digitalmars.D.learn - Named Pipes IPC in D for windows and linux ?
- Tarun Ramakrishna (7/7) Feb 27 2011 Hi,
- Johannes Pfau (11/18) Feb 27 2011 I'm not sure but I think there's nothing like that in the standard
- Tarun Ramakrishna (8/27) Feb 27 2011 Hi Johannes,
- Steven Schveighoffer (5/9) Feb 28 2011 Any C functions (including system calls) are available. You are free to...
- Tarun Ramakrishna (13/22) Feb 28 2011 Hi Steven,
- Steven Schveighoffer (18/26) Feb 28 2011 There is an issue with Windows system calls that is difficult to solve. ...
Hi, Is there anything in the standard library to do named pipes IPC in both windows and linux ? I am not necessarily looking for a unified API, anything that will allow me to setup named pipes on either OS and read/write on them will do. Thanks, Tarun
Feb 27 2011
Tarun Ramakrishna wrote:Hi, Is there anything in the standard library to do named pipes IPC in both windows and linux ? I am not necessarily looking for a unified API, anything that will allow me to setup named pipes on either OS and read/write on them will do. Thanks, TarunI'm not sure but I think there's nothing like that in the standard library. The only thing I can think of is that the new std.process ( uses pipes for IPC (anonymous pipes though, not named pipes) :-( =20 at least for posix druntime exports the c api, so you could write a wrapper for that. (The pipe functions and types are in core.sys.posix.sys.stat.d (mknod, S_IFIFO)) --=20 Johannes Pfau
Feb 27 2011
Hi Johannes, Thanks! I located mkfifo in 'core.sys.posix.sys.stat'. I couldn't find anything for named pipes in the standard library, but there is a Windows API project in dsource and the module 'win32.winbase' has declarations for 'CreateNamedPipe', etc. I guess this will do. Best Regards, Tarun On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 3:00 AM, Johannes Pfau <spam> wrote:Tarun Ramakrishna wrote:Hi, Is there anything in the standard library to do named pipes IPC in both windows and linux ? I am not necessarily looking for a unified API, anything that will allow me to setup named pipes on either OS and read/write on them will do. Thanks, TarunI'm not sure but I think there's nothing like that in the standard library. The only thing I can think of is that the new std.process ( uses pipes for IPC (anonymous pipes though, not named pipes) :-( at least for posix druntime exports the c api, so you could write a wrapper for that. (The pipe functions and types are in core.sys.posix.sys.stat.d (mknod, S_IFIFO)) -- Johannes Pfau
Feb 27 2011
On Sun, 27 Feb 2011 13:53:05 -0500, Tarun Ramakrishna <lenkite> wrote:Is there anything in the standard library to do named pipes IPC in both windows and linux ? I am not necessarily looking for a unified API, anything that will allow me to setup named pipes on either OS and read/write on them will do.Any C functions (including system calls) are available. You are free to write your own API, and maybe it will be included in Phobos! -Steve
Feb 28 2011
Hi Steven, Yes, I have now understood that. Is there a guidelines/best practices page somewhere that describes how should a good library be coded for acceptance into the standard library: patterns and conventions, etc ? I am very new to D, but from the mails I have read on this list so far, I have learnt that all the devs here prefer that a library API should preferably take power of D ranges, slices and generics. But what about other things ? Thanks, Tarun On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 6:19 PM, Steven Schveighoffer <schveiguy> wrote:On Sun, 27 Feb 2011 13:53:05 -0500, Tarun Ramakrishna <lenkite> wrote:oIs there anything in the standard library to do named pipes IPC in both windows and linux ? I am not necessarily looking for a unified API, anything that will allow me to setup named pipes on either OS and read/write on them will do.Any C functions (including system calls) are available. =A0You are free t=write your own API, and maybe it will be included in Phobos! -Steve
Feb 28 2011
On Mon, 28 Feb 2011 08:00:28 -0500, Tarun Ramakrishna <lenkite> wrote:Hi Steven, Yes, I have now understood that. Is there a guidelines/best practices page somewhere that describes how should a good library be coded for acceptance into the standard library: patterns and conventions, etc ? I am very new to D, but from the mails I have read on this list so far, I have learnt that all the devs here prefer that a library API should preferably take power of D ranges, slices and generics. But what about other things ?There is an issue with Windows system calls that is difficult to solve. D uses the DMC runtime, not the MSVC runtime. This means when you call C library functions (e.g. printf, fopen), it uses DMC's C library. The library has very poor support for converting to/from OS handles from things like FILE *. This wouldn't be such a problem, except Phobos' I/O API is based on FILE *. This means any system calls you make (such as CreateNamedPipe) which return a HANDLE will be near impossible to wrap into a FILE *. In writing std.process, I had to write my own converters between FILE * and HANDLE, and when that code is available, you should be able to use it (expect to have it done by the next release of dmd). But for now, I would concentrate on getting it to work for your code. One thing to keep in mind is that any library to be accepted into Phobos *should* be cross-platform if possible. I would think named pipes should be able to be a cross-platform library. -Steve
Feb 28 2011