digitalmars.D - D scored well in the Google CodeJam Qualification Round
- Somedude (7/7) Apr 16 2012 Although there was very few D contestants (only 15 out of 18365
- Steven Schveighoffer (10/17) Apr 16 2012 This is cool! I still have my google code jam T-shirt from '03 when it ...
- Somedude (9/35) Apr 16 2012 Indeed, some really good coders could do it in any language. From reddit...
- bearophile (38/44) Apr 16 2012 But the "Hall of Mirrors"-large Haskell solution by tmoHaskell is
- mist (1/1) Apr 16 2012 IMHO this is worth D.announce :)
- bearophile (7/9) Apr 16 2012 This is very good advertisement for D.
- SomeDude (7/16) Apr 16 2012 I dunnow, but Japan Superior when it comes to speed coding. Last
- Masahiro Nakagawa (9/16) Apr 18 2012 We supports D newbies in many scenes.
- Somedude (3/25) Apr 18 2012 That's cool, there should be a translation of this blog post. It may
- Kagamin (3/6) Apr 16 2012
- bearophile (7/9) Apr 16 2012 This D solution of the "hall of mirrors" (modified from C++ code)
- David Nadlinger (4/7) Apr 17 2012 A direct link to the problems:
- Masahiro Nakagawa (3/13) Apr 18 2012 Yeah! hos.lyric is a great coder.
Although there was very few D contestants (only 15 out of 18365 contestants used D), D scored number 1. It was only the qualification round, and admittedly, 3 out of 4 problems were not extremely interesting. Still, congrats to hos.lyric, - whoever that is (Kenji ?) -, who managed to submit a perfect solution in 1h55, more than 46 mn before the rank 2.
Apr 16 2012
On Mon, 16 Apr 2012 09:31:34 -0400, Somedude <lovelydear> wrote:Although there was very few D contestants (only 15 out of 18365 contestants used D), D scored number 1. It was only the qualification round, and admittedly, 3 out of 4 problems were not extremely interesting. Still, congrats to hos.lyric, - whoever that is (Kenji ?) -, who managed to submit a perfect solution in 1h55, more than 46 mn before the rank 2.This is cool! I still have my google code jam T-shirt from '03 when it was done through TopCoder. I'm glad D is getting some traction there. I would caution however, from my past experience, that looking at how well one language does vs. another is extremely subjective -- really good coders can do really well no matter what language they use. But what *is* important is that a really good coder chose D for his/her language. That gets people interested. -Steve
Apr 16 2012
Le 16/04/2012 15:51, Steven Schveighoffer a écrit :On Mon, 16 Apr 2012 09:31:34 -0400, Somedude <lovelydear> wrote:Indeed, some really good coders could do it in any language. From reddit, "I submitted a polyglot program in vim, dc, brainfuck, bash, bc, php, whitespace, c, c++, befunge-98, golfscript, python3 and ruby. The first seven languages were for the contest problems, befunge doesn't do much, and the mainstream languages (+golfscript) are all quines. " And this guy still managed to rank 73rd.Although there was very few D contestants (only 15 out of 18365 contestants used D), D scored number 1. It was only the qualification round, and admittedly, 3 out of 4 problems were not extremely interesting. Still, congrats to hos.lyric, - whoever that is (Kenji ?) -, who managed to submit a perfect solution in 1h55, more than 46 mn before the rank 2.This is cool! I still have my google code jam T-shirt from '03 when it was done through TopCoder. I'm glad D is getting some traction there. I would caution however, from my past experience, that looking at how well one language does vs. another is extremely subjective -- really good coders can do really well no matter what language they use. But what *is* important is that a really good coder chose D for his/her language. That gets people interested. -Steve
Apr 16 2012
Steven Schveighoffer:I would caution however, from my past experience, that looking at how well one language does vs. another is extremely subjective -- really good coders can do really well no matter what language they use.But the "Hall of Mirrors"-large Haskell solution by tmoHaskell is elegant: That contains simple usage of pattern matching on values: nextCell :: Hall -> (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> (Ratio Int,Ratio Int) -> Maybe ((Int,Int), (Int,Int), (Ratio Int,Ratio Int)) nextCell hall (vx,vy) (ix,iy) (x,y) = do ((vx',ix',x'),(vy',iy',y')) <- case (x,y) of (0,0) -> corner (-1) (-1) (0,1) -> corner (-1) 1 (1,0) -> corner 1 (-1) (1,1) -> corner 1 1 (0,_) -> hitHorizontal (-1) (1,_) -> hitHorizontal 1 (_,0) -> hitVertical (-1) (_,1) -> hitVertical 1 return ((vx',vy'),(ix',iy'),(x',y')) Switch on structs are useful: (1,_) -> hitHorizontal 1 becomes something like: case tuple(1,void): r = hitHorizontal(1); break; Or: case tuple(1,_): r = hitHorizontal(1); break; ------------------------ One Scala solution to the "Speaking in Tongues" contains: val map = new TreeMap[Char, Char] " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".zip(" yhesocvxduiglbkrztnwjpfmaq").foreach(x => map.put(x._1, x._2)) That in Python you write with just:{' ': ' ', 'a': 'y', 'c': 'e', 'b': 'h', 'e': 'o', ... It's handy to have a similar AssociativeArray from pairs iterable in Phobos too (or even in object). Bye, bearophiledict(zip(" abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", " yhesocvxduiglbkrztnwjpfmaq"))
Apr 16 2012
Somedude:Although there was very few D contestants (only 15 out of 18365 contestants used D), D scored number 1.This is very good advertisement for D. A D user (group) has to reach a good score in the ICFP Programming Contest too :-) And why is D so popular in Japan? :-) Bye, bearophile
Apr 16 2012
On Monday, 16 April 2012 at 14:02:21 UTC, bearophile wrote:Somedude:I dunnow, but Japan Superior when it comes to speed coding. Last year's winner was a Japanese, and here, the two top contenders are also Japanese. Looking at last year's stats, hos.lyric didn't fare too badly, but he failed to get to the final. Hope he'll continue to bear the D colors high, the Force is strong in this one. :)Although there was very few D contestants (only 15 out of 18365 contestants used D), D scored number 1.This is very good advertisement for D. A D user (group) has to reach a good score in the ICFP Programming Contest too :-) And why is D so popular in Japan? :-) Bye, bearophile
Apr 16 2012
On Monday, 16 April 2012 at 14:02:21 UTC, bearophile wrote:Somedude:We supports D newbies in many scenes. See this reply In my personal activities, I talked about D in some meetups, e.g. D Kaigi, RubyKaigi, Kernel/VM, Boost.meetup, LL Nagoya, and etc. In addition, kinaba sometimes talked about D and wrote the blog titled "D for contest programming" recently.Although there was very few D contestants (only 15 out of 18365 contestants used D), D scored number 1.This is very good advertisement for D. A D user (group) has to reach a good score in the ICFP Programming Contest too :-) And why is D so popular in Japan? :-)
Apr 18 2012
Le 18/04/2012 12:16, Masahiro Nakagawa a écrit :On Monday, 16 April 2012 at 14:02:21 UTC, bearophile wrote:That's cool, there should be a translation of this blog post. It may attract some more coders to D. :)Somedude:We supports D newbies in many scenes. See this reply In my personal activities, I talked about D in some meetups, e.g. D Kaigi, RubyKaigi, Kernel/VM, Boost.meetup, LL Nagoya, and etc. In addition, kinaba sometimes talked about D and wrote the blog titled "D for contest programming" recently.Although there was very few D contestants (only 15 out of 18365 contestants used D), D scored number 1.This is very good advertisement for D. A D user (group) has to reach a good score in the ICFP Programming Contest too :-) And why is D so popular in Japan? :-)
Apr 18 2012
On Monday, 16 April 2012 at 13:31:32 UTC, Somedude wrote:Although there was very few D contestants (only 15 out of 18365 contestants used D), D scored number 1. lol, COBOL
Apr 16 2012
Somedude:Although there was very few D contestants (only 15 out of 18365 contestants used D), D scored number 1.This D solution of the "hall of mirrors" (modified from C++ code) is about 3.5 times faster on the large dataset than hos.lyric solution. No GC required, stack allocation wins: Bye, bearophile
Apr 16 2012
On Monday, 16 April 2012 at 13:31:32 UTC, Somedude wrote:Although there was very few D contestants (only 15 out of 18365 contestants used D), D scored number 1. direct link to the problems: David
Apr 17 2012
On Monday, 16 April 2012 at 13:31:32 UTC, Somedude wrote:Although there was very few D contestants (only 15 out of 18365 contestants used D), D scored number 1. It was only the qualification round, and admittedly, 3 out of 4 problems were not extremely interesting. Still, congrats to hos.lyric, - whoever that is (Kenji ?) -, who managed to submit a perfect solution in 1h55, more than 46 mn before the rank 2.Yeah! hos.lyric is a great coder. He is a university student, not Kenji.
Apr 18 2012