digitalmars.D.learn - How to read from an input stream generically?
- =?UTF-8?B?QWxpIMOHZWhyZWxp?= (21/21) Feb 24 2010 What can I use instead of the din.readf line below to be able to read
What can I use instead of the din.readf line below to be able to read any type in that generic function? import std.cstream; struct MyType {} void generic(T)() { T var; dout.writef("Please enter a value of type %s: ", T.stringof); din.readf(&var); // <-- Runtime ERROR for MyType } void main() { generic!int(); generic!MyType(); } I am looking for a substitute for C++'s operator>> overloads for user types. I could of course implement a static read(Stream) function for my types, but not for the fundamental types. Thank you, Ali
Feb 24 2010