digitalmars.D - Things that make writing a clean binding system more difficult
- Ethan Watson (192/192) Jul 28 2016 As mentioned in the D blog the other day, the binding system as
- Walter Bright (9/20) Jul 28 2016 C/C++ have essentially the same problem, if you want to declare a functi...
- Ethan Watson (2/6) Jul 28 2016 Exactly this. I've been unable to get it to work.
- Walter Bright (7/15) Jul 28 2016
- Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d (8/26) Jul 28 2016 Well, if we decided to make parens with ref legal, then we could make it
- jmh530 (11/19) Jul 28 2016 On a somewhat related tangent, I was looking for the history of
- Steven Schveighoffer (4/31) Jul 28 2016 No, because that implies a type-modifier. ref does not modify the type
- Manu via Digitalmars-d (3/44) Aug 04 2016 Ah yes, one of the most fundamental and terrible mistake in D ;)
- Kagamin (4/11) Jul 29 2016 I had an idea of putting function attributes between return type
- Timon Gehr (8/29) Jul 28 2016 My parser accepts the following:
- Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d (6/13) Jul 28 2016 Except that ref isn't a function attribute. It's an attribute on the ret...
- Timon Gehr (9/28) Jul 28 2016 Yes it is.
- Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d (15/44) Jul 28 2016 That's downright bizzarre given that ref applies to the return type and ...
- Timon Gehr (9/59) Jul 29 2016 It does not apply to the return type. There is actually no way to tell
- Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d (17/20) Jul 29 2016 ref may not be part of the type, but it just seems totally wrong for it ...
- Walter Bright (7/12) Jul 29 2016 C++'s & is a bizarre type constructor in that it has completely wacky an...
- Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d (14/28) Jul 29 2016 I understand that part. It's treating it like a function attribute that
- Dicebot (2/32) Jul 29 2016 What you want it contradictory to the concept of "storage class".
- Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d (7/43) Jul 29 2016 Why? I thought the the whole idea of "storage class" was that it was an
- Dicebot (11/21) Jul 29 2016 Storage class has to attach to some symbol to modify its semantics
- Manu via Digitalmars-d (8/23) Aug 04 2016 But introduces a MUCH bigger mess in its place. D's ref is absolute
- Manu via Digitalmars-d (7/54) Aug 04 2016 Bingo! But it's much deeper than that. ref is a disaster. Use it to
- Seb (6/18) Aug 04 2016 I might sound stupid, but there is a better way than forking:
- Manu via Digitalmars-d (4/22) Aug 05 2016 Solution is trivial; ref is part of the type. Of course this will
- Steven Schveighoffer (4/29) Aug 05 2016 Another solution is to make a Ref smart pointer type. But there isn't
- Steven Schveighoffer (3/10) Jul 29 2016 Yes. Worst that happens is it doesn't get accepted :)
- deadalnix (6/13) Jul 29 2016 That doesn't fix the above mentioned problem, as ref bind to the
- Timon Gehr (6/23) Jul 30 2016 How does it not fix the problem? int function(int,int)ref is the type of...
- deadalnix (2/11) Jul 30 2016
- Walter Bright (3/6) Jul 28 2016
- Kagamin (7/13) Jul 28 2016 The usual idea for PAL structure is to put implementations in
- Jacob Carlborg (17/19) Aug 04 2016 You mean like this:
- Ethan Watson (18/20) Aug 05 2016 I did some more experimenting, and it turns out that the problem
As mentioned in the D blog the other day, the binding system as used by Remedy will both be open sourced and effectively completely rewritten from when we shipped Quantum Break. As I'm still deep within that rewrite, a bunch of things are still fresh in my mind that aren't that great when it comes to D and doing such a system. These are things I also expect other programmers to come across in one way or another, being that they seem like a simple way to do things but getting them to behave require non-trivial workarounds. I also assume "lodge a bug" will be the response to these. But there are some cases where I think documentation or easily-googleable articles will be required instead/as well. And in the case of one of these things, it's liable to start a long circular conversation chain. ==================== 1) Declaring a function pointer with a ref return value can't be done without workarounds. Try compiling this: ref int function( int, int ) functionPointer; It won't let you, because only parameters and for loop symbols can be ref types. Despite the fact that I intend the function pointer to be of a kind that returns a ref int, I can't declare that easily. Easy, declare an alias, right? alias RefFunctionPointer = ref int function( int, int ); Alright, cool, that works. But thanks to the binding system making heavy use of function pointers via code-time generated code, that means we then have to come up with a unique name for every function pointer symbol we'll need. Eep. Rather, I have to do something like this: template RefFunctionPointer( Params... ) if( Params.length > 1 ) { ref Params[ 0 ] dodgyFunction( Params[ 1 .. $ ] ); alias RefFunctionPointer = typeof( &dodgyFunction ); } RefFunctionPointer!( int, int, int ) functionPointer; This can also alternately be done by generating a mixin string for the alias inside of the template and not requiring a dummy function to get the type from. Either way, it gets rid of the unique name requirement but now we have template expansion in the mix. Which is something I'll get to in a second... Needless to say, this is something I wasted a lot of time on three years ago when I was getting the bindings up to speed originally. Turns out it's not any better in DMD 2.071. ==================== 2) Expansion of code (static foreach, templates) is slow to the point where string mixins are a legitimate compile-time optimisation Take an example of whittling down a tuple/variable argument list. Doing it recursively would look something like this: template SomeEliminator( Symbols... ) { static if( Symbols.length >= 1 ) { static if( SomeCondition!