digitalmars.D - Request: feature ABI changes more prominently in release notes
- Johan Engelen (16/16) Nov 21 2016 Hi all,
- rikki cattermole (2/16) Nov 21 2016 Reminder, don't mix dmd/druntime/Phobos versions in a single executable.
Hi all, 2.071 introduced a significant ABI change: the layout of classes that inherit from interfaces has changed. Unfortunately, this is not very prominently featured in the release notes: (try to find it) My request is to add ABI changes to the "Compiler Changes" section, or to a "Spec Changes" section or something. Adding it to "Compiler enhancements" is understating the importance of this, I feel. It can save a lot of bughunting time when linking to a library compiled with DMD2.070 (I ran into a different problem, but nevertheless spent a lot of time on it :(). Thanks, Johan
Nov 21 2016
On 22/11/2016 5:46 AM, Johan Engelen wrote:Hi all, 2.071 introduced a significant ABI change: the layout of classes that inherit from interfaces has changed. Unfortunately, this is not very prominently featured in the release notes: (try to find it) My request is to add ABI changes to the "Compiler Changes" section, or to a "Spec Changes" section or something. Adding it to "Compiler enhancements" is understating the importance of this, I feel. It can save a lot of bughunting time when linking to a library compiled with DMD2.070 (I ran into a different problem, but nevertheless spent a lot of time on it :(). Thanks, JohanReminder, don't mix dmd/druntime/Phobos versions in a single executable.
Nov 21 2016