digitalmars.D.learn - undefined identifier with scope statement?
import std.stdio; void main() { scope(exit) writeln(res); auto res = 0; } This compiles, but using failure or success in the scope guard statement gives "undefined identifier res". Is this intended? If yes, why?
Jun 13 2010
Hello Trass3r,import std.stdio; void main() { scope(exit) writeln(res); auto res = 0; } This compiles, but using failure or success in the scope guard statement gives "undefined identifier res". Is this intended? If yes, why?I'm going to guess that the given case is an accepts-invalid bug caused by scope getting re written as a try/finally with the writeln at the bottom of some scope containing res and the other cases put it outside the scope. File a bug and see what happens. -- ... <IXOYE><
Jun 13 2010
I'm going to guess that the given case is an accepts-invalid bug caused by scope getting re written as a try/finally with the writeln at the bottom of some scope containing res and the other cases put it outside the scope. File a bug and see what happens.
Jun 14 2010