( Symbol[ 0 ] ) ) { alias SomeEliminator = TypeTuple!( Symbol[ 0 ], Symbols[ 1 .. $ ] ); } else { alias SomeEliminator = TypeTuple!( Symbols[ 1 .. $ ] ); } } else { alias SomeEliminator = TypeTuple!( ); } } Okay, that works, but the template expansion is a killer on compile-time performance. It's legitimately far quicker on the compiler to do this: template SomeEliminator( Symbols... ) { string SymbolSelector() { string[] strOutputs; foreach( iIndex, Symbol; Symbols ) { static if( SomeCondition!( Symbol ) ) { strOutputs ~= "Symbols[ " ~ iIndex.stringof ~ " ]"; } } return strOutputs.joinWith( ", " ); } mixin( "alias SomeEliminator = TypeTuple!( " ~ SymbolSelector() ~ " );" ); } With just a small codebase that I'm working on here, it chops seconds off the compile time. Of course, maybe there's something I'm missing here about variable parameter parsing and doing it without a mixin is quite possible and just as quick as the mixin, but that would make it the third method I know of to achieve the same effect. The idiomatic way of doing this without mixins should at least be defined, and optimised at the compiler level so that people don't get punished for writing natural D code. Then there was this one that I came across: outofswitch: switch( symbolName ) { foreach( Variable; VariablesOf!( SearchType ) ) { case Variable.Name: doSomething!( Variable.Type )(); break outofswitch; } default: writeln( symbolName, " was not found!" ); break; } This caused compile time to blow way out. How far out? By rewriting it like this, I cut compile times in half (at that point, from 10 seconds to 5): switch( symbolName ) { mixin( generateSwitchFor!( SearchType )() ); default: writeln( symbolName, " was not found!" ); break; } Now, I love mixins, both template form and string form. The binding system uses them extensively. But mixins like this are effectively a hack. Anytime I have to break out a mixin because my compile time doubled from a seemingly simple piece of code is not good. ==================== 3) __ctfe is not a CTFE symbol. This one bit me when I was trying to be efficient for runtime usage while allowing a function to also be usable at compile time. int[] someArray; static if( !__ctfe ) { someArray.reserve( someAmount ); } Reserve not working in compile time? Eh, I can live with that. __ctfe not being a symbol I can static if with? Well, sure, I suppose that would work if the compiler wouldn't even try compiling the code inside the __ctfe block. But it doesn't do that. It does symbol resolution, and then your code doesn't run at compile time. It's at that point where I ask why have the __ctfe symbol if you can only use it effectively at runtime? Doesn't that only make it half useful? I understand this is a longstanding complaint too, so this serves as a reminder. ==================== 4) Forward declaring a function prototype means I can never declare that function elsewhere (say, for example, with a mixin) The binding system works something like this: * Declare a function, mark it with a BindImport UDA. * Compile time code scans over objects and symbols looking for functions tagged BindImport. * Generate __gshared function pointers that match the signature (and rewrite parameters to pass this in where applicable). * Generate function definitions that call the function pointers (with this if it's a method), allowing a programmer to just call the function declaration like it was any old ordinary piece of D code. That fourth part is where it all falls over. We shipped Quantum Break by defining your imports with a preceding underscore (ie BindImport int _doSomeAction();) and generated function definitions with the exact same signature minus the underscore. The new way I'm doing it is to define all these functions in a sub-struct so that all I need to rewrite is the parameters. All this because I cannot later define a forward-declared function. .di files are both not a language feature (documentation notes it is explicitly a compiler feature), and don't even match what I need here as they're generated from complete code with no possibility of using them in more of a .cpp/.h paradigm. So they're out of the question. *Unless* they're upgraded to a language feature and allow me to define full class declarations with later implementations of some/all functions. This also isn't the only use case I have. I'm a game engine programmer. We write a lot of abstracted interfaces with platform specific implementations. I know, I know, version(X){} your code, right? But that's not how everyone works. Some implementations really do require their own file for maintenance and legal purposes. But for an example outside of gaming? Take a look at core.atomic. Two implementations in the same file *AND* a separate one for documentation purposes. LDC's core.atomic also has an LLVM definition in there. And if someone writes native ARM support for DMD, that'll be even more implementations in the same file. Take note of the duplicated enums and deprecations between definitions, the alternative to which is to put a version block inside every function that requires special behaviour. Either way is not clean, I tells ya. I'm sure there's many cases where declaration and later definition is also a perfectly valid programming pattern, and I don't see at all how these use cases can conflict with D's forward referencing since it doesn't change referencing rules at all, it only changes the definition rules.
