digitalmars.D.learn - Can't add a const ubyte to a dynamic array of ubyte?
- ads (30/30) Aug 20 2019 import std.stdio;
- a11e99z (4/30) Aug 20 2019 why not to do same in line?
- Daniel Kozak (31/33) Aug 20 2019
- a11e99z (5/8) Aug 20 2019 you do not allow a person to think about a problem (and it’s easy
- Jonathan M Davis (11/41) Aug 20 2019 arr contains uints, not ubytes, so n is a uint, and you're trying to app...
import std.stdio; ubyte[] extend(in uint[] arr) { ubyte[] result; foreach (n; arr) { if (n < 10) { result ~= n; // source/app.d(10,11): Error: cannot append type const(uint) to type ubyte[] } else { import std.conv : to; foreach (digit;!string) { result ~=!ubyte; } } } return result; } unittest { import std.algorithm : equal; assert(extend([1, 25, 70, 0]).equal([1, 2, 5, 7, 0, 0])); } How can I get around this? I want to ensure that the array is not mutated in the function in the signature too.
Aug 20 2019
On Tuesday, 20 August 2019 at 09:27:36 UTC, ads wrote:import std.stdio; ubyte[] extend(in uint[] arr) { ubyte[] result; foreach (n; arr) { if (n < 10) result ~= n; else { import std.conv : to; foreach (digit;!string) result ~=!ubyte; } } return result; } unittest { import std.algorithm : equal; assert(extend([1, 25, 70, 0]).equal([1, 2, 5, 7, 0, 0])); } How can I get around this? I want to ensure that the array is not mutated in the function in the signature too.what u using here?result ~=!ubyte;why not to do same in line?result ~= n;2) digit is '0'+(0..9) so u need subtract '0' ('0' is \x30)
Aug 20 2019
On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 11:30 AM ads via Digitalmars-d-learn <digitalmars-d-learn> wrote:How can I get around this? I want to ensure that the array is not mutated in the function in the signature too. import std.stdio; ubyte[] extend(in uint[] arr) { ubyte[] result; foreach (n; arr) { if (n < 10) { result ~= cast(ubyte)n; // source/app.d(10,11): Error: cannot append type const(uint) to type ubyte[] } else { import std.conv : to; foreach (digit;!string) { result ~= cast(ubyte)(digit - '0'); } } } return result; } unittest { import std.algorithm : equal; assert(extend([1, 25, 70, 0]).equal([1, 2, 5, 7, 0, 0])); }
Aug 20 2019
On Tuesday, 20 August 2019 at 09:49:21 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 11:30 AM ads via Digitalmars-d-learn <digitalmars-d-learn> wrote:you do not allow a person to think about a problem (and it’s easy here). you carried him through a puddle now, but when he dives into Sea D, you will not be there :)
Aug 20 2019
On Tuesday, August 20, 2019 3:27:36 AM MDT ads via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:import std.stdio; ubyte[] extend(in uint[] arr) { ubyte[] result; foreach (n; arr) { if (n < 10) { result ~= n; // source/app.d(10,11): Error: cannot append type const(uint) to type ubyte[] } else { import std.conv : to; foreach (digit;!string) { result ~=!ubyte; } } } return result; } unittest { import std.algorithm : equal; assert(extend([1, 25, 70, 0]).equal([1, 2, 5, 7, 0, 0])); } How can I get around this? I want to ensure that the array is not mutated in the function in the signature too.arr contains uints, not ubytes, so n is a uint, and you're trying to append a uint to result, which is an array of ubytes. If you want to append n to result, then you need to convert it to a ubyte - either by casting or by using to!uint (the difference being that to will throw a ConvException if the value of n doesn't fit in a ubyte). D does not allow implicit narrowing conversions (because there's no guarantee that the value will fit in the target type), so you can't assign a uint to a ubyte without an explicit conversion - and that includes appending to an array of ubytes. - Jonathan M Davis
Aug 20 2019