digitalmars.D - cast double to long for value greater than long.max
- Dan Olson (16/16) Apr 12 2016 This revolves around a dmd test which fails on ARM:
This revolves around a dmd test which fails on ARM: int bug7(int x) { return x; } static assert(!is(typeof(bug7(cast(long)3.256679e30)))); Is it a valid test? Or specifically, is a cast from double to long defined if double > long.max? The test appears to assume that cast(long)3.256679e30 will be lower 64-bits of truncated double value. Internally, the D compiler (C++ version) used a C cast, which is undefined according to C++ spec sec 4.9. It might work this way, might not. Turns out ARM EABI where I have been working in LDC lately, this cast results in -1. Satisfies bug7(int) and assert fails. Does D language say anything about such casts? If follows C++, then test is invalid. -- Dan
Apr 12 2016