Jul 28 2016
On 7/28/2016 1:33 AM, Ethan Watson wrote:1) Declaring a function pointer with a ref return value can't be done without workarounds. Try compiling this: ref int function( int, int ) functionPointer; It won't let you, because only parameters and for loop symbols can be ref types. Despite the fact that I intend the function pointer to be of a kind that returns a ref int, I can't declare that easily. Easy, declare an alias, right? alias RefFunctionPointer = ref int function( int, int );C/C++ have essentially the same problem, if you want to declare a function pointer parameter that has different linkage. The trouble is there's an ambiguity in the grammar. I don't really have anything better than the two step process you outlined.==================== 4) Forward declaring a function prototype means I can never declare that function elsewhere (say, for example, with a mixin)Do you mean: void foo(); void foo() { } ?
Jul 28 2016
On Thursday, 28 July 2016 at 08:49:35 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:Do you mean: void foo(); void foo() { } ?Exactly this. I've been unable to get it to work.
Jul 28 2016
On 7/28/2016 1:54 AM, Ethan Watson wrote:On Thursday, 28 July 2016 at 08:49:35 UTC, Walter Bright wrote: The reason it's an enhancement request rather than a bug is that with D's support for forward referenced functions, having to declare them first followed later by a definition was deemed unnecessary. This pattern is, of course, necessary in C/C++ because they do not allow forward referenced declarations outside of aggregates.Do you mean: void foo(); void foo() { } ?Exactly this. I've been unable to get it to work.
Jul 28 2016
On Thursday, July 28, 2016 01:49:35 Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d wrote:On 7/28/2016 1:33 AM, Ethan Watson wrote:Well, if we decided to make parens with ref legal, then we could make it work. e.g. ref(int) function(int, int) functionPointer; Now, I don't know of any other case where you'd actually use parens with ref if it were legal, but it would solve this particular case if we wanted to provide a way around the ambiguity. - Jonathan M Davis1) Declaring a function pointer with a ref return value can't be done without workarounds. Try compiling this: ref int function( int, int ) functionPointer; It won't let you, because only parameters and for loop symbols can be ref types. Despite the fact that I intend the function pointer to be of a kind that returns a ref int, I can't declare that easily. Easy, declare an alias, right? alias RefFunctionPointer = ref int function( int, int );C/C++ have essentially the same problem, if you want to declare a function pointer parameter that has different linkage. The trouble is there's an ambiguity in the grammar. I don't really have anything better than the two step process you outlined.
Jul 28 2016
On Thursday, 28 July 2016 at 20:16:11 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:Well, if we decided to make parens with ref legal, then we could make it work. e.g. ref(int) function(int, int) functionPointer; Now, I don't know of any other case where you'd actually use parens with ref if it were legal, but it would solve this particular case if we wanted to provide a way around the ambiguity. - Jonathan M DavisOn a somewhat related tangent, I was looking for the history of why ref was included in the language. My recollection of Andrei's book is that it just takes ref as a given, instead of pass by reference or address in C++, rather than say why that decision was made. I found that ref was added in D 1.011 as a replacement for inout. Looking through some of the D 1.0 documentation, I see that "C++ does not distinguish between in, out and ref (i.e. inout) parameters." but not much else.
Jul 28 2016
On 7/28/16 4:16 PM, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:On Thursday, July 28, 2016 01:49:35 Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d wrote:No, because that implies a type-modifier. ref does not modify the type at all, it just specifies the storage class. -SteveOn 7/28/2016 1:33 AM, Ethan Watson wrote:Well, if we decided to make parens with ref legal, then we could make it work. e.g. ref(int) function(int, int) functionPointer; Now, I don't know of any other case where you'd actually use parens with ref if it were legal, but it would solve this particular case if we wanted to provide a way around the ambiguity.1) Declaring a function pointer with a ref return value can't be done without workarounds. Try compiling this: ref int function( int, int ) functionPointer; It won't let you, because only parameters and for loop symbols can be ref types. Despite the fact that I intend the function pointer to be of a kind that returns a ref int, I can't declare that easily. Easy, declare an alias, right? alias RefFunctionPointer = ref int function( int, int );C/C++ have essentially the same problem, if you want to declare a function pointer parameter that has different linkage. The trouble is there's an ambiguity in the grammar. I don't really have anything better than the two step process you outlined.
