digitalmars.D.learn - generating switch case from compile time sequence of functions
- Sjoerd Nijboer (41/41) Jul 14 2019 I am trying to create a template function with a switch case
- Adam D. Ruppe (19/37) Jul 14 2019 I'd probably just do
- Sjoerd Nijboer (14/19) Jul 15 2019 I eventually went with
I am trying to create a template function with a switch case inside it. The function signature is: `static void doSwitch(T...)(int i)` The code it must generate for `doSwitch!(foo, bar)()` is `{ switch (int) { foo: foo(); return; bar: bar(); return; } }` It would be nice if this function would cast `i` to an enum too so that I can put down a breakpoint in a debugger and maybe add some logging, but that is not strictly neccesary. The code I have right now is: ` template switchEnum(FunctionNames...) { enum temp = [FunctionNames].join(", "); enum switchEnum = "{" ~ temp ~ "};"; } static void doSwitch(FunctionNames...)(int i) { auto functionName = cast(switchEnum!FunctionNames) i; switch (functionName) { static foreach (name; FunctionNames) { name ~ " : " ~ name ~ "(); break;"; } } } ` But I can't get it to work and am hitting a dead end. The error I get: `Error: switchEnum!(foo, bar) is used as a type`
Jul 14 2019
On Sunday, 14 July 2019 at 19:26:41 UTC, Sjoerd Nijboer wrote:The code it must generate for `doSwitch!(foo, bar)()` is `{ switch (int) { foo: foo(); return; bar: bar(); return; } }`I'd probably just do void doSwitch(items...)(int i) { switch(i) { static foreach(idx, item; items) { case idx: item(); return; } } } That should work pretty simply.enum temp = [FunctionNames].join(", "); enum switchEnum = "{" ~ temp ~ "};";Were you trying to do a mixin here? The error you mention below is trying to use this switchEnum thing as a type... and it isn't a type, it is just a string. the mixin() is necessary to compile it into code and thus create that type. mixin("enum switchEnum = { " ~ temp ~ "}"); but I think even attempting this is overcomplicating.static foreach (name; FunctionNames) { name ~ " : " ~ name ~ "(); break;"; }ditto down here too.
Jul 14 2019
On Sunday, 14 July 2019 at 19:59:36 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:but I think even attempting this is overcomplicating.I eventually went with `switch (mixin(index)) { static foreach (index, name; FunctionNames) { mixin(index) ~ " : " ~ mixin(name) ~ "(); break;"; } default: throw new Exception("Out of range."); }` I also ditched the idea of an enum for now, but I might add something simular in later for logging purposes. Thank you for your help!static foreach (name; FunctionNames) { name ~ " : " ~ name ~ "(); break;"; }
Jul 15 2019