digitalmars.D.learn - how to make this function nothrow?
- Jack (22/22) Feb 15 2021 I have to make my function nothrow because the function that
- Adam D. Ruppe (5/8) Feb 15 2021 well that's prolly the way to do it, just catch Exception and
- =?UTF-8?Q?Ali_=c3=87ehreli?= (32/36) Feb 15 2021 I understand that the caller is not written by you but I hope it at
- Steven Schveighoffer (5/32) Feb 15 2021
- Jack (5/39) Feb 22 2021 I didn't know about that function, I'll be using this one from
I have to make my function nothrow because the function that calls it (not written by me) is nothrow. So I need to wrap my code in a try-catch() but how will I report the error message, if the toString() from Throwable isn't nothrow? how do I get out this circular dependence? void f() nothrow { import std.conv : to; try { // do something } catch(Throwable th) { auto err = th.toString; } } I can't use err variable, it result in error: function object.Throwable.toString is not nothrow obviously, insert a try-catch() within catch() is a circular dependence and doesn't solve the problem either (even if it, I think it would be quite ugly)
Feb 15 2021
On Monday, 15 February 2021 at 21:04:50 UTC, Jack wrote:obviously, insert a try-catch() within catch() is a circular dependence and doesn't solve the problem either (even if it, I think it would be quite ugly)well that's prolly the way to do it, just catch Exception and like assert(0) if it happens with a static string assert(0, "exception toString threw"); to completely abort at that point.
Feb 15 2021
On 2/15/21 1:04 PM, Jack wrote:I have to make my function nothrow because the function that calls it (not written by me) is nothrow. So I need to wrap my code in a try-catch() but how will I report the error message, if the toString() from Throwable isn't nothrow? how do I get out this circular dependence?I understand that the caller is not written by you but I hope it at least expects an 'int' code from f(). The following "last error" is a common way for no-exception languages like C. I put the fprintf in g() but you can put it at a higher level that you control. You can print fLastError when g() fails. string fLastError; int f() nothrow { import std.conv : to; fLastError = null; try { "hi".to!int; } catch(Throwable th) { import std.format; fLastError = __FUNCTION__ ~ " failed: " ~ th.msg; return 1; } return 0; } int g() nothrow { const err = f(); if (err) { import core.stdc.stdio : fprintf, stderr; fprintf(stderr, "%.*s\n", cast(int)fLastError.length, fLastError.ptr); } return err; } int main() { return g(); } Ali
Feb 15 2021
On 2/15/21 4:04 PM, Jack wrote:I have to make my function nothrow because the function that calls it (not written by me) is nothrow. So I need to wrap my code in a try-catch() but how will I report the error message, if the toString() from Throwable isn't nothrow? how do I get out this circular dependence? void f() nothrow { import std.conv : to; try { // do something } catch(Throwable th) { auto err = th.toString; } } I can't use err variable, it result in error: function object.Throwable.toString is not nothrow obviously, insert a try-catch() within catch() is a circular dependence and doesn't solve the problem either (even if it, I think it would be quite ugly) import std.exception; auto err = assumeWontThrow(th.toString, "oops, toString threw something!"); -Steve
Feb 15 2021
On Tuesday, 16 February 2021 at 00:39:33 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:On 2/15/21 4:04 PM, Jack wrote:I didn't know about that function, I'll be using this one from now. Thanks! Adam and Ali thank you guys too, helpful alwaysI have to make my function nothrow because the function that calls it (not written by me) is nothrow. So I need to wrap my code in a try-catch() but how will I report the error message, if the toString() from Throwable isn't nothrow? how do I get out this circular dependence? void f() nothrow { import std.conv : to; try { // do something } catch(Throwable th) { auto err = th.toString; } } I can't use err variable, it result in error: function object.Throwable.toString is not nothrow obviously, insert a try-catch() within catch() is a circular dependence and doesn't solve the problem either (even if it, I think it would be quite ugly) import std.exception; auto err = assumeWontThrow(th.toString, "oops, toString threw something!"); -Steve
Feb 22 2021