digitalmars.D.learn - Casting a vector operation
- Andrej Mitrovic (14/14) Apr 27 2011 So, I need to convert a float[] to an int[] for some use with audio. The...
- bearophile (6/11) Apr 27 2011 Not yet, as far as I know. But the feature you look for may be implement...
- Jesse Phillips (4/20) Apr 27 2011 Well if the error is correct, this should mean you are doing it right, b...
So, I need to convert a float[] to an int[] for some use with audio. The conversion operation is to multiply each sample (the value) with 0x7FFF_0000, and decrement with .5f, round this operation to an int and store it as the new sample. So here's how a float>int conversion looks like: Now, I wanted to replace the foreach loop with a vector op. So first I've tried this: writeTo[] = to!int((data[] * 0x7FFF_0000) - 0.5f) This won't work. I've tried to do a simple cast: writeTo[] = cast(int[])((data[] * 0x7FFF_0000) - 0.5f); floatToInt.d(26): Error: Array operation data[] * 0x1.fffcp+30F - 0.5F not implemented Same thing if I use to!int[]. I'm not sure what this error means. Unfortunately I have little understanding of vector ops. Is there any way to use a vector op that operates on floats but stores each result as an int? Btw, the *actual* definition of a single channel is: void*[2] buffers; These are two "half-buffers", meaning that the soundcard reads from one half-buffer while the client fills the other half. Should I be worried that these are typed as void*? I mean I've read something about a GC problem where the GC could interpret the value stored in a void* as a pointer to random data in the heap, which could lead to memory leaks, or something of that sort.
Apr 27 2011
Andrej Mitrovic:So here's how a float>int conversion looks like: a cast(int) for each item array is probably enough.Is there any way to use a vector op that operates on floats but stores each result as an int?Not yet, as far as I know. But the feature you look for may be implemented later. Don wants to vectorize even sin, cos, etc functions.Should I be worried that these are typed as void*? I mean I've read something about a GC problem where the GC could interpret the value stored in a void* as a pointer to random data in the heap, which could lead to memory leaks, or something of that sort.If you use a type that can't contain pointers, like a ubyte[] the situation probably improves (no outbound pointers are followed) but inbound pointers are followed still by the GC, and they cause troubles when arrays are large (the array is never deallocated). Bye, bearophile
Apr 27 2011
Andrej Mitrovic Wrote:So, I need to convert a float[] to an int[] for some use with audio. The conversion operation is to multiply each sample (the value) with 0x7FFF_0000, and decrement with .5f, round this operation to an int and store it as the new sample. So here's how a float>int conversion looks like: Now, I wanted to replace the foreach loop with a vector op. So first I've tried this: writeTo[] = to!int((data[] * 0x7FFF_0000) - 0.5f) This won't work. I've tried to do a simple cast: writeTo[] = cast(int[])((data[] * 0x7FFF_0000) - 0.5f); floatToInt.d(26): Error: Array operation data[] * 0x1.fffcp+30F - 0.5F not implementedWell if the error is correct, this should mean you are doing it right, but the feature doesn't exist yet. While it won't get you the performance gain, there is also map, auto writeTo = array(map!"a*0x7FFF_0000 - 0.5f"(data));
Apr 27 2011