digitalmars.D.learn - std.regex bug? My regex doesn't match what it's supposed to.
- Alex Folland (21/21) Feb 03 2011 I'm using std.regex from Phobos 2, which I heard was relatively new. My...
- Alex Folland (10/10) Feb 03 2011 I figured something out, at least. I had forgotten to use backslashes
- Alex Folland (4/4) Feb 03 2011 I figured out the bug. Inside a set of square brackets, \s doesn't
- Stanislav Blinov (6/10) Feb 03 2011 It does match for me:
- Alex Folland (14/24) Feb 03 2011 Okay, now actually try the test I suggested. I found it was working in
- Stanislav Blinov (2/26) Feb 03 2011 Oh, yes, I see it now.
- Jesse Phillips (4/7) Feb 03 2011 Might I suggest using a simpler regex? It gives the ability to do better...
- Alex Folland (6/13) Feb 04 2011 I finished my function today. :) I did end up using shorter regexes
I'm using std.regex from Phobos 2, which I heard was relatively new. My regex is supposed to match a time to start playback in a game replay's file name (usually user-written). It's very adaptive and works perfectly on but doesn't match properly with Phobos. I wrote a test program which displays filenames and the matched timecodes. It's located here: The regex (might have to widen your mail client to see it properly): ((start|begin|enter|play(back)?)[\s_-]*)?(( |at|from)[\s_-]*)?(\d+([\.\-']|[\s_-]*|m(in(ute)?)?|[\s_-]*and[\s_-]*)*(s(ec(ond)?)?)?){1,3} \_____________Ignore this part.__It works perfectly._________/\_______________This part is supposed to match time codes._______________/ The problematic string: Guaton_at_9min59sec.WAgame matches "at_9min59sec" altogether perfectly, which is what I want to happen. std.regex matches "at_9" and "59s", which I don't want to happen. std.regex was matching "at_9min59s" before I changed the way it finds variations of "minute" and "second" from "[ms][inutecond]*" to its current method. It was better before. Now the numbers aren't even joined. All in all, I'm pretty sure this is a std.regex bug, but I don't want to waste Andrei's time if it's not, since I'm not that experienced.
Feb 03 2011
I figured something out, at least. I had forgotten to use backslashes before the hyphens in the [...]s. That makes the matches link together as expected, but it still doesn't make "s(ec(ond)?)?" match "sec" like it should. It just matches "s". For example, with std.regex, the following regex doesn't match the full string below it. (\d+([\.\-\s_']|and|m(in(ute)?s?)?|s(ec(ond)?s?)?)*){1,3} 9min59sec24 It does match on . This is pretty clearly a bug at this point. I don't see what else I could be doing wrong.
Feb 03 2011
I figured out the bug. Inside a set of square brackets, \s doesn't match whitespace. It matches s instead. I'm uncertain exactly how the ECMA-262 part 15.10 regular expression specification is meant to handle that situation.
Feb 03 2011
03.02.2011 18:03, Alex Folland пишет:I figured out the bug. Inside a set of square brackets, \s doesn't match whitespace. It matches s instead. I'm uncertain exactly how the ECMA-262 part 15.10 regular expression specification is meant to handle that situation.It does match for me: foreach(m; match("a b c d e", regex("[a-z][\\s]?"))) { writefln("%s[%s]%s", m.pre, m.hit,; }
Feb 03 2011
On 2011-02-03 10:21, Stanislav Blinov wrote:03.02.2011 18:03, Alex Folland пишет:Okay, now actually try the test I suggested. I found it was working in other sections too, but not in this test which has another "s" section it's supposed to look for. Since it's broken, you'll see 2 matches instead of 1. module main; import std.stdio,std.regex; void main() { foreach(m; match("9min59sec24", regex(`(\d+([\s_]|and|m(in(ute)?s?)?|s(ec(ond)?s?)?)*){1,3}`, "gi"))) writefln("%s[%s]%s", m.pre, m.hit,; return; }I figured out the bug. Inside a set of square brackets, \s doesn't match whitespace. It matches s instead. I'm uncertain exactly how the ECMA-262 part 15.10 regular expression specification is meant to handle that situation.It does match for me: foreach(m; match("a b c d e", regex("[a-z][\\s]?"))) { writefln("%s[%s]%s", m.pre, m.hit,; }
Feb 03 2011
03.02.2011 19:08, Alex Folland пишет:On 2011-02-03 10:21, Stanislav Blinov wrote:Oh, yes, I see it now.03.02.2011 18:03, Alex Folland пишет:Okay, now actually try the test I suggested. I found it was working in other sections too, but not in this test which has another "s" section it's supposed to look for. Since it's broken, you'll see 2 matches instead of 1. module main; import std.stdio,std.regex; void main() { foreach(m; match("9min59sec24", regex(`(\d+([\s_]|and|m(in(ute)?s?)?|s(ec(ond)?s?)?)*){1,3}`, "gi"))) writefln("%s[%s]%s", m.pre, m.hit,; return;I figured out the bug. Inside a set of square brackets, \s doesn't match whitespace. It matches s instead. I'm uncertain exactly how the ECMA-262 part 15.10 regular expression specification is meant to handle that situation.It does match for me: foreach(m; match("a b c d e", regex("[a-z][\\s]?"))) { writefln("%s[%s]%s", m.pre, m.hit,; }
Feb 03 2011
Alex Folland Wrote:The problematic string: Guaton_at_9min59sec.WAgameMight I suggest using a simpler regex? It gives the ability to do better error checking/reporting. Instead of adding all the misspellings for minute and second, just capture those locations as words and analyze them outside the regex. In fact you could capture the whole time segment and use a second regex to pull out the data: regex("(\d+\w+)", "g") Then your regex isn't updated when you need to add hours and such.
Feb 03 2011
On 2011-02-03 17:03, Jesse Phillips wrote:Alex Folland Wrote:I finished my function today. :) I did end up using shorter regexes and embedded foreach loops in order to break the timecodes down. However, the whole timecodes were found by a relatively large and adaptive regex, which seems to be necessary. Thanks for the tip though. It helped further down the line.The problematic string: Guaton_at_9min59sec.WAgameMight I suggest using a simpler regex? It gives the ability to do better error checking/reporting. Instead of adding all the misspellings for minute and second, just capture those locations as words and analyze them outside the regex. In fact you could capture the whole time segment and use a second regex to pull out the data: regex("(\d+\w+)", "g") Then your regex isn't updated when you need to add hours and such.
Feb 04 2011