digitalmars.D.learn - dip1000, perhaps annotate with return, and vibe-d
- aliak (26/26) Jul 24 2019 Trying to get dip1000 flag in use. I have this error:
- Paul Backus (9/27) Jul 24 2019 It should go on the constructor's parameter; i.e.,
- aliak (5/15) Jul 25 2019 Thanks! The under the hood stuff was good to know!
Trying to get dip1000 flag in use. I have this error: Error: returning Optional(null, false).this(value) escapes a reference to parameter value, perhaps annotate with return in this function: public auto some(T)(auto ref T value) { return Optional!T(value); // <-- error on this line } And it's instantiated from here: static Optional!T fromRepresentation(Json value) { if (value == Json.undefined) { return no!T; } return some(deserializeJson!T(value)); // <-- instantiated from here } I put the qualifier "return" on the parameter to some, but did nothing. And I put it on Optional.this() as well, but I'm not sure where I'm supposed to put it. The constructor for Optional takes an auto ref T ... I'm not sure that makes sense. Does it make sense to take a constructor parameter that is copied in to the struct by auto ref if you're not calling .move on it explicitly? And as for vibe-d, I get this when compiling with dip1000: Also, vibe-d gives me this: ../../../.dub/packages/vibe-core-1.6.2/vibe-core/source/vibe/inter al/traits.d(391,2): Error: static assert: "FileStream does not implement method "read" of type safe ulong(scope ubyte[] dst, IOMode mode)" Has anyone seen that or used vibed with dip1000?
Jul 24 2019
On Wednesday, 24 July 2019 at 12:54:51 UTC, aliak wrote:Trying to get dip1000 flag in use. I have this error: Error: returning Optional(null, false).this(value) escapes a reference to parameter value, perhaps annotate with return in this function: public auto some(T)(auto ref T value) { return Optional!T(value); // <-- error on this line } And it's instantiated from here: static Optional!T fromRepresentation(Json value) { if (value == Json.undefined) { return no!T; } return some(deserializeJson!T(value)); // <-- instantiated from here } I put the qualifier "return" on the parameter to some, but did nothing. And I put it on Optional.this() as well, but I'm not sure where I'm supposed to put it.It should go on the constructor's parameter; i.e., this(auto return ref T value) { /* ... */ } Under the hood, a constructor actually returns the constructed value by reference, so the actual signature of the above constructor seen by the lifetime checker is: ref Optional!T __ctor(auto return ref T value) You can see this for yourself with something like `pragma(msg, typeof(Optional!T.__ctor))`.
Jul 24 2019
On Wednesday, 24 July 2019 at 16:23:48 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:On Wednesday, 24 July 2019 at 12:54:51 UTC, aliak wrote:Thanks! The under the hood stuff was good to know! I was putting it in the right place but it seems to still have been complaining. Ah well. I guess an auto ref on a constructor doesn't really make sense anyway.[...]It should go on the constructor's parameter; i.e., this(auto return ref T value) { /* ... */ } Under the hood, a constructor actually returns the constructed value by reference, so the actual signature of the above constructor seen by the lifetime checker is: ref Optional!T __ctor(auto return ref T value) You can see this for yourself with something like `pragma(msg, typeof(Optional!T.__ctor))`.
Jul 25 2019