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digitalmars.D - Combsort comparison

reply bearophile <bearophileHUGS lycos.com> writes:
I have translated another small Python/C++ program to D, this is performs the

The original code comes from Wikipedia and the rosettacode site.

This is a Python version, the algorithm is very simple:

def swap(alist, i, j):
    alist[i], alist[j] = alist[j], alist[i]

def combsort(a):
    gap = len(a)
    swaps = True
    while gap > 1 or swaps:
        gap = max(1, int(gap / 1.2473))
        swaps = False
        for i in xrange(len(a) - gap):
            if a[i] > a[i + gap]:
                swap(a, i, i + gap)
                swaps = True

a = [88,18,31,44,4,0,8,81,14,78,20,76,84,33,73,75,82,5,62,70]
assert a == sorted(a)

A translation to D2 is easy and painless, no D/Phobos bugs found while writing

import std.algorithm;
void combsort(T)(T[] input) {
    int gap = input.length;
    bool swaps = true;
    while (gap > 1 || swaps) {
        gap = max(1, cast(int)(gap / 1.2473));
        swaps = false;
        foreach (i; 0 .. input.length - gap)
            if (input[i] > input[i + gap]) {
                swap(input[i], input[i + gap]);
                swaps = true;
void main() {
    auto a = [88,18,31,44,4,0,8,81,14,78,20,76,84,33,73,75,82,5,62,70];
    assert(a == a.dup.sort);

On Wikipedia I have seen a more general C++ version (see the C++ code at the
bottom), so I have written a D version that uses ranges, able (in theory) to


The translation to more generic D has taken me some time because I am not
trained to use ranges, but I have found no real problem in translating the

1) I have tried to use the combsort to sort a std.container.SList, but you
can't perform array() on such list, or even a walkLength (the same is true on a
static array as input), so in practice it can't be used by combsort. In my
opinion array() and walkLength() must work with anything that can be iterated
with a foreach. My bug reports number 4346 and 4114 express this opinion.

2) D2 contract programming doesn't support the "old" (original input data view)
yet, so I can't use a postcondition to test if combsort has actually done its
work correctly (the result is sorted and contains the same items of the input).
To solve this I have used a static nested function that does the actual
combsort work, called from an outer function that in debug mode performs the
tests. This is not nice.

a way to use them more efficiently, I have just started using D Ranges. In this
program the left and right "cursors" keep their relative distance, and in
practice the C++ program shows that two "single" iterators (instead of two
pairs) can be enough for this program. If you know how to improve the ranges

I have very often heard that generic C++ programs (like the C++ version of
combsort able to work on both linked lists and arrays) are about as efficient
as the specialized C ones, I have so far accepted this, but this time I have
done some benchmarks.

The C version of the code is adapted from the C code present in Wikipedia, it
generates 10 million pseudo-random numbers on the heap and then sorts them. The


Timings, seconds, best of 3:
  D3:   5.94
  D2:   3.13
  C++:  3.05
  D1:   2.90
  C:    2.72

gcc -O3 -Wall comb_c.c -o comb_c
g++ -O3 -Wall comb_cpp.cpp -o comb_cpp
dmd -O -release -inline comb_d1

GCC version 4.5.0, dmd v2.047.

I have not timed the Python version because it's probably slow.

probably not so important.

about zero if the D code is compiled with LDC.

slower (and the random number generation takes constant time, so probably the

Even in the C Vs C++ case there is a bit of difference, but it's probably small
enough, it can be significant only in special situations.

When writing very generic code in D I will take a look at the performance
compared to a more specialized version of the code (often specialized for


// C version
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"

//#define DEBUG

void combsort(int items[], int len) {
    int swapped = 1;
    int gap = len;
    while (gap > 1 || swapped) {
        if (gap > 1)
            gap /= 1.247330950103979;
        swapped = 0;
        int i, j;
        for (i = 0, j = gap; j < len; i++, j++) {
            if (items[i] > items[j]) {
                int temp = items[i];
                items[i] = items[j];
                items[j] = temp;
                swapped = 1;

static inline int myrandom() {
    unsigned long const IM = 139968;
    unsigned long const IA = 3877;
    unsigned long const IC = 29573;
    static unsigned long last = 42;
    last = (last * IA + IC) % IM;
    return last;

#ifdef DEBUG
    int issorted(int items[], int len) {
        if (len < 2)
            return 1;

        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < (len-1); i++)
            if (items[i] > items[i+1])
                return 0;
        return 1;

#define N (10 * 1000 * 1000)

int main() {
    int* v = malloc(sizeof(int) * N);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
        v[i] = myrandom();

#ifdef DEBUG
    for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
        printf("%d ", v[i]);

    combsort(v, N);

