digitalmars.D.learn - problems playing audio with mciSendString
- Tyro[a.c.edwards] (46/46) Nov 02 2010 Hello all,
- Tyro[a.c.edwards] (5/5) Nov 02 2010 Thanks,
Hello all, I would really appreciate some assistance on this. The intent is to create a vocabulary/flashcard program with proper pronunciations. Pronunciations are saved as individual mp3 files which I want to play whenever a new term is displayed. My current attempt is simply to get the the file (any mp3 file really) to play. All indication form the two references I'm using ( us/library/dd757161(v=VS.85).aspx and,-Wav,-Wmv,-Mpg,- Avi-Etc-Files-In-Win32-Api-Program.html) say that this little script is supposed to work. The error codes as reported by mciSendString even suggest that it is working, however I'm not hearing any sound at all. suggestions anyone? import std.stdio : writeln; import std.string : cstring = toStringz; import; pragma(lib, "winmm.lib" ); extern(Windows) { uint mciSendStringA( LPCTSTR lpszCommand, LPTSTR lpszReturnString, uint cchReturn, HANDLE hwndCallback); } uint mciSendString(string s) { return mciSendStringA( cstring(s), cast(LPTSTR)null, 0, cast(HANDLE)0 ); } void main() { auto exist = mciSendString("open CC_10_mins.mp3 type mpegvideo alias myFile"); auto succeeded = mciSendString("play myFile"); auto closed = mciSendString("close myFile"); writeln( exist, " - ", succeeded, " - ", closed ); } PROGRAM OUTPUT ============== when file exists: D:\code>play 0 - 0 - 0 when file does not exist: D:\code>play 275 - 263 - 263
Nov 02 2010
Thanks, The problem was that mciSendString was immediately returning control to the caller after being called. This simple change fixed the problem: mciSendString("play myFile wait");
Nov 02 2010