digitalmars.D - best practices tutorial needed (for function signature, class vs
- timotheecour (13/13) Aug 25 2012 Is there a "best practices" page on this site to use as reference
- notna (5/18) Aug 29 2012 You may want to try/read this:
- =?UTF-8?B?QWxpIMOHZWhyZWxp?= (8/12) Aug 29 2012 Thank you notna. :) Although, I don't have the exact answers that
- notna (13/20) Sep 01 2012 Ali, I've to thank YOU!
- =?UTF-8?B?QWxpIMOHZWhyZWxp?= (6/7) Nov 02 2012 Well, I have finally started a crude change log. The final entry bunches...
- Jordi Sayol (5/5) Nov 04 2012 Congratulations for these new seven chapters translated into English!
- deed (3/3) Sep 02 2012 I would also like to thank you for your great tutorials, which I
- Nathan M. Swan (10/23) Aug 29 2012 General rule I follow (don't know if this is common): use
Is there a "best practices" page on this site to use as reference for those FAQ, that AFAIK are not in the docs: * when to use class vs struct (eg * what's the standard signature for opEquals () (ef * same for toString(), this(), etc. * to use or not to use property etc.. I understand it's on a case by case but I would hope there are certain rules one can follow in 99% cases.
Aug 25 2012
You may want to try/read this: Thanks to Ali for this fantastic book!!! Looking forward for the next translations. On 25.08.2012 22:37, timotheecour wrote:Is there a "best practices" page on this site to use as reference for those FAQ, that AFAIK are not in the docs: * when to use class vs struct (eg * what's the standard signature for opEquals () (ef * same for toString(), this(), etc. * to use or not to use property etc.. I understand it's on a case by case but I would hope there are certain rules one can follow in 99% cases.
Aug 29 2012
On 08/29/2012 01:53 PM, notna wrote:You may want to try/read this: Thanks to Ali for this fantastic book!!! Looking forward for the next translations.Thank you notna. :) Although, I don't have the exact answers that timotheecour is looking for. I have been slow in translation recently partly because of summer and partly because of improvements to existing chapters. Actually I have another chapter translated but it needs to mature a little before public consumption. :) Ali
Aug 29 2012
Ali, I've to thank YOU! As a "part-time-programmer", I've to say, your book helped me a mountain.. and actually is a reason why I'm kind of "back2D" ;) I've all the D books money can buy, so I claim the same statement could be true for other non-professional-programmers, too. Anyhow, an Index within the PDF/book and a change log would be great. I try to follow the RSS feed, but for changes within existing capitals, its not easy for me to identify them... I always have to run a "PDF diff" tool and then read the newly added or changed lines. Enjoy the rest of the summer, hope you will find more time for the next translations soon and looking forward for the long cold winter evenings and a good read ;) On 29.08.2012 23:02, Ali Çehreli wrote:Thank you notna. :) Although, I don't have the exact answers that timotheecour is looking for. I have been slow in translation recently partly because of summer and partly because of improvements to existing chapters. Actually I have another chapter translated but it needs to mature a little before public consumption. :) Ali
Sep 01 2012
On 09/01/2012 08:18 AM, notna wrote:Anyhow, an Index within the PDF/book and a change log would be great.Well, I have finally started a crude change log. The final entry bunches up seven chapters in the change log for r514: It will be more granular in the future. :) Ali
Nov 02 2012
Congratulations for these new seven chapters translated into English! Many thanks for the well done work! -- Jordi Sayol
Nov 04 2012
I would also like to thank you for your great tutorials, which I find very concise and at the point. Looking forward to see more of them getting translated!
Sep 02 2012
On Saturday, 25 August 2012 at 20:37:27 UTC, timotheecour wrote:Is there a "best practices" page on this site to use as reference for those FAQ, that AFAIK are not in the docs: * when to use class vs struct (eg rule I follow (don't know if this is common): use `struct` unless you are using pointers a lot: that's a sign you need classes.* what's the standard signature for opEquals () (ef * same for toString(), this(), etc.IDK* to use or not to use propertyproperty is semantically a fake field. Thus, use it to get an attribute that doesn't have side effects (except for setters) and runs in constant time.etc.. I understand it's on a case by case but I would hope there are certain rules one can follow in 99% cases.My 0.02 dollars, NMS
Aug 29 2012