Jul 28 2016
On 29 July 2016 at 07:34, Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d> wrote:On 7/28/16 4:16 PM, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:Ah yes, one of the most fundamental and terrible mistake in D ;)On Thursday, July 28, 2016 01:49:35 Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d wrote:No, because that implies a type-modifier. ref does not modify the type at all, it just specifies the storage class.On 7/28/2016 1:33 AM, Ethan Watson wrote:Well, if we decided to make parens with ref legal, then we could make it work. e.g. ref(int) function(int, int) functionPointer; Now, I don't know of any other case where you'd actually use parens with ref if it were legal, but it would solve this particular case if we wanted to provide a way around the ambiguity.1) Declaring a function pointer with a ref return value can't be done without workarounds. Try compiling this: ref int function( int, int ) functionPointer; It won't let you, because only parameters and for loop symbols can be ref types. Despite the fact that I intend the function pointer to be of a kind that returns a ref int, I can't declare that easily. Easy, declare an alias, right? alias RefFunctionPointer = ref int function( int, int );C/C++ have essentially the same problem, if you want to declare a function pointer parameter that has different linkage. The trouble is there's an ambiguity in the grammar. I don't really have anything better than the two step process you outlined.
Aug 04 2016
On Thursday, 28 July 2016 at 20:16:11 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:Well, if we decided to make parens with ref legal, then we could make it work. e.g. ref(int) function(int, int) functionPointer; Now, I don't know of any other case where you'd actually use parens with ref if it were legal, but it would solve this particular case if we wanted to provide a way around the ambiguity.I had an idea of putting function attributes between return type and function name: int ref function(int, int)
Jul 29 2016
On 28.07.2016 10:49, Walter Bright wrote:On 7/28/2016 1:33 AM, Ethan Watson wrote:My parser accepts the following: int function(int,int)ref functionPointer; I wasn't really aware that this was illegal in DMD. (Other function attributes, such as pure, are accepted.) In fact, even the following is disallowed: int foo(int)ref{} Should I file an enhancement request?1) Declaring a function pointer with a ref return value can't be done without workarounds. Try compiling this: ref int function( int, int ) functionPointer; It won't let you, because only parameters and for loop symbols can be ref types. Despite the fact that I intend the function pointer to be of a kind that returns a ref int, I can't declare that easily. Easy, declare an alias, right? alias RefFunctionPointer = ref int function( int, int );C/C++ have essentially the same problem, if you want to declare a function pointer parameter that has different linkage. The trouble is there's an ambiguity in the grammar. I don't really have anything better than the two step process you outlined. ...
Jul 28 2016
On Friday, July 29, 2016 06:44:16 Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d wrote:My parser accepts the following: int function(int,int)ref functionPointer; I wasn't really aware that this was illegal in DMD. (Other function attributes, such as pure, are accepted.) In fact, even the following is disallowed: int foo(int)ref{} Should I file an enhancement request?Except that ref isn't a function attribute. It's an attribute on the return type. So, it doesn't make sense for it to be on the right. That would be like having the const on the right-hand side of a member function apply to the return type rather than the function itself. - Jonathan M Davis
Jul 28 2016
On 29.07.2016 06:52, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:On Friday, July 29, 2016 06:44:16 Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d wrote:Yes it is. int x; ref{ int foo(){ return x;} } pragma(msg, typeof(&foo()));My parser accepts the following: int function(int,int)ref functionPointer; I wasn't really aware that this was illegal in DMD. (Other function attributes, such as pure, are accepted.) In fact, even the following is disallowed: int foo(int)ref{} Should I file an enhancement request?Except that ref isn't a function attribute.It's an attribute on the return type.There is no such thing. Types cannot have attributes.So, it doesn't make sense for it to be on the right. That would be like having the const on the right-hand side of a member function apply to the return type rather than the function itself. ...You have it backwards.
Jul 28 2016
On Friday, July 29, 2016 08:29:19 Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d wrote:On 29.07.2016 06:52, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:That's downright bizzarre given that ref applies to the return type and not to the this pointer (and that function doesn't even have a this pointer, since it's not a member function).On Friday, July 29, 2016 06:44:16 Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d wrote:Yes it is. int x; ref{ int foo(){ return x;} } pragma(msg, typeof(&foo()));My parser accepts the following: int function(int,int)ref functionPointer; I wasn't really aware that this was illegal in DMD. (Other function attributes, such as pure, are accepted.) In fact, even the following is disallowed: int foo(int)ref{} Should I file an enhancement request?Except that ref isn't a function attribute.Sure they can. e.g. auto func(ref int param) {...} The same with in and out. They apply to the type of the parameter without actually being part of it.It's an attribute on the return type.There is no such thing. Types cannot have attributes.It looks to me like the compiler is treating ref in a schizophrenic manner given that when it's used on a parameter, it treats it as part of the parameter, whereas with the return type, it's treating it as a function attribute instead of associating it with the return type. I'd guess that that stems from the fact that while ref is really supposed to be associated with the type, it's not actually part of the type. - Jonathan M DavisSo, it doesn't make sense for it to be on the right. That would be like having the const on the right-hand side of a member function apply to the return type rather than the function itself. ...You have it backwards.
