digitalmars.D - Just because it's not dmd, don't mean you have to shy away from
- Iain Buclaw (16/16) Jun 18 2012 Just thought I might say that it's ok to send pull requests for
Just thought I might say that it's ok to send pull requests for any important/critical changes in upstream dmd, phobos and druntime down to gdc if you feel it is the correct thing to do. It has been done in the past for any showstopping bugs in the library (various multithread related issues), and also for cool new features (__vector support) - and afterall that is one of the reasons why I felt moving to github was important - if there is an issue that you can resolve yourself, then get it done! Rather than wait for the ever persistant development bottleneck that is myself to find time to get round to it. We don't bite, and only ask that anything gdc-specific is wrapped in version(GNU) so that it won't be forgotten upon the next big merge. PS: Sorry Alexrp, but I thought I might contribute my view to the community. :~) Regards Iain
Jun 18 2012