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digitalmars.D.learn - D: How do I pipe (|) through three programs using std.process?

reply BoQsc <vaidas.boqsc gmail.com> writes:

How do I pipe (|) through three programs using std.process?

I'm getting confused again about what functions should I use to 
efficiently mimick piping like it is done in some shells (Linux 
bash, Windows cmd):

Here I will provide something to test against on Windows 
Operating System.

**Shell example on Windows:**
echo This is a sample text | find "sample" | find "text"
**Output if piping works:**
This is a sample text

**Output if it does not:**


`echo` is used to print output to stdout.
The output is redirected as **input** to a `find` command.
The `find "textToFind"` command finds matching text in the stdin 

Windows `find` command:
* If text matches it **returns the whole given input**.
* If the text does not match, **it returns nothing**.
Nov 11 2023
next sibling parent reply kdevel <kdevel vogtner.de> writes:
On Saturday, 11 November 2023 at 17:29:14 UTC, BoQsc wrote:

 How do I pipe (|) through three programs using std.process?

 echo This is a sample text | find "sample" | find "text"
```d import std.stdio; import std.process; version (Windows) { enum Find = "find"; } version (Posix) { enum Find = "grep"; } int main (string [] args) { auto p1 = pipe; auto p2 = pipe; auto pid1 = spawnProcess (args [1..$], stdin, p1.writeEnd); auto pid2 = spawnProcess ([Find, "sample"], p1.readEnd, p2.writeEnd); auto pid3 = spawnProcess ([Find, "text"], p2.readEnd, stdout); wait (pid1); wait (pid2); wait (pid3); return 0; } ``` ``` $ ./pip echo This is a sample text This is a sample text $ ./pip echo This is an ample text ```
Nov 11 2023
next sibling parent reply BoQsc <vaidas.boqsc gmail.com> writes:
On Windows:

While trying to use `spawnshell` I discovered that I can not use 
any alphabetical letters inside the `spawnProcess([Find, 
"Hello"])` it all works when they are numerical `[Find, "6515"]`.

As of recent testing `[Find, "df123"]` also is acceptable,
but not when letter is on the right `[Find, "df123d"]`

Unable to figure why this is the case and how to resolve it.

**Working example without problems:**

import std.stdio;
import std.process;

version (Windows) { enum Find = "find"; }
version (Posix) { enum Find = "grep"; }

int main (string [] args)
    auto p1 = pipe;
    auto p2 = pipe;

    auto pid1 = spawnShell("echo 123", stdin, p1.writeEnd);
    auto pid2 = spawnProcess([Find, "123"], p1.readEnd, 
    auto pid3 = spawnProcess([Find, "123"], p2.readEnd, stdout);
    wait (pid1);
    wait (pid2);
    wait (pid3);
    return 0;



**Immediate issue if alphabetical letters are used:**

import std.stdio;
import std.process;

version (Windows) { enum Find = "find"; }
version (Posix) { enum Find = "grep"; }

int main (string [] args)
    auto p1 = pipe;
    auto p2 = pipe;

    auto pid1 = spawnShell("echo HelloWorld", stdin, p1.writeEnd);
    auto pid2 = spawnProcess([Find, "HelloWorld"], p1.readEnd, 
    auto pid3 = spawnProcess([Find, "HelloWorld"], p2.readEnd, 
    wait (pid1);
    wait (pid2);
    wait (pid3);
    return 0;
FIND: Parameter format not correct
FIND: Parameter format not correct
The process tried to write to a nonexistent pipe.
Nov 12 2023
parent reply BoQsc <vaidas.boqsc gmail.com> writes:
Using `spawnShell` it all seem to work.

However the question of why `spawnProcess(["find", "string to 
find"]` is not working and produces error is still unresolved.

Works with `spawnShell`:
import std.stdio;
import std.process;

version (Windows) { enum Find = "find"; }
version (Posix) { enum Find = "grep"; }

int main (string [] args)
    auto p1 = pipe;
    auto p2 = pipe;

    auto pid1 = spawnShell("echo HelloWorld", stdin, p1.writeEnd);