Jul 28 2016
On 29.07.2016 08:51, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:On Friday, July 29, 2016 08:29:19 Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d wrote:It does not apply to the return type. There is actually no way to tell whether a function returns ref or not by just examining the return type. It's the function which is ref.On 29.07.2016 06:52, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:That's downright bizzarre given that ref applies to the return type and not to the this pointer (and that function doesn't even have a this pointer, since it's not a member function). ...On Friday, July 29, 2016 06:44:16 Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d wrote:Yes it is. int x; ref{ int foo(){ return x;} } pragma(msg, typeof(&foo()));My parser accepts the following: int function(int,int)ref functionPointer; I wasn't really aware that this was illegal in DMD. (Other function attributes, such as pure, are accepted.) In fact, even the following is disallowed: int foo(int)ref{} Should I file an enhancement request?Except that ref isn't a function attribute.No, typeof(param) is int. The type is not changed at all. The attribute applies to the parameter declaration.Sure they can. e.g. auto func(ref int param) {...} The same with in and out. They apply to the type of the parameter without actually being part of it. ...It's an attribute on the return type.There is no such thing. Types cannot have attributes.'ref' has nothing to do with the type. This is not C++. The only thing that is inconsistent here is that 'ref' is not accepted on the right for function declarations.It looks to me like the compiler is treating ref in a schizophrenic manner given that when it's used on a parameter, it treats it as part of the parameter, whereas with the return type, it's treating it as a function attribute instead of associating it with the return type. I'd guess that that stems from the fact that while ref is really supposed to be associated with the type, it's not actually part of the type. - Jonathan M DavisSo, it doesn't make sense for it to be on the right. That would be like having the const on the right-hand side of a member function apply to the return type rather than the function itself. ...You have it backwards.
Jul 29 2016
On Friday, July 29, 2016 09:03:18 Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d wrote:'ref' has nothing to do with the type. This is not C++. The only thing that is inconsistent here is that 'ref' is not accepted on the right for function declarations.ref may not be part of the type, but it just seems totally wrong for it to be applying to anything else. I mean, how does it make any sense for a _function_ to be ref or not? It may return by ref, but the function itself is a function. It's what's going on with the return value that changes based or ref or not. Maybe I'm just looking at this wrong, but it seems completely bizarre to consider the _function_ to be ref or not. It sounds like it's just a weird biproduct of trying to make it so that ref doesn't propagate beyond the return type or the parameter so that you can't have ref variables in general. I've always looked at D's ref as being essentially the same as C++'s & except that it's not considered to be part of the type, just attached to it in a way that doesn't propagate. The same with with in or out. I just don't see how it even makes conceptual sense for ref to be an attribute of the function itself. - Jonathan M Davis
Jul 29 2016
On 7/29/2016 1:34 AM, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:I've always looked at D's ref as being essentially the same as C++'s & except that it's not considered to be part of the type, just attached to it in a way that doesn't propagate. The same with with in or out. I just don't see how it even makes conceptual sense for ref to be an attribute of the function itself.C++'s & is a bizarre type constructor in that it has completely wacky and special cased behavior in just about everything involving types, including type deduction, type inference, overloading, etc. For example, you can't have a pointer to a ref. Or a ref of a ref. Sometimes the ref is considered part of the type, sometimes not. Etc. With D, making it a sort of storage class completely sidesteps that mess.
Jul 29 2016
On Friday, July 29, 2016 02:55:14 Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d wrote:On 7/29/2016 1:34 AM, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:I understand that part. It's treating it like a function attribute that makes no sense to me. Even if it's not treated as part of the return type exactly, it's still the return type that it's affecting, not the function. ref, in, and out are all in this kind of weird place where they affect a type without being part of the type, and I'm guessing that because of how oddball they are, there really wasn't a good way to deal with ref on the return type, since it wasn't actually part of the type, so in the implementation, it got tied to the function instead rather than trying to add a new concept to the compiler. So, I guess that from an implementation perspective, it makes some sense, but it's still downright weird given that ref really has to do with the return type and not the function itself, even if ref is a storage class rather than actually being part of the type. - Jonathan M DavisI've always looked at D's ref as being essentially the same as C++'s & except that it's not considered to be part of the type, just attached to it in a way that doesn't propagate. The same with with in or out. I just don't see how it even makes conceptual sense for ref to be an attribute of the function itself.C++'s & is a bizarre type constructor in that it has completely wacky and special cased behavior in just about everything involving types, including type deduction, type inference, overloading, etc. For example, you can't have a pointer to a ref. Or a ref of a ref. Sometimes the ref is considered part of the type, sometimes not. Etc. With D, making it a sort of storage class completely sidesteps that mess.
