digitalmars.D.learn - Why aren't wide string literals zero-terminated just like strings?
- Andrej Mitrovic (7/7) May 18 2011 Skip the rest of the code until you reach main:
- Steven Schveighoffer (25/39) May 18 2011 Yes it does...
- Andrej Mitrovic (3/3) May 18 2011 Ah, I had the wrong assumption but it is a bug. Reported:
Skip the rest of the code until you reach main: We have this notion that string *literals* are zero-terminated, which enables us to send them to C functions expecting zero-terminated char* strings. But the same doesn't apply to wide string literals, e.g. "somestring"w. If it did, its would save quite a bit of typing when calling WinAPI functions that expect wide strings, instead of having to call "somestring".toUTF16z. So currently: immutable(char)[] literal implicitly convertible to const(char)* and char*. immutable(wchar)[] literal not implicitly convertible to const(wchar)* and wchar*.
May 18 2011
On Wed, 18 May 2011 16:57:37 -0400, Andrej Mitrovic <none none.none> wrote:Skip the rest of the code until you reach main: We have this notion that string *literals* are zero-terminated, which enables us to send them to C functions expecting zero-terminated char* strings. But the same doesn't apply to wide string literals, e.g. "somestring"w.Yes it does... steves steve-laptop:~/testd$ cat teststringlit.d wstring ws = "abcde"w; steves steve-laptop:~/testd$ ~/dmd-2.053/linux/bin32/dmd -c teststringlit.d steves steve-laptop:~/testd$ ~/dmd-2.053/linux/bin32/obj2asm teststringlit.o .... .rodata segment db 061h,000h,062h,000h,063h,000h,064h,000h ;a.b.c.d. db 065h,000h,000h,000h ;e... .rodata ends ....If it did, its would save quite a bit of typing when calling WinAPI functions that expect wide strings, instead of having to call "somestring".toUTF16z. So currently: immutable(char)[] literal implicitly convertible to const(char)* and char*. immutable(wchar)[] literal not implicitly convertible to const(wchar)* and wchar*.That doesn't make sense... hm... tried it out, definitely a bug. I get the error: teststringlit.d(7): Error: function (const(wchar)* widestr) is not callable using argument types (immutable(wchar)[]) teststringlit.d(7): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression ("abcde"w) of type immutable(wchar)[] to const(wchar)* A wstring literal should be able to be passed to a const(wchar)* parameter. So the literal *is* zero terminated, but the compiler isn't letting you pass it directly to a const(wchar)*. Please file with bugzilla. As a workaround, you should be able to do "somestring"w.ptr; -Steve
May 18 2011
Ah, I had the wrong assumption but it is a bug. Reported: And thanks for disassembling!
May 18 2011