    auto pid2 = spawnShell("find  \"HelloWorld\"", p1.readEnd, 
    auto pid3 = spawnShell("find  \"HelloWorld\"", p2.readEnd, 

    wait (pid1);
    wait (pid2);
    wait (pid3);
    return 0;
Nov 12 2023
parent Adam D Ruppe <destructionator gmail.com> writes:
On Sunday, 12 November 2023 at 13:39:25 UTC, BoQsc wrote:
 However the question of why `spawnProcess(["find", "string to 
 find"]` is not working and produces error is still unresolved.
spawnProcess always encodes its arguments in a very specific way and the receiving programs are not always compatible with that thing. A Windows process does not take an array of args, but rather a single string command line. spawnProcess tries to turn the unix-style array into a single string that can then be turned back into arguments by the receiving program. But it makes a lot of assumptions in how that happens that just don't always match reality.
Nov 12 2023
prev sibling parent BoQsc <vaidas.boqsc gmail.com> writes:
To make this thread more complete, here is the final version.

import std.stdio;
import std.process;

version (Windows) { enum Find = "find"; }
version (Posix) { enum Find = "grep"; }

int main (string [] args)
    auto p1 = pipe;
    auto p2 = pipe;

    auto pid1 = spawnShell("echo HelloWorld", stdin, p1.writeEnd);
    auto pid2 = spawnShell(Find ~ " \"HelloWorld\"", p1.readEnd, 
    auto pid3 = spawnShell(Find ~ " \"HelloWorld\"", p2.readEnd, 

    wait (pid1);
    wait (pid2);
    wait (pid3);
    return 0;

It is equal to:
* Windows: `echo HelloWorld | find "HelloWorld | find 
* Linux: `echo HelloWorld | grep "HelloWorld | grep "HelloWorld"`
Nov 12 2023
prev sibling parent reply Jesse Phillips <Jesse.K.Phillips+D gmail.com> writes:
On Saturday, 11 November 2023 at 17:29:14 UTC, BoQsc wrote:

 How do I pipe (|) through three programs using std.process?
https://dev.to/jessekphillips/piping-process-output-1cai Your issue with [Find, "Hello"] might be [Find, "\"Hello\""] But I'm not testing the theory...
Nov 14 2023
parent reply BoQsc <vaidas.boqsc gmail.com> writes:
Latest iteration on this thread.

* pipes through two programs.
* very verbose, hard to use.

import std;
import std.process;

version (Windows) { enum Find = "find"; }
version (Posix) { enum Find = "grep"; }

void pipeTo(Pipe p, string nextprogram){
	spawnShell(nextprogram, p.readEnd, stdout);

auto program(string name){
     Pipe p = std.process.pipe;
	spawnShell(name, stdin, p.writeEnd);
     return p;

void main()
     program("echo HelloWorld").pipeTo(nextprogram: Find ~ ` 
Nov 18 2023
parent kdevel <kdevel vogtner.de> writes:
On Saturday, 18 November 2023 at 18:09:53 UTC, BoQsc wrote:
 Latest iteration on this thread.

 * pipes through two programs.
 * very verbose, hard to use.
What exactly are you trying to achieve?
 import std;
 import std.process;

 version (Windows) { enum Find = "find"; }
 version (Posix) { enum Find = "grep"; }

 void pipeTo(Pipe p, string nextprogram){
 	spawnShell(nextprogram, p.readEnd, stdout);
If you allow invoking the shell from within your program why don't you use one of its facilities, i.e. the shell's pipe operator `|`, in the first place? `spawnShell` does not execute `nextprogram` but it executes it under the shell.

 auto program(string name){
     Pipe p = std.process.pipe;
 	spawnShell(name, stdin, p.writeEnd);
     return p;

 void main()
     program("echo HelloWorld").pipeTo(nextprogram: Find ~ ` 
Have I missed the advent of named function arguments in D?
Your whole program shrinks considerably: ``` import std; import std.process; version (Windows) { enum Find = "find"; } version (Posix) { enum Find = "grep"; } void main() { spawnShell("echo HelloWorld | " ~ Find ~ ` "HelloWorld"`).wait; } ```
Nov 19 2023