Jul 29 2016
On 07/29/2016 02:05 PM, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:On Friday, July 29, 2016 02:55:14 Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d wrote:What you want it contradictory to the concept of "storage class".On 7/29/2016 1:34 AM, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:I understand that part. It's treating it like a function attribute that makes no sense to me. Even if it's not treated as part of the return type exactly, it's still the return type that it's affecting, not the function. ref, in, and out are all in this kind of weird place where they affect a type without being part of the type, and I'm guessing that because of how oddball they are, there really wasn't a good way to deal with ref on the return type, since it wasn't actually part of the type, so in the implementation, it got tied to the function instead rather than trying to add a new concept to the compiler. So, I guess that from an implementation perspective, it makes some sense, but it's still downright weird given that ref really has to do with the return type and not the function itself, even if ref is a storage class rather than actually being part of the type.I've always looked at D's ref as being essentially the same as C++'s & except that it's not considered to be part of the type, just attached to it in a way that doesn't propagate. The same with with in or out. I just don't see how it even makes conceptual sense for ref to be an attribute of the function itself.C++'s & is a bizarre type constructor in that it has completely wacky and special cased behavior in just about everything involving types, including type deduction, type inference, overloading, etc. For example, you can't have a pointer to a ref. Or a ref of a ref. Sometimes the ref is considered part of the type, sometimes not. Etc. With D, making it a sort of storage class completely sidesteps that mess.
Jul 29 2016
On Friday, July 29, 2016 14:14:49 Dicebot via Digitalmars-d wrote:On 07/29/2016 02:05 PM, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:Why? I thought the the whole idea of "storage class" was that it was an attribute that was applied to a type that wasn't actually part of the type. Certainly, based on past discussions on the topic, it seems to be that the term is used for pretty much anything that gets applied to a type that isn't actually part of the type. And that's definitely what happens with ref. - Jonathan M DavisOn Friday, July 29, 2016 02:55:14 Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d wrote:What you want it contradictory to the concept of "storage class".On 7/29/2016 1:34 AM, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:I understand that part. It's treating it like a function attribute that makes no sense to me. Even if it's not treated as part of the return type exactly, it's still the return type that it's affecting, not the function. ref, in, and out are all in this kind of weird place where they affect a type without being part of the type, and I'm guessing that because of how oddball they are, there really wasn't a good way to deal with ref on the return type, since it wasn't actually part of the type, so in the implementation, it got tied to the function instead rather than trying to add a new concept to the compiler. So, I guess that from an implementation perspective, it makes some sense, but it's still downright weird given that ref really has to do with the return type and not the function itself, even if ref is a storage class rather than actually being part of the type.I've always looked at D's ref as being essentially the same as C++'s & except that it's not considered to be part of the type, just attached to it in a way that doesn't propagate. The same with with in or out. I just don't see how it even makes conceptual sense for ref to be an attribute of the function itself.C++'s & is a bizarre type constructor in that it has completely wacky and special cased behavior in just about everything involving types, including type deduction, type inference, overloading, etc. For example, you can't have a pointer to a ref. Or a ref of a ref. Sometimes the ref is considered part of the type, sometimes not. Etc. With D, making it a sort of storage class completely sidesteps that mess.
Jul 29 2016
On 07/29/2016 03:55 PM, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:On Friday, July 29, 2016 14:14:49 Dicebot via Digitalmars-d wrote:Storage class has to attach to some symbol to modify its semantics without affecting the type, it doesn't apply to type at all. Usually it is a variable and that comes naturally but in case of function return value / parameters the only available symbol is function itself - contrary to variables, parameters are not available as independent symbols AFAIK. That said, `ref` isn't a 100% storage class, otherwise `alias Foo = ref int function ( )` wouldn't work. Judging by only observable semantics I'd say it is more akin to type qualifier contrary to what spec says - but qualifier of function type.What you want it contradictory to the concept of "storage class".Why? I thought the the whole idea of "storage class" was that it was an attribute that was applied to a type that wasn't actually part of the type. Certainly, based on past discussions on the topic, it seems to be that the term is used for pretty much anything that gets applied to a type that isn't actually part of the type. And that's definitely what happens with ref. - Jonathan M Davis
Jul 29 2016
On 29 July 2016 at 19:55, Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d> wrote:On 7/29/2016 1:34 AM, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:But introduces a MUCH bigger mess in its place. D's ref is absolute torture past the most simple of cases. The design doesn't scale, it's one gigantic uncontrollable edge case built into the core of the language, with no tools to wrangle or manage. I've never had such an agonizing time with C++'s & as I have with ref in D, and I've had a LOT of agonizing time with C++ ;)I've always looked at D's ref as being essentially the same as C++'s & except that it's not considered to be part of the type, just attached to it in a way that doesn't propagate. The same with with in or out. I just don't see how it even makes conceptual sense for ref to be an attribute of the function itself.C++'s & is a bizarre type constructor in that it has completely wacky and special cased behavior in just about everything involving types, including type deduction, type inference, overloading, etc. For example, you can't have a pointer to a ref. Or a ref of a ref. Sometimes the ref is considered part of the type, sometimes not. Etc. With D, making it a sort of storage class completely sidesteps that mess.
