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digitalmars.D.learn - Cool pattern or tragic?

reply Guillaume Piolat <first.name gmail.com> writes:
The idea is to deliberately mark  system functions that need 
special scrutiny to use, regardless of their memory-safety. 
Function that would typically be named `assumeXXX`.

class MyEncodedThing
     Encoding encoding;

     /// Unsafe cast of encoding.
     void assumeEncoding (Encoding encoding) /* here */  system /* 
here */
         this.encoding = encoding;

char* assumeZeroTerminated(char[] str)  system
     return str.ptr;


That way,  safe code will still need to manually  trust them.
Aug 25 2023
next sibling parent "Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole" <richard cattermole.co.nz> writes:
I do something similar with my error types.

I have a method called assumeOkay. It'll assert if it isn't ok.

There is also unsafeGetLiteral for slice based types.

All  system.
Aug 25 2023
prev sibling next sibling parent Jonathan M Davis <newsgroup.d jmdavisprog.com> writes:
On Friday, August 25, 2023 3:00:08 PM MDT Guillaume Piolat via Digitalmars-d-
learn wrote:
 The idea is to deliberately mark  system functions that need
 special scrutiny to use, regardless of their memory-safety.
 Function that would typically be named `assumeXXX`.

 class MyEncodedThing
      Encoding encoding;

      /// Unsafe cast of encoding.
      void assumeEncoding (Encoding encoding) /* here */  system /*
 here */
          this.encoding = encoding;

 char* assumeZeroTerminated(char[] str)  system
      return str.ptr;


 That way,  safe code will still need to manually  trust them.
Well, if no attribute inference is involved, then system isn't required. However, explicitly marking it system makes it so that you won't accidentally make it safe via later introducing attribute inference or by adding something like safe: or safe {} to the code. It also makes it clear that the system is intentional rather than it being the case that no one decided to put safe or trusted on it. So, it arguable is good practice to mark functions system if they're intended to be system rather than leaving it up to the defaults. Either way, if the code using those functions are going to be able to use trusted correctly, the documentation should probably be very clear about what the system function is doing - at least if you're not in an environment where everyone is expected to look at the code itself rather than at documentation. - Jonathan M Davis
Aug 25 2023
prev sibling next sibling parent user1234 <user1234 12.de> writes:
On Friday, 25 August 2023 at 21:00:08 UTC, Guillaume Piolat wrote:
 The idea is to deliberately mark  system functions that need 
 special scrutiny to use, regardless of their memory-safety. 
 Function that would typically be named `assumeXXX`.

 class MyEncodedThing
     Encoding encoding;

     /// Unsafe cast of encoding.
     void assumeEncoding (Encoding encoding) /* here */  system 
 /* here */
         this.encoding = encoding;

 char* assumeZeroTerminated(char[] str)  system
     return str.ptr;


 That way,  safe code will still need to manually  trust them.
I think it's smart for `assumeZeroTerminated` because you cannot use assertions or contracts to verify that. I'd like to think the same for `assumeEncoding` but actually I dont see where is the unsafe cast.
Aug 26 2023
prev sibling parent cc <cc nevernet.com> writes:
On Friday, 25 August 2023 at 21:00:08 UTC, Guillaume Piolat wrote:
 The idea is to deliberately mark  system functions that need 
 special scrutiny to use, regardless of their memory-safety. 
 Function that would typically be named `assumeXXX`.
 That way,  safe code will still need to manually  trust them.
I basically wanted some kind of functionality similar to this but with regards to the GC. Like some way to annotate a function as WillAllocate or something, and forbid calling it unless the caller function explicitly acknowledged the allocation (without having to wrap everything in nogc). Just for fun I experimented with a locking GC that used the struct/dtor model to open/re-lock.
Sep 24 2023