digitalmars.D.learn - foreach: How start a foreach count with specific number?
- Marcone (32/32) Jun 02 2021 Example:
- =?UTF-8?Q?Ali_=c3=87ehreli?= (12/13) Jun 02 2021 It is not configurable but is trivial by adding a base value:
- Paul Backus (12/14) Jun 02 2021 Easiest way is to just add the starting number:
Example: // --args "C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\dist\Programa.exe" import modulo; void main(string[] args){ if (args.length >= 2) { string exePrincipal = args[1]; chdir(exePrincipal.dirName); foreach(n, i; glob("*")){ print("{} DATA {}".format(n, i)); } } } This print: 0 DATA icone.ico 1 DATA libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll 2 DATA libstdc++-6.dll 3 DATA libwinpthread-1.dll 4 DATA platforms 5 DATA Programa.d 6 DATA Programa.exe 7 DATA Programa.obj 8 DATA Programa.rc 9 DATA Programa.res 10 DATA Qt5Core.dll 11 DATA Qt5Gui.dll 12 DATA Qt5Widgets.dll 13 DATA qte5.d 14 DATA QtE5Widgets32.dll But I don't want it starts with 0, but other number. How can I do it?
Jun 02 2021
On 6/2/21 8:49 AM, Marcone wrote:But I don't want it starts with 0, but other number. How can I do it?It is not configurable but is trivial by adding a base value: import std.stdio; enum base = 17; void main() { auto arr = [ "hello", "world" ]; foreach (i, str; arr) { const count = base + i; writefln!"%s: %s"(count, str); } } Ali
Jun 02 2021
On Wednesday, 2 June 2021 at 15:49:36 UTC, Marcone wrote:But I don't want it starts with 0, but other number. How can I do it?Easiest way is to just add the starting number: size_t start = 5; foreach (n, i; glob("*")) { print("{} DATA {}".format(n, start + i)); } You can also use [`std.range.enumerate`][1], which takes the number to start with as an optional argument: foreach (n, i; glob("*").enumerate(5)) { print("{} DATA {}".format(n, start + i)); } [1]:
Jun 02 2021