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digitalmars.D.learn - looking for work-around: _d_assocarrayliteralTX segfault assigning a

reply mw <mingwu gmail.com> writes:

JR 2020-05-08 19:17:02 UTC
Manjaro/Arch x86_64, dmd 2.091.1. ldc does not seem to be 
shared string[string] aa;

void main()
     aa = [ "abc" : "123" ];
 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
 0x00007ffff7de2239 in _d_assocarrayliteralTX () from 
https://run.dlang.io/is/D7AhPD Could not get a real backtrace into phobos as dmd built with mw 2023-06-13 17:00:00 UTC Encountered this bug again today with DMD64 D Compiler v2.104.0 You can also try on the run.dlang.org link above, the bug still there. Sigh, we have so many such basic bugs for more than 3 years now, with no fix. Does anyone know how to fix it? or any work-around? Thanks.
Jun 13 2023
next sibling parent reply Anonymouse <zorael gmail.com> writes:
On Tuesday, 13 June 2023 at 17:06:55 UTC, mw wrote:
 Does anyone know how to fix it? or any work-around?

I don't know if it's *correct* or not, but I think I did this at the time to work around it. ``` shared string[string] aa; void main() { auto aaTemp = [ "abc" : "123" ]; aa = cast(shared)aaTemp; } ```
Jun 13 2023
parent mw <mingwu gmail.com> writes:
On Tuesday, 13 June 2023 at 17:12:41 UTC, Anonymouse wrote:
 On Tuesday, 13 June 2023 at 17:06:55 UTC, mw wrote:
 Does anyone know how to fix it? or any work-around?

I don't know if it's *correct* or not, but I think I did this at the time to work around it. ``` shared string[string] aa; void main() { auto aaTemp = [ "abc" : "123" ]; aa = cast(shared)aaTemp; } ```
Thanks, I just did a simple test: https://gist.github.com/run-dlang/88cefdde8bb7f61f173ad11b2a03d5ee (BTW, https://run.dlang.org/ is not stable these few days). ``` import core.thread; import std; import std.parallelism; shared string[string] aa; void fun() { foreach (i; 0 .. 5) { writeln("fun", i, aa); foreach (num; parallel(iota(5))) { // writeln(num); } Thread.sleep(5.seconds); } } void main() { writeln("start", aa); auto aaTemp = [ "abc" : "123" ]; aa = cast(shared)aaTemp; writeln(aa); foreach (num; parallel(iota(5))) { auto t = new Thread({fun();}).start(); } } ``` run result: ``` start[] ["abc":"123"] fun0["abc":"123"] fun0["abc":"123"] fun0["abc":"123"] fun0["abc":"123"] fun0["abc":"123"] fun1["abc":"123"] fun1["abc":"123"] fun1["abc":"123"] fun1["abc":"123"] fun1["abc":"123"] fun2["abc":"123"] fun2["abc":"123"] fun2["abc":"123"] fun2["abc":"123"] fun2["abc":"123"] fun3["abc":"123"] fun3["abc":"123"] fun3["abc":"123"] fun3["abc":"123"] fun3["abc":"123"] fun4["abc":"123"] fun4["abc":"123"] fun4["abc":"123"] fun4["abc":"123"] fun4["abc":"123"] ``` looks like different threads can read the same `aa` contents. So at least it's working.
Jun 13 2023
prev sibling next sibling parent reply Steven Schveighoffer <schveiguy gmail.com> writes:
On 6/13/23 1:06 PM, mw wrote:
 JR 2020-05-08 19:17:02 UTC
 Manjaro/Arch x86_64, dmd 2.091.1. ldc does not seem to be affected.
GDC also fails.
 shared string[string] aa;
 void main()
      aa = [ "abc" : "123" ];
 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
 0x00007ffff7de2239 in _d_assocarrayliteralTX () from 
https://run.dlang.io/is/D7AhPD Could not get a real backtrace into phobos as dmd built with digger
I tried the memoryerror registration, but that doesn't give any more information. It's unfortunate that LDC works, as that comes with a debug-built druntime/phobos you can use. As far as I can tell, this problem has been occurring for a long time. BTW, you don't need to define it in global space, just: ```d void main() { shared aa = ["abc": "123"]; } ``` -Steve
Jun 13 2023
parent reply mw <mingwu gmail.com> writes:
On Tuesday, 13 June 2023 at 22:21:10 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
 As far as I can tell, this problem has been occurring for a 
 long time.

 BTW, you don't need to define it in global space, just:

 void main()
    shared aa = ["abc": "123"];
I have to ask the old-timers on this forums: looks like the dlang built-in AA has caused us too many problems, I'm just wondering which (dict / map) library on https://code.dlang.org/ provides the best (reliable and convenient) drop-in replacement of the built-in AA? Thanks.
Jun 13 2023
parent Steven Schveighoffer <schveiguy gmail.com> writes:
On 6/13/23 8:02 PM, mw wrote:
 On Tuesday, 13 June 2023 at 22:21:10 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
 As far as I can tell, this problem has been occurring for a long time.

 BTW, you don't need to define it in global space, just:

 void main()
    shared aa = ["abc": "123"];
I have to ask the old-timers on this forums: looks like the dlang built-in AA has caused us too many problems, I'm just wondering which (dict / map) library on https://code.dlang.org/ provides the best (reliable and convenient) drop-in replacement of the built-in AA?
I started one, but haven't fleshed out all the pieces: https://code.dlang.org/packages/newaa This is literally a drop-in replacement for an AA as it uses exactly the same algorithms and layout. In fact, you can cast it to an equivalent aa and it works. I would accept PRs and issues if you want to use it. The hard parts are done, it just needs API. -Steve
Jun 13 2023
prev sibling parent reply Steven Schveighoffer <schveiguy gmail.com> writes:
On 6/13/23 1:06 PM, mw wrote:
 Does anyone know how to fix it? or any work-around?
Built a debug version of dmd/druntime, the failure is here: https://github.com/dlang/dmd/blob/342a226833a0e9c7a90bbb64ae8dc35aa6d6bfdc/druntime/src/rt/aaA.d#L766 The line is: ```d immutable keysz = ti.key.tsize; ``` From the debugger, I can tell that ti.key is null. So that is the segfault. I need to diagnose further, but most *likely* the problem is that the typeinfo being passed is incorrect (I believe it's a TypeInfo_Shared, but the function is expecting a TypeInfo_AssociativeArray) -Steve
Jun 13 2023
parent reply Steven Schveighoffer <schveiguy gmail.com> writes:
On 6/13/23 10:02 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

 I need to diagnose further, but most *likely* the problem is that the 
 typeinfo being passed is incorrect (I believe it's a TypeInfo_Shared, 
 but the function is expecting a TypeInfo_AssociativeArray)
Further diagnosis is that the `TypeInfo` being passed in is still wrapped in a `TypeInfo_Shared`. If you do `const aa = ["abc": "123"]` or `immutable aa = ["abc": "123"]` then the typeinfo is not wrapped in `TypeInfo_Const` or `TypeInfo_Shared` This explains exactly why there is a bug. I put the following line at the top of that function, and it fails in the `shared` case: ```d assert(typeid(ti) == typeid(TypeInfo_AssociativeArray)); ``` If there isn't a bug I'll file one. -Steve
Jun 13 2023
parent Steven Schveighoffer <schveiguy gmail.com> writes:
On 6/13/23 10:14 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
 If there isn't a bug I'll file one.
OMG I didn't even see that the first line of your post is the bug report! I added to it. -Steve
Jun 13 2023