016
On 6/17/2016 7:52 AM, tsbockman wrote:What caught me off guard here isn't that Andrei had to approve it in some sense - it's that the judgment of everyone else who approved my design seemingly became irrelevant the moment that Andrei decided he could do better.History is full of examples of individuals who decide they can do better, against all conventional wisdom, and are eventually proven correct. Andrei has an enviable track record in the industry of having disruptive ideas that later became mainstream. He's also very well paid as a consultant to give advice to the programming teams of companies. His comments are worthy of serious consideration.This implies that the only safe way to go about design a new module, is to collaborate closely with Andrei from the start.The goal is to have only the best in Phobos, even if the process of getting there is inefficient, frustrating, and slow. D has moved beyond the point where we can accept anything less. A beneficial, leveraging side effect is improving the skills of the people doing the work by coaching, reviewing, and critiquing the work. Andrei's review of SafeInt has elements that apply to just about everything in Phobos - things we all need to get better at. I'd like to see his review here morphed into a best practices checklist others can use when reviewing Phobos code.
Jun 17 2016
What you said is true, but IMO you're missing the point. IMO the current D Process is just backward. Having people working on stuff openly, with intend for phobos inclusion, for a lot of months and that putting it up for review clearly does not work. And if you and/or Andrei at that point say "Na". That is just frustrating, no matter how good the reasons are. So I propose that you and Andrei create a list of high level goals for the compiler as well as for phobos/druntime. Nothing abstract, specific stuff properly also design specifics. And attach explanations why those things should be done. For example: Stuff that needs to be in phobos: * sync/async Database abstraction that is nogc * Value Range Integer type * .... I think you get the idea about the list. Than you write in big letters. "To everybody that wants to contribute a modules to phobos look at the above list and pick you module. All other module ideas may be rejected for whatever reason by Andrei. If you have an idea for a module not on the list get the design approved by Andrei before you start coding to avoid frustration later." I know, this is an open source project and you can't tell people what to do because you don't pay us any money. But you could tell us what you think is important to make D number one. At least then people know what the lay of the land is and don't have to guess. And by saying "yes" or "no" at the end of the development of new stuff, you're actually doing this already. Only at the wrong point in time, IMO. Additionally, IMO at some point you two have to delegate/trust other people/lieutenants. You two simply don't have the time to do all the necessary reviewing to make the D Process scale. And you two make mistakes as well. core.checkedint and etc.c.odbc is just deadbeef. (Please nobody start a discussion about that here. Even if those two module are a success, last time I checked Walter and Andrei are human so they make mistakes. And Andrei actually said so at DConf as well.) So an action list from my POV. * Andrei, Walter create a specific task list and designs * make this list obvious to find. github README (See comment above) !!!! * disable the auto quote feature of the forum. This feature is just poisonous for the discussion culture of this forum. Everybody is just trying to disprove the other without actually trying to bring the discussion/D forward. * something like would be nice. It will properly also help finding lieutenants. rant off p.s. Warning: Parent post is not quoted. Ignore Explain Fit it for me I f****** hate it.
Jun 17 2016
On 6/17/2016 3:17 PM, Robert burner Schadek wrote:* Andrei, Walter create a specific task list and designsI do all the time. The net result - nothing happens. People do what they want to do when it's volunteer work. Presenting people with a list of things to work on does not result in work getting done on two have to delegate/trust other people/lieutenantsWe've done a lot of that. For example, Andrei is in charge of the library. Several people are empowered to pull stuff. Brad is in charge of the autotester and bugzilla. Martin handles releases. Mike is in charge of the blog. Dicebot recently took charge of DIPs. Etc. etc. A common theme there, however, is they are self-selected. Assigning people to do things has never worked. Realistically, however, the review of SafeInt was delegated. tsbockman received a lot of feedback, advice, and ideas from the community. If Andrei's comments are all wrong-headed, that's one thing. But if they are on target, then we as a community need to get better when we advise and comment on proposals. Including me.rant offSo please excuse my counter-rant :-)
Jun 17 2016
Ok, where is this list? And where is list for phobos? Sure, some people are a allowed to pull stuff into phobos. But only stuff that does not introduce new names and Andrei does not veto. Of course you can not appoint people, but you should have an idea who you think is sharing your overall vision of D. And then you can ask them. Delegating work is nice, but I would like you to delegate power.
