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digitalmars.D.learn - Private nested class instance accessed via outer class public

reply Murloc <justanotheraccount3212334 proton.me> writes:
I'm not sure if this behavior is desired and have any use-cases 

allow this.

import std.conv;

class Outer {
     private static class Inner {
         private int field = 30;
         override string toString() => to!string(field);
     static Inner getInner() {
         return new Inner();

import std.stdio: writeln;
import classes; // the file above

void main() {
     // Here I have an object of "some" type (B class cannot be
     // accessed) and can even do something with it!
     auto b = Outer.getInner();
     writeln(b); // 30

their class):

using System;

public class Program {
     class Outer {
         private class Inner {
             private int field = 30;
             public override string ToString() => field.ToString();
         // Error: Inconsistent accessibility: return type 
         // is less accessible than method 
         public static Inner getInner() {
             return new Inner();
     public static void Main() {
         var b = Outer.getInner();
Jun 16 2023
next sibling parent reply Murloc <justanotheraccount3212334 proton.me> writes:
And since classes can be declared locally inside methods, you can 
also do something similar this way:

import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

Object getB() {
     class B {
		private int field = 30;
         override string toString() => to!string(field);
     return cast(Object)new B();

void main() {
     auto b = getB();
     writeln(b); // 30
Jun 16 2023
parent Anonymouse <zorael gmail.com> writes:
On Friday, 16 June 2023 at 07:47:50 UTC, Murloc wrote:
 And since classes can be declared locally inside methods, you 
 can also do something similar this way:

 import std.stdio;
 import std.conv;

 Object getB() {
     class B {
 		private int field = 30;
         override string toString() => to!string(field);
     return cast(Object)new B();

 void main() {
     auto b = getB();
     writeln(b); // 30
This isn't fully playing to its strengths either, there's no need to cast it to Object if you declare the return type to be `auto`. ``` import std.stdio; import std.conv; auto getB() { class B { private int field = 30; override string toString() => to!string(field); } return new B(); } void main() { auto b = getB(); writeln(b); // 30 } ``` I use it a lot like so: ``` import std; auto getThing() { struct Thing { int x, y; double weight; int fluffiness; } Thing thing; thing.x = 42; thing.y = 128; thing.weight = 99.9; thing.fluffiness = 9001; return thing; } void main() { //Thing thing; // Unidentified identifier Thing auto thing = getThing(); writeln(typeof(thing).stringof); // Thing writeln(thing); // Thing(42, 128, 99.9, 9001) } ``` https://wiki.dlang.org/Voldemort_types
Jun 16 2023
prev sibling parent reply "Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole" <richard cattermole.co.nz> writes:
Yes that is to be expected.

Also we have a Discord server which you are welcome to join!

Jun 16 2023
parent Murloc <justanotheraccount3212334 proton.me> writes:
On Friday, 16 June 2023 at 07:54:21 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew 
Cattermole wrote:
 Also we have a Discord server which you are welcome to join!

Thanks for the invitation. However, I don't like Discord so I don't use it :)
Jun 16 2023