digitalmars.D.learn - Array-only version of startsWith and skipOver
- Per =?UTF-8?B?Tm9yZGzDtnc=?= (40/40) Oct 24 2019 Why does
- Per =?UTF-8?B?Tm9yZGzDtnc=?= (15/19) Oct 25 2019 Found it.
Why does /** Array-overload for `startsWith` with no explicit predicate predicate. */ bool startsWith(T)(scope const(T)[] haystack, scope const(T)[] needle) { if (haystack.length >= needle.length) { return haystack[0 .. needle.length] == needle; // range check is elided by LDC in release builds } return false; } /** Array-overload for `skipOver` with no explicit predicate predicate. */ bool skipOver(T)(scope ref const(T)[] haystack, scope const(T)[] needle) { if (startsWith(haystack, needle)) { haystack = haystack[needle.length .. $]; return true; } return false; } /// safe pure nothrow nogc unittest { string x = "beta version"; assert(x.skipOver("beta")); } fail to compile as array_algorithm.d(59,22): Error: template `array_algorithm.skipOver` cannot deduce function from argument types `!()(string, string)`, candidates are: assert(x.skipOver("beta")); ^ array_algorithm.d(44,6): `skipOver(T)(ref scope const(T)[] haystack, scope const(T)[] needle)` bool skipOver(T)(scope ref const(T)[] haystack,
Oct 24 2019
On Friday, 25 October 2019 at 06:59:07 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:/** Array-overload for `skipOver` with no explicit predicate predicate. */ bool skipOver(T)(scope ref const(T)[] haystack, scope const(T)[] needle)Found it. The parameter `haystack` must be qualified with inout instead of const because it's `ref`. bool skipOver(T)(scope ref inout(T)[] haystack, scope const(T)[] needle) { if (startsWith(haystack, needle)) { haystack = haystack[needle.length .. $]; return true; } return false; } Why?
Oct 25 2019