Jun 18 2016
On 6/18/2016 1:52 AM, Robert burner Schadek wrote:Ok, where is this list? And where is list for phobos?I've posted them from time to time. Most recently I put a "call to action" in the thread "size_t vs uintptr_t". Many people have come up to me and asked for a list of ideas, I've given them a list, and they did something else, every time. Off the top of my head, work items for phobos I've repeatedly posted in various forms: 1. eliminate all gratuitous use of gc 2. review all Phobos modules for compatibility with ranges -, for example, was done before ranges and does not work with them 3. use -cov to improve code coverage of Phobos modules 4. make sure every function in Phobos has an example 5. make sure every function in Phobos has Params: and Returns: sections 6. replace std.xml with something we can be proud of 7. compile a list of popular modules in other languages and see what we should have 8. create a greenthreads module that works like Goroutines 9. create a module that enables code to be run on GPUs 10. now that D can interface to C++ templates and exceptions, create the interface code to the C++ STL 11. review all of Phobos for safe compatibility 12. remove dependency on autodecode from Phobos 13. there was recently a thread on Phobos desperately needing a BigDecimal module, someone helpfully posted links to a couple of free C versions, I suggested that someone build a D wrapper for one or convert one to D. Sadly, that was the end of the discussion :-( 14. I regularly ask people to write articles about D, and the situation is slowly getting better, in that more and more good ones are getting written I've learned to not ask for a gui library :-) There is no shortage of action items. Just hang out in the n.g. for a bit.Of course you can not appoint people, but you should have an idea who you think is sharing your overall vision of D. And then you can ask them. Delegating work is nice, but I would like you to delegate power.I do and I do. Andrei, for example, is in charge of Phobos. Martin does the releases. Etc. I do not remotely make all the decisions. I do my best not to undermine or micromanage others who do make decisions, trying to only step in when I felt something has really gone wrong. ----------------------- What do you want to work on?
Jun 18 2016
On 2016-06-18 12:25, Walter Bright wrote:Off the top of my head, work items for phobos I've repeatedly posted in various forms: 1. eliminate all gratuitous use of gc 2. review all Phobos modules for compatibility with ranges -, for example, was done before ranges and does not work with them 3. use -cov to improve code coverage of Phobos modules 4. make sure every function in Phobos has an example 5. make sure every function in Phobos has Params: and Returns: sections 6. replace std.xml with something we can be proud of 7. compile a list of popular modules in other languages and see what we should have 8. create a greenthreads module that works like Goroutines 9. create a module that enables code to be run on GPUs 10. now that D can interface to C++ templates and exceptions, create the interface code to the C++ STL 11. review all of Phobos for safe compatibility 12. remove dependency on autodecode from Phobos 13. there was recently a thread on Phobos desperately needing a BigDecimal module, someone helpfully posted links to a couple of free C versions, I suggested that someone build a D wrapper for one or convert one to D. Sadly, that was the end of the discussion :-( 14. I regularly ask people to write articles about D, and the situation is slowly getting better, in that more and more good ones are getting written I've learned to not ask for a gui library :-) There is no shortage of action items. Just hang out in the n.g. for a bit.Now you're doing exactly as you're telling us not to do. Writing an important post deep inside a thread, with a completely different subject, that nobody will see. Put it on the front page of or somewhere visible. -- /Jacob Carlborg
Jun 18 2016
On 6/18/2016 4:21 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:Now you're doing exactly as you're telling us not to do. Writing an important post deep inside a thread, with a completely different subject, that nobody will see. Put it on the front page of or somewhere visible.Good point.
