digitalmars.D.learn - [ldc, asm] Accessing function parameters in inline assembler
- Manuel =?ISO-8859-1?B?S/ZuaWc=?= (89/89) Oct 01 2010 Hi,
- Manuel =?ISO-8859-1?B?S/ZuaWc=?= (11/11) Oct 02 2010 The problem is mostly solved now, objdump saved me :)
Hi, I'm trying to understand how the inline assembler works in ldc, but I couldn't find any docs about the calling conventions. When I try to access the stack parameters, the function always segfaults, and I don't know how to fix it. I also looked at tango's BigNum asm implementation, and I tried to do the same (I didn't test though if tango's BigNum works). My platform is linux x86_64, here's what I did (or was trying to do): import; /* In the following two functions I try to implement the identity function that simply returns it's parameter. I don't get it to work, though. */ uint identity_v1(uint x) { asm { // D-linkage: x should be in EAX, result is returned in EAX // shouldn't have to do anything naked; ret; } } uint identity_v2(uint x) { asm { // ok, identity_v1 doesn't work, maybe x is on the stack? naked; mov EAX, [ESP+4]; // segfaults, why? ret; } } // identity_v1/2 don't work, check if the result is really returned in EAX uint test(uint x) { asm { naked; mov EAX, 123; ret; } } /* a bit more complex: returns true iff (a*b > c*d) */ bool cmpProduct(long a, long b, long c, long d) { // I'm assuming d,c,b,a are in [ESP+i*8] for i=1,..,4 // in that order asm { naked; // RBX:RCX = a*b mov RAX, [ESP+4*8]; imul RAX, [ESP+3*8]; // why isn't one operand enough? bug? mov RBX, RDX; mov RCX, RAX; // RDX:RAX = c*d mov RAX, [ESP+2*8]; imul RAX, [ESP+1*8]; // EAX = (a*b > c*d) cmp RBX, RDX; jg AB_GREATER_CD; jl AB_LESS_CD; cmp RCX, RAX; xor EAX, EAX; setg AL; ret; AB_GREATER_CD: mov EAX, 1; ret; AB_LESS_CD: xor EAX, EAX; ret; } } void main() { Stdout.formatln("identity_v1 = {}", identity_v1(4)); // returns 254, regardless of the parameter Stdout.formatln("identity_v2 = {}", identity_v2(4)); // segfaults Stdout.formatln("test = {}", test(4)); // returns 123, as expected Stdout.formatln("cmpProduct = {}", cmpProduct(1,2,3,4)); // segfaults } So my questions are: (1) how do I access parameters? (2) what are the ldc calling conventions on x86_64 platforms? (3) what do I have to do to make identity_v1/2 and cmpProduct work? (when (1) or (2) are sufficiently answered, question (3) of course becomes obsolete)
Oct 01 2010
The problem is mostly solved now, objdump saved me :) It turns out ldc passes 32-bit parameters in EDI, ESI and 64-bit parameters in RDI, RSI. The result is in EAX or RAX, depending on the size. The segfaults I encountered are caused by using ESP as stackpointer, but in 64 bit mode this should of course have been RSP. I think this solves all my practical problems for now, but it would be nice to know the detailed calling conventions, or are they maybe generated on-the-fly by llvm to get the best calling convention for each single function? I also tried to enforce the documented D calling convention with extern(D), and also tried extern(C), but that didn't change anything.
Oct 02 2010