Aug 04 2016
On 29 July 2016 at 16:51, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d> wrote:On Friday, July 29, 2016 08:29:19 Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d wrote:Bingo! But it's much deeper than that. ref is a disaster. Use it to any real extent; in particular, binding (or fabricating bindings) to extern(C++) code, and you will see just how fast it breaks down in the most horrific of ways (almost always resulting in text mixin). I would fork D just to fix ref!On 29.07.2016 06:52, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:That's downright bizzarre given that ref applies to the return type and not to the this pointer (and that function doesn't even have a this pointer, since it's not a member function).On Friday, July 29, 2016 06:44:16 Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d wrote:Yes it is. int x; ref{ int foo(){ return x;} } pragma(msg, typeof(&foo()));My parser accepts the following: int function(int,int)ref functionPointer; I wasn't really aware that this was illegal in DMD. (Other function attributes, such as pure, are accepted.) In fact, even the following is disallowed: int foo(int)ref{} Should I file an enhancement request?Except that ref isn't a function attribute.Sure they can. e.g. auto func(ref int param) {...} The same with in and out. They apply to the type of the parameter without actually being part of it.It's an attribute on the return type.There is no such thing. Types cannot have attributes.It looks to me like the compiler is treating ref in a schizophrenic manner given that when it's used on a parameter, it treats it as part of the parameter, whereas with the return type, it's treating it as a function attribute instead of associating it with the return type. I'd guess that that stems from the fact that while ref is really supposed to be associated with the type, it's not actually part of the type.So, it doesn't make sense for it to be on the right. That would be like having the const on the right-hand side of a member function apply to the return type rather than the function itself. ...You have it backwards.
Aug 04 2016
On Thursday, 4 August 2016 at 12:44:49 UTC, Manu wrote:On 29 July 2016 at 16:51, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d> wrote:I might sound stupid, but there is a better way than forking: 1) Work out a _good_ D improvement proposal and submit it for review to (exact process is explained over there) 2) Once accepted, send a PR[...]Bingo! But it's much deeper than that. ref is a disaster. Use it to any real extent; in particular, binding (or fabricating bindings) to extern(C++) code, and you will see just how fast it breaks down in the most horrific of ways (almost always resulting in text mixin). I would fork D just to fix ref!
Aug 04 2016
On 5 August 2016 at 03:33, Seb via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d> wrote:On Thursday, 4 August 2016 at 12:44:49 UTC, Manu wrote:Solution is trivial; ref is part of the type. Of course this will break a ton of code, and it's strongly resisted. It'll never happenOn 29 July 2016 at 16:51, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d> wrote:I might sound stupid, but there is a better way than forking: 1) Work out a _good_ D improvement proposal and submit it for review to (exact process is explained over there) 2) Once accepted, send a PR[...]Bingo! But it's much deeper than that. ref is a disaster. Use it to any real extent; in particular, binding (or fabricating bindings) to extern(C++) code, and you will see just how fast it breaks down in the most horrific of ways (almost always resulting in text mixin). I would fork D just to fix ref!_<
Aug 05 2016
On 8/5/16 6:17 AM, Manu via Digitalmars-d wrote:On 5 August 2016 at 03:33, Seb via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d> wrote:Another solution is to make a Ref smart pointer type. But there isn't enough support from the language yet. -SteveOn Thursday, 4 August 2016 at 12:44:49 UTC, Manu wrote:Solution is trivial; ref is part of the type. Of course this will break a ton of code, and it's strongly resisted. It'll never happenOn 29 July 2016 at 16:51, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d> wrote:I might sound stupid, but there is a better way than forking: 1) Work out a _good_ D improvement proposal and submit it for review to (exact process is explained over there) 2) Once accepted, send a PR[...]Bingo! But it's much deeper than that. ref is a disaster. Use it to any real extent; in particular, binding (or fabricating bindings) to extern(C++) code, and you will see just how fast it breaks down in the most horrific of ways (almost always resulting in text mixin). I would fork D just to fix ref!_<
Aug 05 2016
On 7/29/16 12:44 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:My parser accepts the following: int function(int,int)ref functionPointer; I wasn't really aware that this was illegal in DMD. (Other function attributes, such as pure, are accepted.) In fact, even the following is disallowed: int foo(int)ref{} Should I file an enhancement request?Yes. Worst that happens is it doesn't get accepted :) -Steve
Jul 29 2016
On Friday, 29 July 2016 at 04:44:16 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:My parser accepts the following: int function(int,int)ref functionPointer; I wasn't really aware that this was illegal in DMD. (Other function attributes, such as pure, are accepted.) In fact, even the following is disallowed: int foo(int)ref{} Should I file an enhancement request?That doesn't fix the above mentioned problem, as ref bind to the variable rather than the type. postfix ref is not accepted because it can only apply to the type I guess. This is one more example of design being unprincipled to boot.
