digitalmars.D.learn - Runtime error when accessing static data in a DLL
- Phil Deets (12/12) Dec 24 2009 I'm writing a DLL in D which will be loaded (not automatically, but by
- Richard Webb (2/2) Dec 24 2009 Sounds like you might be running into this:
- Phil Deets (5/7) Dec 24 2009 Thanks for the link. That is probably my problem since I'm running Windo...
- Phil Deets (11/18) Dec 24 2009 I'm quite confident now that this is the issue. I added my vote to the
- Don (6/31) Dec 26 2009 Yes, it's the most serious bug in Bugzilla. (It's quite appalling that
- Phil Deets (43/44) Dec 24 2009 Reduced test case:
I'm writing a DLL in D which will be loaded (not automatically, but by LoadLibrary) by a C application (the Lua interpreter). I'm having problems with globals and static data. Everything is fine if I only access stuff on the stack, but as soon as I access a global or a static class variable, either the program crashes or if I am still in DllMain, the LoadLibrary function will fail and GetLastError will indicate an error with the message "Invalid access to memory location.". I'll work on reproducing it in a smaller scale, but does anyone know how to fix it? In case it is helpful info, in DllMain under the DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH case, I am just calling Runtime.initialize; even though the sample calls gc_init, _minit, _moduleCtor, and runModuleUnitTests.
Dec 24 2009
Sounds like you might be running into this:
Dec 24 2009
On Thu, 24 Dec 2009 12:49:42 -0500, Richard Webb <webby> wrote:Sounds like you might be running into this: for the link. That is probably my problem since I'm running Windows XP. Phil
Dec 24 2009
On Thu, 24 Dec 2009 13:10:14 -0500, Phil Deets <pjdeets2> wrote:On Thu, 24 Dec 2009 12:49:42 -0500, Richard Webb <webby> wrote:I'm quite confident now that this is the issue. I added my vote to the bug. Does anybody know how much the runtime uses TLS? I'm thinking about the possibility of adding __gshared to all its static data. An alternative workaround would be to install Vista or 7, but although I do have a legal Vista install disk, I would prefer an upgrade since I don't want to reinstall all my programs. Also, my computer barely meets Vista's minimum requirements. I also might be able to rewrite lua.exe in D and preload my code in the executable. Most of Lua's functionality is in a library which would not need to be rewritten so this might be feasible.Sounds like you might be running into this: for the link. That is probably my problem since I'm running Windows XP. Phil
Dec 24 2009
Phil Deets wrote:On Thu, 24 Dec 2009 13:10:14 -0500, Phil Deets <pjdeets2> wrote:Yes, it's the most serious bug in Bugzilla. (It's quite appalling that such a terrible bug has existed in Windows for so long). I wish we had a solution to this. I guess we could replace all uses of implicit TLS with a Windows function call -- it'd be slow, but it ought to work. Does anybody know how much the runtime uses TLS? I'm thinking aboutOn Thu, 24 Dec 2009 12:49:42 -0500, Richard Webb <webby> wrote:I'm quite confident now that this is the issue. I added my vote to the bug.Sounds like you might be running into this: for the link. That is probably my problem since I'm running Windows XP. Philthe possibility of adding __gshared to all its static data. An alternative workaround would be to install Vista or 7, but although I do have a legal Vista install disk, I would prefer an upgrade since I don't want to reinstall all my programs. Also, my computer barely meets Vista's minimum requirements.I also might be able to rewrite lua.exe in D and preload my code in the executable. Most of Lua's functionality is in a library which would not need to be rewritten so this might be feasible.
Dec 26 2009
On Thu, 24 Dec 2009 10:49:01 -0500, Phil Deets <pjdeets2> wrote:I'll work on reproducing it in a smaller scaleReduced test case: test.c (compiled with Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition) // Adapted from sample code at #include <windows.h> #include <strsafe.h> void main() { if(!LoadLibraryA("d.dll")) { LPVOID lpMsgBuf; DWORD dw = GetLastError(); FormatMessageA( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, dw, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); printf("LoadLibrary failed with error %d: %s\n", dw, lpMsgBuf); LocalFree(lpMsgBuf); } } dll.d: import; int x; extern (Windows) BOOL DllMain(HINSTANCE, ULONG, LPVOID) { x=0; return true; } dll.def: LIBRARY "d.dll" EXETYPE NT SUBSYSTEM WINDOWS CODE SHARED EXECUTE DATA WRITE Compiled with: dmd dll.d dll.def -ofd.dll When I run the C app, I get the output "LoadLibrary failed with error 998: Invalid access to memory location."
Dec 24 2009