Jun 18 2016
I created this: And PR's to dmd, druntime, and phobos' that points to it. If you could keep that list up to date, would be really hopeful IMO. do you want to work on?* I'm working on mentoring the GSoC xml replacement ( it is looking really good btw. * I have in the pipeline which I think will help us to spot performance regeression in phobos and in any other D code for that matter * I'm also working on getting that PR into unit-threaded as I fear the PR will sit in the queue for some time to come. * recently I worked on std.parallelism and tried to get all tests run by default. No fun! std.parallelism or at least way the author indented its use, as shown in the unittests, is just broken. * Then I'm working on my DConf project. * And I'm reviewing phobos PR's
Jun 18 2016
On 6/18/2016 6:46 AM, Robert burner Schadek wrote:I created this: And PR's to dmd, druntime, and phobos' that points to it. If you could keep that list up to date, would be really hopeful IMO.Having it in the readme is a good idea.That is a most excellent and valuable set of projects you're working on!What do you want to work on?* I'm working on mentoring the GSoC xml replacement ( it is looking really good btw. * I have in the pipeline which I think will help us to spot performance regeression in phobos and in any other D code for that matter * I'm also working on getting that PR into unit-threaded as I fear the PR will sit in the queue for some time to come. * recently I worked on std.parallelism and tried to get all tests run by default. No fun! std.parallelism or at least way the author indented its use, as shown in the unittests, is just broken. * Then I'm working on my DConf project. * And I'm reviewing phobos PR's
Jun 18 2016
On Saturday, 18 June 2016 at 10:25:43 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:[...] I've given them a list, and they did something else, every time. Off the top of my head, work items for phobos I've repeatedly posted in various forms: [...]People actually have been working on a lot of the stuff in your list. The sweeping Phobos-wide tasks like cutting back on GC use, making more stuff ` safe`, improving the docs, etc. is getting worked on all the time. No one is going to go and convert the entirety of Phobos in one fell swoop, because Phobos is huge and there is no individual who has the domain knowledge required to work on every part of it. Nevertheless, there has been steady progress on those tasks because whenever people work on some part of Phobos (for whatever reason), they tend to also do some general cleanup while they're at it. (This is hindered by the insistence upon splitting work into many small pull requests, though.) As for the big module ideas - people have discussed work already in progress toward a better `std.xml` and a GPU compute library both here on the forums, and (in the case of the latter) in a talk at the most recent DConf. There are specific reasons, aired in the discussions, as to why people may not be interested in working on BigDecimal (perceived as being of importance mainly to the finance industry, who is unlikely to contribute anything back in return) or removing auto decode (what's the point, when Andrei is emphatic that the feature itself cannot ever be deprecated?). Even so, those discussions were very recent; it is quite possible that someone around here intends to work on them (or already is) and just hasn't got far enough to want feedback yet.
Jun 18 2016
On 6/18/2016 8:38 AM, tsbockman wrote:There are specific reasons, aired in the discussions, as to why people may not be interested in working on BigDecimal (perceived as being of importance mainly to the finance industry, who is unlikely to contribute anything back in return) or removing auto decode (what's the point, when Andrei is emphatic that the feature itself cannot ever be deprecated?). Even so, those discussions were very recent; it is quite possible that someone around here intends to work on them (or already is) and just hasn't got far enough to want feedback yet.Actually, Andrei has agreed with the issues autodecoding has, he's just (legitimately) wary of the extent of disruption it would cause by removing it. He is also in favor of fixing Phobos so it is not dependent on it. (Note that I have fixed quite a few bits of Phobos in this manner already, see std.string and std.path)
Jun 18 2016
On Saturday, 18 June 2016 at 19:49:07 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:On 6/18/2016 8:38 AM, tsbockman wrote:Unless you're trying to say that Andrei has now agreed to deprecate autodecoding, you're not actually disagreeing with what I wrote. The most enticing reason to work on removing Phobos' dependency on autodecoding, is to pave the way for deprecating the feature itself. The motivation for the Phobos changes is much reduced if the deprecation itself is not planned. Anyway, I'm not trying to restart the autodecoding debate here (nor to discourage anyone who wants to from working on this), so I suggest you start a new thread if you have something to announce about this issue that wasn't already said at the conclusion of the last debate.removing auto decode (what's the point, when Andrei is emphatic that the feature itself cannot ever be deprecated?). Even so, those discussions were very recent; it is quite possible that someone around here intends to work on them (or already is) and just hasn't got far enough to want feedback yet.Actually, Andrei has agreed with the issues autodecoding has, he's just (legitimately) wary of the extent of disruption it would cause by removing it. He is also in favor of fixing Phobos so it is not dependent on it.
