digitalmars.D.learn - compile time introspection and code generation - automatically serialize to json
- Tobias Pankrath (22/22) Jul 21 2011 Hi everyone,
- Robert Clipsham (26/47) Jul 21 2011 Something like this is very possible, here's a start for you (untested,
- Robert Clipsham (6/27) Jul 21 2011 Side note: If/when you finish this, you should definitely make a pull
- Jacob Carlborg (6/27) Jul 21 2011 Have a look at Orange:
- Tobias Pankrath (12/17) Jul 21 2011 Thank you for pointing me there. Looks very interesting. I took a quick ...
- Jacob Carlborg (6/23) Jul 21 2011 The thought behind that was that I wanted to force the function to be
- Adam Ruppe (8/8) Jul 21 2011 For another implementation, find the functions toJson and toJsonValue
Hi everyone, I'm taking a look at D again and asked myself, if it is possible to write a template mixin or something similiar that automatically serializes an object to json. For example: class MyClass { string memberA; int memberB; MyClass memberC; mixin ToJson!MyClass; } should make possible to automatically output "someid" { "memberA" : "somestring", "memberB" : 12, memberC : "someotherid"}; How could this be accomplished? I've found std.traits RepresentationTypeTupel but don't see how this would help me. Thanks, Tobias
Jul 21 2011
On 21/07/2011 08:57, Tobias Pankrath wrote:Hi everyone, I'm taking a look at D again and asked myself, if it is possible to write a template mixin or something similiar that automatically serializes an object to json. For example: class MyClass { string memberA; int memberB; MyClass memberC; mixin ToJson!MyClass; } should make possible to automatically output "someid" { "memberA" : "somestring", "memberB" : 12, memberC : "someotherid"}; How could this be accomplished? I've found std.traits RepresentationTypeTupel but don't see how this would help me. Thanks, TobiasSomething like this is very possible, here's a start for you (untested, sorry about the awkward indentation): ---- mixin template ToJson(T) { string toJson() { foreach (i, member; T.tupleof) { enum memberName = T.tupleof[i].stringof[ T.stringof.length + 3 .. $ ]; writefln("%s : %s", memberName, member); } assert(0, "Eventually this should return a json string, " "but for now it just asserts"); } } someInstanceOfMyClass.toJson(); ---- I'll leave it at this and leave you to figure out the rest - just ask if you get stuck :) -- Robert
Jul 21 2011
On 21/07/2011 08:57, Tobias Pankrath wrote:Hi everyone, I'm taking a look at D again and asked myself, if it is possible to write a template mixin or something similiar that automatically serializes an object to json. For example: class MyClass { string memberA; int memberB; MyClass memberC; mixin ToJson!MyClass; } should make possible to automatically output "someid" { "memberA" : "somestring", "memberB" : 12, memberC : "someotherid"}; How could this be accomplished? I've found std.traits RepresentationTypeTupel but don't see how this would help me. Thanks, TobiasSide note: If/when you finish this, you should definitely make a pull request for phobos' std.json! This sort of thing would be incredibly useful! -- Robert
Jul 21 2011
On 2011-07-21 09:57, Tobias Pankrath wrote:Hi everyone, I'm taking a look at D again and asked myself, if it is possible to write a template mixin or something similiar that automatically serializes an object to json. For example: class MyClass { string memberA; int memberB; MyClass memberC; mixin ToJson!MyClass; } should make possible to automatically output "someid" { "memberA" : "somestring", "memberB" : 12, memberC : "someotherid"}; How could this be accomplished? I've found std.traits RepresentationTypeTupel but don't see how this would help me. Thanks, TobiasHave a look at Orange: I'm in a middle of a complete rewrite but you can use a previous version (if it still works) or look at the code. -- /Jacob Carlborg
Jul 21 2011
Have a look at Orange: I'm in a middle of a complete rewrite but you can use a previous version (if it still works) or look at the code.Thank you for pointing me there. Looks very interesting. I took a quick look at the code and got some questions. I found this pattern quite often in phobos sources, too. Why do you declare in Reflection.d[1] a template parameterNamesOf(alias func) and one called parameterNamesOfImpl? Wouldn't be one sufficient? I do understand the case if you want to use the template recursively and hide one parameter like in fieldsOf / fieldsOfImpl. Though I don't understand why you are using a recursive template in fieldsOf and a imperative function in parameterNamesOfImpl? Is it possible to you use both in both places? [1]
Jul 21 2011
On 2011-07-21 13:09, Tobias Pankrath wrote:The thought behind that was that I wanted to force the function to be used at compile time. But now when I think about it you could just declare the argument as a template argument on the regular function. -- /Jacob CarlborgHave a look at Orange: I'm in a middle of a complete rewrite but you can use a previous version (if it still works) or look at the code.Thank you for pointing me there. Looks very interesting. I took a quick look at the code and got some questions. I found this pattern quite often in phobos sources, too. Why do you declare in Reflection.d[1] a template parameterNamesOf(alias func) and one called parameterNamesOfImpl? Wouldn't be one sufficient? I do understand the case if you want to use the template recursively and hide one parameter like in fieldsOf / fieldsOfImpl. Though I don't understand why you are using a recursive template in fieldsOf and a imperative function in parameterNamesOfImpl? Is it possible to you use both in both places? [1]
Jul 21 2011
For another implementation, find the functions toJson and toJsonValue in my web.d Bascially: foreach(member; item.tupleof) { static if(is(typeof(member) == something) json it else static if.... repeat for supported type families }
Jul 21 2011