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digitalmars.D.learn - Looking to get typeof parseXML return value

reply Chris Piker <chris hoopjump.com> writes:
Hi D

I'm using the **dxml** library since I like it's "pull here  for 
more data" mentality.  I've come across the need to save an 
entity range created by the `parseXML` function as a class member 
so that I can tuck it away and pull more data as needed.

Like almost all new users to D I'm tripping over how to save and 
pass around variables since nothing has an understandable type 
anymore and you can't use "auto" for *class member* storage types.

Any ideas on how to get the return type of `parseXML` below:
import dxml.parser;

const(char)[] _mmfile;
//_mmfile initialization

TYPE??? _entityRng = parseXML!(simpleXML)(_mmfile);
*before* calling parseXML, so that it can be a class member 

I've tried variations on `typeof` and `.inputRangeObject` etc. 
with no success so far.

Thanks for any advice :)

All this would be so much easier if dxml just defined `Entity` at 
the top level of the parser module instead of burying it inside a 
templated struct.  Then the type could just be 
`InputRange!Entity` which is easy to work with.
Sep 06 2021
next sibling parent reply jfondren <julian.fondren gmail.com> writes:
On Tuesday, 7 September 2021 at 04:13:08 UTC, Chris Piker wrote:
 Any ideas on how to get the return type of `parseXML` below:
 import dxml.parser;

 const(char)[] _mmfile;
 //_mmfile initialization

 TYPE??? _entityRng = parseXML!(simpleXML)(_mmfile);
 *before* calling parseXML, so that it can be a class member 
Here's a quick script: ```d /++ dub.sdl: dependency "dxml" version="0.4.0" +/ import dxml.parser; import std.stdio : writeln; struct SomeXML { EntityRange!(simpleXML, string) xml; } struct Again { typeof(parseXML!simpleXML("")) xml; } void main() { auto xml = parseXML!simpleXML("<x><y></y></x>"); pragma(msg, typeof(xml)); // compile time writeln(typeid(xml)); // runtime SomeXML some = SomeXML(xml); foreach (_; 0 .. 4) { writeln(some.xml.front); some.xml.popFront; } auto again = Again(xml); writeln(again.xml.front); } ``` EntityRange have two template parameters, a Config with four flags (where simpleXML has all flags set to yes) and the type of the forward range supplying characters to be parsed. So, `EntityRange!(simpleXML, string)` works as a type of those are really what you'll be using, `typeof(parseXML!simpleXML(""))` works as a type by seeing what type parseXML returns when invoked like that.
Sep 06 2021
parent reply Chris Piker <chris hoopjump.com> writes:
On Tuesday, 7 September 2021 at 04:40:25 UTC, jfondren wrote:

     typeof(parseXML!simpleXML("")) xml;
Hey, I like this trick! I was wondering what to use for the const(char)[] variable in the typeof statement. It's blindingly obvious in retrospect. Wouldn't work so well if there wasn't a literal for the input data range type. Sorry, didn't see your response before I posted mine, but thanks for the tip anyway :)
Sep 06 2021
parent Paul Backus <snarwin gmail.com> writes:
On Tuesday, 7 September 2021 at 05:00:50 UTC, Chris Piker wrote:
 On Tuesday, 7 September 2021 at 04:40:25 UTC, jfondren wrote:

     typeof(parseXML!simpleXML("")) xml;
Hey, I like this trick! I was wondering what to use for the const(char)[] variable in the typeof statement. It's blindingly obvious in retrospect. Wouldn't work so well if there wasn't a literal for the input data range type.
You can always use the `.init` value of a type (in this case, `(const(char)[]).init`) as a dummy value for things like this.
Sep 07 2021
prev sibling next sibling parent Chris Piker <chris hoopjump.com> writes:
On Tuesday, 7 September 2021 at 04:13:08 UTC, Chris Piker wrote:

 Any ideas on how to get the return type of `parseXML` below:
 import dxml.parser;

 const(char)[] _mmfile;
 //_mmfile initialization

 TYPE??? _entityRng = parseXML!(simpleXML)(_mmfile);
Though it's ususally bad form to respond to one's own question. I hope to avoid wasting your time on this question. Just reading the source instead of trying to pull some typeof wizardry gives the answer: ``` EntityRange!(simpleXML, const(char)[]) _rEntity; _rEntity = parseXML!(simpleXML)(_data); ``` Sorry for the forum noise, carry on.
Sep 06 2021
prev sibling parent reply JN <666total wp.pl> writes:
On Tuesday, 7 September 2021 at 04:13:08 UTC, Chris Piker wrote:
 Like almost all new users to D I'm tripping over how to save 
 and pass around variables since nothing has an understandable 
 type anymore and you can't use "auto" for *class member* 
 storage types.
I struggle with this often. Templated types that pretty much require you to use auto look nice on the paper and in samples, but once you try to integrate them into a larger project, it can get messy.
Sep 07 2021
parent bauss <jj_1337 live.dk> writes:
On Tuesday, 7 September 2021 at 08:27:33 UTC, JN wrote:
 On Tuesday, 7 September 2021 at 04:13:08 UTC, Chris Piker wrote:
 Like almost all new users to D I'm tripping over how to save 
 and pass around variables since nothing has an understandable 
 type anymore and you can't use "auto" for *class member* 
 storage types.
I struggle with this often. Templated types that pretty much require you to use auto look nice on the paper and in samples, but once you try to integrate them into a larger project, it can get messy.
I agree with this, that's why I avoid templates anywhere they're not necessary and wrap everything in structs/classes with little to no template parameters. Templates gets messy soon because you often end up overengineering trivial problems.
Sep 07 2021