digitalmars.D.learn - What is the simplest way to download and set path variables for D
- Michael Brockus (7/7) Nov 27 2019 I am wondering if you guys would know what maybe the simplest way
- kinke (4/6) Nov 27 2019 Probably something like this:
I am wondering if you guys would know what maybe the simplest way to have D working on AppVeyor because I already have a solution for both CircleCi, Travis-Ci and wish to expand to windows. Also as tip for Meson build users Ninja is available on PyPi meaning that you can have a simple command like "pip install meson ninja --user" and it would work. Also less lines of Yaml to maintain plus readability.
Nov 27 2019
On Wednesday, 27 November 2019 at 19:02:08 UTC, Michael Brockus wrote:I am wondering if you guys would know what maybe the simplest way to have D working on AppVeyorProbably something like this:
Nov 27 2019