digitalmars.D.learn - How can I do lazy variable initialization?
- Jack (4/11) Jan 09 2021 and heavyLoadOperation() is only called when variable "value" is
- =?UTF-8?Q?Ali_=c3=87ehreli?= (25/25) Jan 09 2021 Explicit with a lambda:
- =?UTF-8?Q?Ali_=c3=87ehreli?= (10/12) Jan 09 2021 Well, that doesn't work the way you want but this does:
- Jack (14/27) Jan 09 2021 In case of a function that takes no arguments ever, using memoize
static Lazy<T> lazy = new Lazy<T> (() => heavyLoadOperation()); static T value { get { return lazy.Value; } }and heavyLoadOperation() is only called when variable "value" is actually used. How can I do something like this in D? I've tried something like this I still can't make it compile:T delegate() lazy lazy = { return heavyOperation(); } T X(lazy T delegate() dg) { return dg(); } T value = X;
Jan 09 2021
Explicit with a lambda: import std; int heavyLoadOperation() { writeln("Expensive!"); return uniform(0, 10); } void main(string[] args) { const l = { bool inited = false; static int i; if (!inited) { i = heavyLoadOperation(); } return i; }(); if (args.length == 1) { writefln!"Using lazy variable: %s %s"(l, l); } } Getting help from memoize (this one is lovely): alias lightLoadOperation = memoize!heavyLoadOperation; const l = lightLoadOperation(); lazy as well. Ali
Jan 09 2021
On 1/9/21 12:35 PM, Ali =C3=87ehreli wrote:alias lightLoadOperation =3D memoize!heavyLoadOperation; const l =3D lightLoadOperation();Well, that doesn't work the way you want but this does: if (args.length =3D=3D 1) { writefln!"Using lazy variable: %s %s"(lightLoadOperation(),=20 lightLoadOperation()); } No matter how many times you call lightLoadOperation, it will be called=20 just once (which can be configured with maxSize): Ali
Jan 09 2021
On Saturday, 9 January 2021 at 20:39:26 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:On 1/9/21 12:35 PM, Ali Çehreli wrote:In case of a function that takes no arguments ever, using memoize may add memory overhead and something like this: bool loaded = false; T heavyLoadOperation() { if(!loaded) { // ... heavy operation. loaded = true; } return value; } can actually be better in terms of memory usage? I thought the lazy keyword could somehow help here but I think the way to go is is just use a flag, such as loaded bool variable.alias lightLoadOperation = memoize!heavyLoadOperation; const l = lightLoadOperation();Well, that doesn't work the way you want but this does: if (args.length == 1) { writefln!"Using lazy variable: %s %s"(lightLoadOperation(), lightLoadOperation()); } No matter how many times you call lightLoadOperation, it will be called just once (which can be configured with maxSize): Ali
Jan 09 2021