digitalmars.D - D Bugzilla: Products, Components and default assignees
- Johannes Pfau (27/27) Nov 18 2012 I was wondering if we could setup bugzilla so that bugs specific
I was wondering if we could setup bugzilla so that bugs specific to a module would always be assigned to the module maintainer by default. I know we have no real concept of a module maintainer, but maybe we should try to establish such a concept. For example there was an old bug report for std.uuid which I didn't see till now. But if it was possible to have an std.uuid component I could be set as the default assignee and get an email for every new bug report. Bugzilla seems to support setting different assignees for 'Components', but our current components are 'DMD', 'Optlink', 'Phobos',... so this doesn't help us. How feasible would it be to change Products to: * 'DMD' (With Components Frontend/Backend) * 'Phobos' (With Components std.array, std.datetime,... and 'default' for modules without maintainer) * 'Druntime' * 'Optlink' * 'Dstress' (is this still being used?) * '' * 'coffimplib' ... Maybe creating a 'custom module field' in bugzilla could work too: I'm not sure if the default assignee can be set based on the value of a custom field, but at least searching for all bugs in a module would be easier.
Nov 18 2012