Jul 29 2016
On 30.07.2016 04:49, deadalnix wrote:On Friday, 29 July 2016 at 04:44:16 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:How does it not fix the problem? int function(int,int)ref is the type of a ref-return function.My parser accepts the following: int function(int,int)ref functionPointer; I wasn't really aware that this was illegal in DMD. (Other function attributes, such as pure, are accepted.) In fact, even the following is disallowed: int foo(int)ref{} Should I file an enhancement request?That doesn't fix the above mentioned problem, as ref bind to the variable rather than the type.postfix ref is not accepted because it can only apply to the type I guess.How does it apply to the type? This is one more example of design being unprincipled to boot. Well, it's more or less reasonable save for the parser inconsistencies.
Jul 30 2016
On Saturday, 30 July 2016 at 07:10:30 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:How does it not fix the problem? int function(int,int)ref is the type of a ref-return function.Because storage class binding are already ambiguous andpostfix ref is not accepted because it can only apply to the type I guess.How does it apply to the type? This is one more example of design being unprincipled to boot. Well, it's more or less reasonable save for the parser inconsistencies.
Jul 30 2016
On 7/28/2016 1:33 AM, Ethan Watson wrote:I also assume "lodge a bug" will be the response to these.Indeed. That's the process.2) Expansion of code (static foreach, templates) is slow to the point where string mixins are a legitimate compile-time optimisation
Jul 28 2016
On Thursday, 28 July 2016 at 08:33:22 UTC, Ethan Watson wrote:This also isn't the only use case I have. I'm a game engine programmer. We write a lot of abstracted interfaces with platform specific implementations. I know, I know, version(X){} your code, right? But that's not how everyone works. Some implementations really do require their own file for maintenance and legal purposes.The usual idea for PAL structure is to put implementations in separate folders: src/lin/pal/utils.d - module pal.utils; src/win/pal/utils.d - module pal.utils; Then you can just import pal.utils; and invoke the compiler with -Isrc/lin option.
Jul 28 2016
On 2016-07-28 10:33, Ethan Watson wrote:4) Forward declaring a function prototype means I can never declare that function elsewhere (say, for example, with a mixin)You mean like this: import std.stdio; void foo(); void foo() { writeln("asd"); } void main() { foo(); } That works for me [1]. It was reported by Manu and fixed in 2012 [2]. [1] [2] -- /Jacob Carlborg
Aug 04 2016
On Thursday, 4 August 2016 at 11:41:00 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:That works for me [1]. It was reported by Manu and fixed in 2012 [2].I did some more experimenting, and it turns out that the problem is when the declaration and definition have different linkage. Being C++ functions means that all the functions are declared with extern( C++ ), but the mixin generates essentially extern( D ) functions. And a bit more prodding and poking, and I found some problems with UDAs - specifically, adding them in the declaration but not having them in the definition. We use UDAs extensively to mark up functions for binding. Depending on when my function collector template instantiates at compile time determines whether I can see the UDAs or not. So that's technically a bug. But. Before I go running off to the Bugzilla Walter made. Should a user declaring and then later defining a function be forced to 100% replicate that function definition before defining it? If yes, then the compiler needs to error. If no, then there'll need to be some rules made up for it because I can already see how that will be open to abuse.
Aug 05 2016
On Friday, 5 August 2016 at 08:15:37 UTC, Ethan Watson wrote:So that's technically a bug. But. Before I go running off to the Bugzilla Walter made. Should a user declaring and then later defining a function be forced to 100% replicate that function definition before defining it? If yes, then the compiler needs to error. If no, then there'll need to be some rules made up for it because I can already see how that will be open to abuse.i think that actual declaration should match in signature *only*; linkage and UDAs should be taken from prototype declaration. some rationale: this feature is useful mostly for binding generators (the only times i've seen it requested were for binding generators! ;-), so let's make programmer's lives easier here. checking for actual arg and return types is ok (as D doesn't have `()` syntax for "any args", we can't do "wildcard matching"), but there is absolutely no need to repeat other information. let's hope that other people will agree, or the feature will stay barely useful, as it is now. ;-)
Aug 05 2016
On Friday, 5 August 2016 at 08:40:04 UTC, ketmar wrote: p.s. the only "gotcha" i see is if prototyp declaration is found *after* the actual function was declared. as D code should not depend of declaration order, this should be either error, or (better!) use prototype to "fix" previous definition (possibly with warning).
Aug 05 2016