digitalmars.D.learn - Linked List iterating over and inserting an element around
- Josh (43/43) May 19 2019 Just started looking at D this weekend, coming from a
- Paul Backus (14/24) May 19 2019 Here's an example using std.container.dlist:
- Josh (23/23) May 19 2019 Thank you, that helps big time.
- Boris-Barboris (5/7) May 19 2019 These two functions are separate because they differ in
- Paul Backus (18/41) May 19 2019 The documentation for DList.remove says that the range parameter
Just started looking at D this weekend, coming from a C++/Java/Go/Rust background and it's really not going well. Trying to write something to play with the language and need a linked list, looking in std.container you have a single or doubly linked list...great. Now how to I iterate over it and look for a value and then modify it, and maybe insert a new element before or after that element.....After spending way to long on the API realized I need to be looking at std.range (I think, maybe not, I'm not sure). So off to the std.range documentation, which recommended reading, okay read that, boy if I want to display the contents of range I'm ALL set, to bad I would like to modify a list, so I seem to be no closer to my goal....oh and by the way if you think: import std.stdio; import std.range; void main() { int[] slice = [ 1, 2, 3 ]; int[] slice2 = slice; put(slice2, 100); writeln(slice2); writeln(slice); } Resulting in: [2, 3] [100, 2, 3] ← expected result Is obvious, I have some bad news for you. Now I'm thinking maybe std.algorithm.comparison, maybe iteration or maybe mutation seems promising, at least that's what I want to do, mutate a list....hey there is a swap...oh it doesn't deal with ranges... Maybe swapAt but that sounds like I need an index, and indexes with linked list don't really perform well...but it does take a range....okay I think that is what I need, so in a foreach loop, looking at I would call swapAt and pass in __rangeCopy, I think I can update, happy days, now to figure out how to add something before or after that element...... So in short I guess my complaint is that you show all this stuff about displaying ranges and removing items from the front or if I want a queue we're set, but nothing about modifying them...unless it's so blatantly obvious I'm just missing it, which could be the case.
May 19 2019
On Sunday, 19 May 2019 at 20:55:28 UTC, Josh wrote:Just started looking at D this weekend, coming from a C++/Java/Go/Rust background and it's really not going well. Trying to write something to play with the language and need a linked list, looking in std.container you have a single or doubly linked list...great. Now how to I iterate over it and look for a value and then modify it, and maybe insert a new element before or after that element.....After spending way to long on the API realized I need to be looking at std.range (I think, maybe not, I'm not sure).Here's an example using std.container.dlist: import std.stdio; import std.container.dlist; import std.algorithm; void main() { auto list = make!DList("the", "quick", "brown", "fox"); auto range = list[].find("quick"); range.front = "slow"; list.insertBefore(range, "really"); list[].each!writeln; // The really slow brown flox } Interactive version:
May 19 2019
Thank you, that helps big time. This is just more curiosity, but do you happen to know why I have to use DList.linearRemove() instead of DList.remove()? import std.stdio; import std.container.dlist; import std.algorithm; import std.range; void main() { auto list = make!DList("the", "quick", "brown", "fox"); auto range = list[].find("quick").take(1); list.remove(range); list[].each!writeln; // the brown fox } This results in a compiler issue: onlineapp.d(10): Error: function std.container.dlist.Container!string.DList.remove(Range r) is not callable using argument types (Take!(Range)) onlineapp.d(10): cannot pass argument range of type Take!(Range) to parameter Range r Changing "remove" to "linearRemove" fixes it, but both the remove and linearRemove functions take a Range object, and linearRemove seems to just be a pass through to remove.
May 19 2019
On Sunday, 19 May 2019 at 22:20:48 UTC, Josh wrote:This is just more curiosity, but do you happen to know why I have to use DList.linearRemove() instead of DList.remove()?These two functions are separate because they differ in complexity. remove is O(1), linearRemove on the other hand eagerly walks through the Take range, wich makes it O(take.walklength).
May 19 2019
On Sunday, 19 May 2019 at 22:20:48 UTC, Josh wrote:Thank you, that helps big time. This is just more curiosity, but do you happen to know why I have to use DList.linearRemove() instead of DList.remove()? import std.stdio; import std.container.dlist; import std.algorithm; import std.range; void main() { auto list = make!DList("the", "quick", "brown", "fox"); auto range = list[].find("quick").take(1); list.remove(range); list[].each!writeln; // the brown fox } This results in a compiler issue: onlineapp.d(10): Error: function std.container.dlist.Container!string.DList.remove(Range r) is not callable using argument types (Take!(Range)) onlineapp.d(10): cannot pass argument range of type Take!(Range) to parameter Range r Changing "remove" to "linearRemove" fixes it, but both the remove and linearRemove functions take a Range object, and linearRemove seems to just be a pass through to remove.The documentation for DList.remove says that the range parameter "must be originally obtained from this container." A range returned from `take` doesn't qualify, since `take` returns a new range that wraps the original one. (`find` seems to be the exception rather than the rule, here, in that it actually returns the same type of range that's given to it.) However, the 2nd overload of linearRemove [1] is specifically written to accept a Take!Range, so it will work. Fortunately, it is possible to accomplish what you want using DList.popFirstOf: [2] auto range = list[].find("quick"); list.popFirstOf(range); Full example: [1] [2]
May 19 2019