digitalmars.D - GSoC 2012 Proposal: Continued Work on a D Linear Algebra library
- Cristi Cobzarenco (22/22) Mar 27 2012 Hello everyone,
Hello everyone, My name is Cristian Cobzarenco and last year, mentored by David Simcha and co-mentored by Fawzi Mohamed and Andrei Alexandrescu, I worked on a fork of SciD as part of Google's Summer of Code. While we've got a lot done last summer there's still plenty to do and my proposal this year is to get the library into a finished state where it can be reviewed for inclusion in Phobos as std.linalg. The easiest place to read my proposal is at the library's wiki:, I will convert the formatting and add it to Melange soon. Feedback would be most welcome, I'm interested particularly in if you think the priorities I set are correct or if there is something you would (or wouldn't) rather see in the library. Let me know if anyone wants me to attach the content to an e-mail (it would be a pretty long e-mail), to allow in-line commenting. Yours, Cristian. --- Cristi Cobzarenco BSc in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science University of Edinburgh Profile:
Mar 27 2012