Jun 18 2016
On Friday, 17 June 2016 at 20:49:54 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:On 6/17/2016 7:52 AM, tsbockman wrote:That has nothing to do with my point: "better" is subjective, and I thought the judgment and goals of others would be given more weight.What caught me off guard here isn't that Andrei had to approve it in some sense - it's that the judgment of everyone else who approved my design seemingly became irrelevant the moment that Andrei decided he could do better.History is full of examples of individuals who decide they can do better, against all conventional wisdom, and are eventually proven correct.Andrei has an enviable track record in the industry of having disruptive ideas that later became mainstream. He's also very well paid as a consultant to give advice to the programming teams of companies. His comments are worthy of serious consideration.I have a finite amount of time, energy, and motivation to work on this. I might have considered his proposed expansion of the scope of the project if it had come earlier, when I was actively seeking input from people about what features were important to them. That connection did not happen, though. Regardless, it is not clear to me that his requirements are actually compatible with mine; I don't really care how wonderful his ideas are if he's trying to solve a (subtly) different problem than I am. As far as I can tell, Andrei is perfectly willing to sacrifice my requirements to make room in his complexity "budget" for his own. This is, of course, his prerogative as lead designer for Phobos, but it also kills any interest I have in working on the project for free.
Jun 17 2016
On 6/17/2016 4:38 PM, tsbockman wrote:This is, of course, his prerogative as lead designer for Phobos, but it also kills any interest I have in working on the project for free.You know, I do sympathize, even if I don't agree. One big motivation for D in the first place was the C++ community not being interested in my contributions. Ironically, they're adopting them one by one anyway :-) If you're not interested in continuing with this, I suggest packaging it up and making it available via Dub. Sort of let the marketplace decide.
Jun 17 2016
On Saturday, 18 June 2016 at 01:28:38 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:On 6/17/2016 4:38 PM, tsbockman wrote:Indeed, D has many excellent ideas. I hope that some day you'll consider allowing a breaking "D3" though, as the D language design also has a great deal of technical debt accumulated from the blitz of feature additions in D2. If that debt can be payed off, I don't think that any of the currently popular languages could compete with it.This is, of course, his prerogative as lead designer for Phobos, but it also kills any interest I have in working on the project for free.You know, I do sympathize, even if I don't agree. One big motivation for D in the first place was the C++ community not being interested in my contributions. Ironically, they're adopting them one by one anyway :-)If you're not interested in continuing with this, I suggest packaging it up and making it available via Dub. Sort of let the marketplace decide.It's been on DUB since before this review started, and I plan to support it (including incorporating some of the feedback from this thread).
Jun 17 2016
On 6/17/2016 7:20 PM, tsbockman wrote:It's been on DUB since before this review started, and I plan to support it (including incorporating some of the feedback from this thread).Thanks, that's a good plan.
Jun 17 2016
On 15.06.2016 18:40, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:The only remaining matter is to implement a few preexisting policies (Hook implementations) to implement typical choices (such as the ones present today), and the core algorithms for doing bounded operations. The most interesting algorithms are for computing the bounds of operations such as |, &, and ^. The D compiler needs those as well, and currently implements them incorrectly. I have these in my mind and I can help with those.
