digitalmars.D.learn - Retrieving Column Data from a ListStore?
- Ron Tarrant (121/121) Apr 24 2019 Another thing I've been struggling with is fetching data from a
- Mike Wey (6/25) Apr 24 2019 The ListStore/TreeModel provides functions to retrieve the data,
- Ron Tarrant (20/23) Apr 24 2019 Well, this is embarrassing. I tried that earlier and it didn't
- number (105/107) Apr 25 2019 I'm trying to do it with multi-selection. It works now but I
- Ron Tarrant (4/8) Apr 25 2019 Whatever works, I guess. Just looking over what you've got, I
- number (4/12) Apr 25 2019 I wasn't sure if it wants the actual tree model used with the
Another thing I've been struggling with is fetching data from a TreeIter. Getting the iter itself is no problem, but when it comes to getting the contents of a specific column within the iter, none of the methods I've tried have worked. In fact, it almost seems like none of them are implemented. I've written a callback function named onChanged() in the MyComboBox class that gets the TreeIter, but that's all I can get working. If anyone knows how to grab data from column 2 of the iter (see the MyListStore class at the bottom for the structure of the store) I'd be ever so grateful if you could fill in whatever else would be needed in that callback. Here's the code: ``` import std.stdio; import std.conv; import gtk.MainWindow; import gtk.Main; import gtk.Box; import gtk.Widget; import gtk.ComboBox; import gtk.CellRendererText; import gtk.ListStore; import gtk.TreeIter; void main(string[] args) { Main.init(args); TestRigWindow myTestRig = new TestRigWindow("Test Rig");; } // main() class TestRigWindow : MainWindow { AppBox appBox; this(string title) { super(title); addOnDestroy(&quitApp); appBox = new AppBox(); add(appBox); showAll(); } // this() CONSTRUCTOR void quitApp(Widget widget) { writeln("Bye."); Main.quit(); } // quitApp() } // class myAppWindow class AppBox : Box { MyComboBox myComboBox; this() { super(Orientation.VERTICAL, 10); myComboBox = new MyComboBox(); packStart(myComboBox, false, false, 0); } // this() } // class AppBox class MyComboBox : ComboBox { MyListStore myListStore; CellRendererText renderer; this() { super(false); myListStore = new MyListStore(); setModel(myListStore); renderer = new CellRendererText(); packStart(renderer, true); addAttribute(renderer, "text", 1); setActive(0); addOnChanged(&onChanged); } // this() void onChanged(ComboBox cb) { TreeIter treeIter; string data; writeln("active: ", getActive()); getActiveIter(treeIter); } // onChanged() } // class MyComboBox class MyListStore : ListStore { TreeIter treeIter; string[] items = ["bikes", "bumps", "deer", "falling rocks", "road crews", "cattle"]; this() { super([GType.INT, GType.STRING, GType.STRING]); for(int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { treeIter = createIter(); setValue(treeIter, 0, i + 10); setValue(treeIter, 1, items[i]); setValue(treeIter, 2, items[i] ~ " Extra data " ~ to!string(i)); } } // this() } // class MyListStore ```
Apr 24 2019
On 24-04-2019 16:38, Ron Tarrant wrote:Another thing I've been struggling with is fetching data from a TreeIter. Getting the iter itself is no problem, but when it comes to getting the contents of a specific column within the iter, none of the methods I've tried have worked. In fact, it almost seems like none of them are implemented. I've written a callback function named onChanged() in the MyComboBox class that gets the TreeIter, but that's all I can get working. If anyone knows how to grab data from column 2 of the iter (see the MyListStore class at the bottom for the structure of the store) I'd be ever so grateful if you could fill in whatever else would be needed in that callback. Here's the code: ``` ... ```The ListStore/TreeModel provides functions to retrieve the data, `gtk.TreeModelIF.TreeModelIF.getValue`. A TreeIter indicates the row these kind of function apply to. -- Mike Wey
Apr 24 2019
On Wednesday, 24 April 2019 at 15:13:29 UTC, Mike Wey wrote:The ListStore/TreeModel provides functions to retrieve the data, `gtk.TreeModelIF.TreeModelIF.getValue`. A TreeIter indicates the row these kind of function apply to.Well, this is embarrassing. I tried that earlier and it didn't work. Now it does. Go figure. (sigh) Thanks, Mike. For anyone else who comes along looking for the same answer, here's what I did: ``` void onChanged(ComboBox cb) { TreeIter treeIter; TreeModelIF treeModel; string data; writeln("active: ", getActive()); getActiveIter(treeIter); data = getModel().getValueString(treeIter, 1); writeln(data); } // onChanged() ```
