digitalmars.D.learn - I need "duic.cpp" already compiled for .exe for convert .ui files to
- Marcone (10/10) Nov 08 2019 Hi, I'm at the beginning of Dlang studies. I want to create a
Hi, I'm at the beginning of Dlang studies. I want to create a graphical interface for my program. I use Qt Designer to draw the GUI and save to .ui file. Could someone send me the file "duic.exe" which converts .ui files into .d for Dlang? I need the "duic.cpp" already compiled for .exe. I alread use Qte5 for binding. Thank you very much. Someone that work with Qt5 and C++ can compile and send the .exe to me? Just send to internet and send me a link. Thank you. uic.cpp link:
Nov 08 2019