Jun 15 2016
On 06/15/2016 05:32 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:On 15.06.2016 18:40, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:Nice! On first glance (number of steps :o)) these looks like what I had in mind. Any chance you could make PRs for integrating these into the compiler? Thanks! -- AndreiThe only remaining matter is to implement a few preexisting policies (Hook implementations) to implement typical choices (such as the ones present today), and the core algorithms for doing bounded operations. The most interesting algorithms are for computing the bounds of operations such as |, &, and ^. The D compiler needs those as well, and currently implements them incorrectly. I have these in my mind and I can help with those.
Jun 15 2016
On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 16:40:19 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:One of the first things I looked for was establishing bounds for numbers, like Smart!(int, 0, 100) for percentage. For all its might, this package does not offer this basic facility, and from what I can tell does not allow users to enforce it via policies.Another angle on why `checkedint` does not currently include a bounded type: although some of the internals might be similar, conceptually a `BoundInt` type is actually the *opposite* of the ideal which `SmartInt` and `SafeInt` strive toward. The problem which this package was written to solve, is that when programming people frequently want to use "integers" as a data type. A real "integer" is, by definition, UNbounded, with an infinite range of values available. This makes designing algorithms simpler, but of course leads to problems when a value strays outside the narrow range in which the behaviour of machine integers correctly emulates that of mathematical integers. The whole point of `checkedint` is to be able to write algorithms based on the simplifying assumption that your variables behave like real, UNbounded mathematical integers, secure in the knowledge that an error message will be generated if that assumption is invalidated. Intentionally limiting values to a specific range is a different problem, and never the one that I was trying to solve - although I agree that the `checkedint` package would be a good namespace in which to park a `BoundInt` type, if someone wants to submit one.
Jun 15 2016
On 06/15/2016 07:34 PM, tsbockman wrote:The whole point of `checkedint` is to be able to write algorithms based on the simplifying assumption that your variables behave like real, UNbounded mathematical integers, secure in the knowledge that an error message will be generated if that assumption is invalidated.Fair point, though one could make the same claim for integers within other limits than the machine's. -- Andrei
Jun 15 2016
On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 00:03:26 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:On 06/15/2016 07:34 PM, tsbockman wrote:Sure. I'm just trying to explain my design goals and philosophy - not to argue that no other approach could be valid. But, I would appreciate it if comments distinguished between: 1) My goals and philosophy differ from yours, versus 2) My implementation is bad. I think a lot of the high-level criticism you brought is really rooted in (1), even though you present it as (2).The whole point of `checkedint` is to be able to write algorithms based on the simplifying assumption that your variables behave like real, UNbounded mathematical integers, secure in the knowledge that an error message will be generated if that assumption is invalidated.Fair point, though one could make the same claim for integers within other limits than the machine's. -- Andrei
Jun 15 2016
On 06/15/2016 08:07 PM, tsbockman wrote:On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 00:03:26 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:My perception is your implementation is professional. -- AndreiOn 06/15/2016 07:34 PM, tsbockman wrote:Sure. I'm just trying to explain my design goals and philosophy - not to argue that no other approach could be valid. But, I would appreciate it if comments distinguished between: 1) My goals and philosophy differ from yours, versus 2) My implementation is bad. I think a lot of the high-level criticism you brought is really rooted in (1), even though you present it as (2).The whole point of `checkedint` is to be able to write algorithms based on the simplifying assumption that your variables behave like real, UNbounded mathematical integers, secure in the knowledge that an error message will be generated if that assumption is invalidated.Fair point, though one could make the same claim for integers within other limits than the machine's. -- Andrei
Jun 15 2016
On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 00:33:38 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:On 06/15/2016 08:07 PM, tsbockman wrote:Thank you.But, I would appreciate it if comments distinguished between: 1) My goals and philosophy differ from yours, versus 2) My implementation is bad. I think a lot of the high-level criticism you brought is really rooted in (1), even though you present it as (2).My perception is your implementation is professional. -- Andrei
Jun 15 2016