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digitalmars.D.learn - Python's list equivalent with std.variant?

reply rjkilpatrick <nothanks example.com> writes:

I am trying to emulate Python's list in D, to store some derived 

My initial thought was to use a dynamic array of `std.variant`s.
I've tried implementing something but seeing as we can only 
instantiate templates at compile-time, and I may only know the 
type at run-time, I'm not sure how to go about this:

import std.stdio : writeln;
import std.variant;
import std.conv;

// Arbitrary super class
class SuperClass {
     this() {

// Derived class with members
class DerivedClass : SuperClass {
     this(float a) {
         this.a = a;
     float a;

class OtherDerivedClass : SuperClass {}

void main() {
     // When we use `SuperClass[] list;` here, we find 'a' is 
hidden by the base class
     Variant[] list;

     // Attempting to append derived class instances to list
     list ~= new DerivedClass(1.0f);
     list ~= new OtherDerivedClass;


And we get the error(s):

onlineapp.d(27): Error: cannot append type 
`onlineapp.DerivedClass` to type `VariantN!32LU[]`
onlineapp.d(28): Error: cannot append type 
`onlineapp.OtherDerivedClass` to type `VariantN!32LU[]`
onlineapp.d(30): Error: no property `a` for type 
onlineapp.d(31): Error: template `object.get` does not match any 
template declaration

I would be grateful for any help
Oct 03 2021
next sibling parent Imperatorn <johan_forsberg_86 hotmail.com> writes:
On Sunday, 3 October 2021 at 22:22:48 UTC, rjkilpatrick wrote:

 I am trying to emulate Python's list in D, to store some 
 derived classes

You would have to explicitly cast(Variant) when appending to your array. But in the last example where you have list[0].a, that will only work statically if you can resolve that property. So you would have to either check the type or get out of the box and use some dynamic object
Oct 03 2021
prev sibling next sibling parent jfondren <julian.fondren gmail.com> writes:
On Sunday, 3 October 2021 at 22:22:48 UTC, rjkilpatrick wrote:
 void main() {
     // When we use `SuperClass[] list;` here, we find 'a' is 
 hidden by the base class
     Variant[] list;

     // Attempting to append derived class instances to list
     list ~= new DerivedClass(1.0f);
     list ~= new OtherDerivedClass;

This works: ```d void main() { Variant[] list; list ~= new DerivedClass(1.0f).Variant; list ~= new OtherDerivedClass().Variant; writeln(list[0].get!DerivedClass.a); } ``` Parameters passed in !() need to be statically known, at compile-time, so `get!(list[0].type)` doesn't make sense with a runtime list. If everything in the list is going to be a child of some class, then you don't need std.variant at all, you can just use OOP: ```d import std.stdio : writeln; class SuperClass { this() { } } class DerivedClass : SuperClass { public: this(float a) { this.a = a; } float a; } class OtherDerivedClass : SuperClass {} class YetAnotherDerivedClass : SuperClass {} void main() { SuperClass[] list; list ~= cast(SuperClass) new DerivedClass(1.0f); list ~= cast(SuperClass) new OtherDerivedClass; list ~= cast(SuperClass) new YetAnotherDerivedClass; writeln((cast(DerivedClass) list[0]).a); foreach (obj; list) { if (auto deriv = cast(DerivedClass) obj) { writeln("I found a DerivedClass: ", deriv.a); } else if (cast(OtherDerivedClass) obj) { writeln("I found an OtherDerivedClass"); } else { writeln("I found an unexpected child: ", obj); } } } ``` output: ``` 1 I found a DerivedClass: 1 I found an OtherDerivedClass I found an unexpected child: variant.YetAnotherDerivedClass ``` Object casts like that are `null` when the cast is invalid. If you don't necessarily have a superclass, but still do have a definite number of possible member types, you can use std.sumtype: ```d import std.stdio : writeln; import std.sumtype; struct A { float a; } struct B { } struct C { } alias Alpha = SumType!(A, B, C); void main() { Alpha[] list; list ~= A(1.0f).Alpha; list ~= B().Alpha; list ~= C().Alpha; list[0].tryMatch!((A a) => writeln(a.a)); foreach (obj; list) { obj.match!( (A a) => writeln("I found A(", a.a, ")"), (B _) => writeln("I found B"), (C _) => writeln("I found C"), ); } } ``` output: ``` 1 I found A(1) I found B I found C ```
Oct 03 2021
prev sibling next sibling parent =?UTF-8?Q?Ali_=c3=87ehreli?= <acehreli yahoo.com> writes:
On 10/3/21 3:22 PM, rjkilpatrick wrote:

 I am trying to emulate Python's list in D, to store some derived classes
I notice your code comment about SuperClass[]. It is still the most obvious solution here. You just need to check the reuslt of a cast(DerivedClass): import std.stdio : writefln; import std.variant; import std.conv; // Arbitrary super class class SuperClass { this() { } } // Derived class with members class DerivedClass : SuperClass { public: this(float a) { this.a = a; } float a; } class OtherDerivedClass : SuperClass {} void main() { // When we use `SuperClass[] list;` here, we find 'a' is hidden by the base class // [Ali]: When you must know what the exact derived type you // are using, generally there is a better approach. // // Assuming that you really want to "downcast", then you // simply cast to DerivedClass and see whether the // pointer is null or not. (See below.) SuperClass[] list; // Attempting to append derived class instances to list list ~= new DerivedClass(1.0f); list ~= new OtherDerivedClass; foreach (i, item; list) { auto p = cast(DerivedClass)item; if (p) { writefln!"%s: Yes, a DerivedClass object with a == %s."(i, p.a); } else { writefln!"%s: No, not a DerivedClass object."(i); } } } Ali
Oct 03 2021
prev sibling parent Kagamin <spam here.lot> writes:
On Sunday, 3 October 2021 at 22:22:48 UTC, rjkilpatrick wrote:
 import std.stdio : writeln;
 import std.variant;
 import std.conv;

 // Arbitrary super class
 class SuperClass {
     this() {

 // Derived class with members
 class DerivedClass : SuperClass {
     this(float a) {
         this.a = a;
     float a;

 class OtherDerivedClass : SuperClass {}

 void main() {
     // When we use `SuperClass[] list;` here, we find 'a' is 
 hidden by the base class
     Variant[] list;

     // Attempting to append derived class instances to list
     list ~= new DerivedClass(1.0f);
     list ~= new OtherDerivedClass;

Looks like you want full duck typing. Dynamic objects are just hashtables of properties, so an array of them is something like this: Variant[string][] list; Variant[string] obj; obj["a"]=Variant(1.0f); list[0]["a"].get!float.writeln;
Oct 05 2021