Apr 24 2019
On Wednesday, 24 April 2019 at 18:56:50 UTC, Ron Tarrant wrote:For anyone else who comes along looking for the same answer, here's what I did:I'm trying to do it with multi-selection. It works now but I wonder if it's right to just create a dummy TreeModelIF to call getSelectedRows()? Same question for creating a TreeIter to call getIter()? ``` import std.stdio; import gtk.Main; import gtk.MainWindow; import gtk.TreeView; import gtk.CellRendererText; import gtk.TreeViewColumn; import gtk.ListStore; import gtk.TreeStore; import gtk.TreeIter; import gtk.TreeSelection; import gtk.TreePath; void main(string[] args) { Main.init(args); MainWindow window = new MainWindow("title"); window.setSizeRequest(400, 200); TreeView treeView = new TreeView(); CellRendererText cellRendererText; TreeViewColumn treeViewColumn; CellRendererText cellRendererTextA = new CellRendererText(); CellRendererText cellRendererTextB = new CellRendererText(); treeViewColumn = new TreeViewColumn(); treeViewColumn.setTitle("A and B"); treeViewColumn.packStart(cellRendererTextA, true); treeViewColumn.packStart(cellRendererTextB, true); treeViewColumn.addAttribute(cellRendererTextA, "text", 0); treeViewColumn.addAttribute(cellRendererTextB, "text", 1); treeView.appendColumn(treeViewColumn); cellRendererText = new CellRendererText(); treeViewColumn = new TreeViewColumn("C", cellRendererText, "text", 2); treeView.appendColumn(treeViewColumn); //ListStore listStore = new ListStore([GType.STRING, GType.STRING, GType.STRING]); TreeStore treeStore = new TreeStore([GType.STRING, GType.STRING, GType.STRING]); treeView.setModel(treeStore); TreeIter treeIter; treeIter = treeStore.createIter(); treeStore.setValue(treeIter, 0, "a"); treeStore.setValue(treeIter, 1, "b"); treeStore.setValue(treeIter, 2, "c"); treeIter = treeStore.createIter(); treeStore.setValue(treeIter, 0, "a2"); treeStore.setValue(treeIter, 1, "b2"); treeStore.setValue(treeIter, 2, "c2"); TreeSelection treeSelection = treeView.getSelection(); treeSelection.setMode(SelectionMode.MULTIPLE); treeSelection.addOnChanged(delegate void(TreeSelection treeSelection) { writeln("----"); if (treeSelection.getMode() == SelectionMode.MULTIPLE) { import gtk.TreeModelIF; TreeModelIF tm; //writeln(tm); TreePath[] treePaths = treeSelection.getSelectedRows(tm); writeln("nb selected: ", treeSelection.countSelectedRows()); if (treePaths.length) { foreach (i, treePath; treePaths) { writefln("path(%s) : %s", i, treePath); TreeIter treeIter = new TreeIter(); treeStore.getIter(treeIter, treePath); writefln("%s, %s, %s" , treeStore.getValueString(treeIter, 0) , treeStore.getValueString(treeIter, 1) , treeStore.getValueString(treeIter, 2) ); } } else { writeln("nothing"); } } else { TreeIter treeIter = treeSelection.getSelected(); if (treeIter) { writefln("%s, %s, %s" , treeStore.getValueString(treeIter, 0) , treeStore.getValueString(treeIter, 1) , treeStore.getValueString(treeIter, 2) ); } else { writeln("nothing"); } } }); window.add(treeView); window.showAll();; } ```
Apr 25 2019
On Thursday, 25 April 2019 at 11:29:04 UTC, number wrote:I'm trying to do it with multi-selection. It works now but I wonder if it's right to just create a dummy TreeModelIF to call getSelectedRows()? Same question for creating a TreeIter to call getIter()?Whatever works, I guess. Just looking over what you've got, I don't really see anyway around creating the dummy for either one since they each have to be passed into functions.
Apr 25 2019
On Thursday, 25 April 2019 at 15:16:03 UTC, Ron Tarrant wrote:On Thursday, 25 April 2019 at 11:29:04 UTC, number wrote:I wasn't sure if it wants the actual tree model used with the tree view, but passing my treeStore didn't work, so I used a dummy. Don't know what it's for though.I'm trying to do it with multi-selection. It works now but I wonder if it's right to just create a dummy TreeModelIF to call getSelectedRows()? Same question for creating a TreeIter to call getIter()?Whatever works, I guess. Just looking over what you've got, I don't really see anyway around creating the dummy for either one since they each have to be passed into functions.
Apr 25 2019