digitalmars.D.learn - Why does `static foreach` lead to something calling `~=` internally?
Why does this `static foreach` lead to hidden usage of operator `~=` calls in some cases?static foreach(i; 0 .. cnt)onlineapp.d(9): Error: cannot use operator ~= in nogc delegate onlineapp.xv!(myUDA("/")).__funcliteral2.__lambda1import std.traits; private safe pure nothrow nogc { enum xv(alias uda) = function() { enum cnt = 10; static foreach(i; 0 .. cnt) { } }; } struct myUDA { string path; } myUDA("/") void doSth(string path) { } extern(C) void main() { xv!(getUDAs!(doSth, myUDA))(); }Try:
Jul 07 2019
On Sunday, 7 July 2019 at 16:51:57 UTC, 0xEAB wrote:Why does this `static foreach` lead to hidden usage of operator `~=` calls in some cases?probably same$2eud$1
Jul 07 2019
On Sunday, 7 July 2019 at 17:07:59 UTC, a11e99z wrote:On Sunday, 7 July 2019 at 16:51:57 UTC, 0xEAB wrote:oops! this one forum.dlang.orgWhy does this `static foreach` lead to hidden usage of operator `~=` calls in some cases?probably same
Jul 07 2019
On Sunday, 7 July 2019 at 16:51:57 UTC, 0xEAB wrote:Why does this `static foreach` lead to hidden usage of operatorFurther notes by Dan (aka "Wild"):I added some small printfs to the compiler, It seems like it lowers it into something weird
Jul 07 2019
On Sunday, 7 July 2019 at 18:45:14 UTC, 0xEAB wrote:On Sunday, 7 July 2019 at 16:51:57 UTC, 0xEAB wrote:Static foreach needs a tuple. When you have a range like "0 .. 10" it has to convert that to a tuple. It does this by generating some code and running it at CTFE. Guess this was done as it was a lot simpler to do, you don't have to worry about recreating ranges as that's already done by using CTFE. What it ends up lowering to: * static foreach (x; { * typeof({ * foreach (x; range) return x; * }())[] __res; * foreach (x; range) __res ~= x; * return __res; * }()) { ... }Why does this `static foreach` lead to hidden usage of operatorFurther notes by Dan (aka "Wild"):I added some small printfs to the compiler, It seems like it lowers it into something weird
Jul 09 2019