digitalmars.D.learn - How to check all values in a range are equal to some predicate?
- Andrej Mitrovic (4/4) Sep 24 2011 I want to use this in my unittests:
- travert (Christophe) (16/22) Sep 26 2011 I would use find. (the code was not compiled/tested at all)
I want to use this in my unittests: assert(allEqual(Foo(1), obj1, obj2, obj3)); How would you implement a function like allEqual(needle, objects...) ? Maybe via reduce?
Sep 24 2011
Andrej Mitrovic , dans le message (digitalmars.D.learn:29755), a écrit :I want to use this in my unittests: assert(allEqual(Foo(1), obj1, obj2, obj3)); How would you implement a function like allEqual(needle, objects...) ? Maybe via reduce?I would use find. (the code was not compiled/tested at all) bool allEqual(R)(R r) if (isInputRange!R) { auto a = r.front; r.popFront(); return find!(b){return a!=b;}(r).empty; } and direct '==' operator for tuples: bool allEqual(T...)(T t) { return t[0] == t[1] && allEqual(t[0], t[2..$]); } with an appropriate filter if I want to make something nice. -- Christophe
Sep 26 2011