#ifdef DEBUG
    for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
        printf("%d ", v[i]);

    printf("%d\n", v[N-1]);

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (!issorted(v, N))
        printf("NOT sorted\n");

    return 0;


import std.c.stdlib: malloc;
import std.c.stdio: printf;

void combsort(int* items, int len) {
    int swapped = 1;
    int gap = len;
    while (gap > 1 || swapped) {
        if (gap > 1)
            gap /= 1.247330950103979;
        swapped = 0;
        int i, j;
        for (i = 0, j = gap; j < len; i++, j++) {
            if (items[i] > items[j]) {
                int temp = items[i];
                items[i] = items[j];
                items[j] = temp;
                swapped = 1;

int myrandom() {
    enum uint IM = 139968;
    enum uint IA = 3877;
    enum uint IC = 29573;
    static uint last = 42;
    last = (last * IA + IC) % IM;
    return last;

debug {
    int issorted(int* items, int len) {
        if (len < 2)
            return 1;

        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < (len-1); i++)
            if (items[i] > items[i+1])
                return 0;
        return 1;

void main() {
    enum int N = 10_000_000;
    int* v = cast(int*)malloc(int.sizeof * N);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
        v[i] = myrandom();

    debug {
        for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
            printf("%d ", v[i]);

    combsort(v, N);

    debug {
        for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
            printf("%d ", v[i]);

    printf("%d\n", v[N-1]);

    debug {
        if (!issorted(v, N))
            printf("NOT sorted\n");


import std.c.stdio: printf;
import std.c.stdlib: malloc;
import std.algorithm: swap;

void combsort(T)(T[] input) {
    int gap = input.length;
    bool swaps = true;
    while (gap > 1 || swaps) {
        if (gap > 1)
            gap /= 1.2473;
        swaps = false;
        foreach (i; 0 .. input.length - gap)
            if (input[i] > input[i + gap]) {
                swap(input[i], input[i + gap]);
                swaps = true;

int myrandom() {
    enum uint IM = 139968;
    enum uint IA = 3877;
    enum uint IC = 29573;
    static uint last = 42;
    last = (last * IA + IC) % IM;
    return last;

debug {
    bool issorted(int[] items) {
        if (items.length < 2)
            return true;

        foreach (i, el; items[0 .. $-1])
            if (el > items[i+1])
                return false;
        return true;

void main() {
    enum int N = 10_000_000;
    int* v = cast(int*)malloc(int.sizeof * N);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
        v[i] = myrandom();

    debug {
        for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
            printf("%d ", v[i]);

    combsort(v[0 .. N]);

    debug {
        for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
            printf("%d ", v[i]);

    printf("%d\n", v[N-1]);

    debug {
        if (!issorted(v[0 .. N]))
            printf("NOT sorted\n");


import std.array: empty, popFront, popFrontN, front;
import std.range: walkLength, isForwardRange, hasSwappableElements;
import std.algorithm: swap, binaryFun;
import std.c.stdlib: malloc;
import std.c.stdio: printf;
debug {
    import std.contracts: enforce;
    import std.algorithm: sort, equal;
    import std.array: array;

void combsort(alias less="a < b", Range)(Range data)
  if (isForwardRange!Range && hasSwappableElements!Range) {

    static void combsort_impl(Range data) {
        enum double SHRINK_FACTOR = 1.247330950103979;
        int gap = walkLength(data);
        bool swapped = true;

        while (gap > 1 || swapped) {
            if (gap > 1)
                gap /= SHRINK_FACTOR;

            swapped = false;
            auto right = data;
            popFrontN(right, gap);

            for (auto left = data; !right.empty; left.popFront, right.popFront)
                if (binaryFun!less(right.front, left.front)) {
                    swap(left.front, right.front);
                    swapped = true;

    // postcondition verified in debug mode only.
    // This is a workaround, D postconditions don't
    // support the "old" (original input data view) yet.
    debug {
        auto data_copy = array(data);
        enforce(equal(data, data_copy));
    } else {

// the following is C-like code to minimize experimental variables

int myrandom() {
    enum uint IM = 139968;
    enum uint IA = 3877;
    enum uint IC = 29573;
    static uint last = 42;
    last = (last * IA + IC) % IM;
    return last;

debug {
    bool issorted(int[] items) {
        if (items.length < 2)
            return true;

        foreach (i, el; items[0 .. $-1])
            if (el > items[i+1])
                return false;
        return true;

void main() {
    enum int N = 10_000_000;
    int* v = cast(int*)malloc(int.sizeof * N);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
        v[i] = myrandom();

    debug {
        for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
            printf("%d ", v[i]);

    combsort(v[0 .. N]);

    debug {
        for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
            printf("%d ", v[i]);

    printf("%d\n", v[N-1]);

    debug {
        if (!issorted(v[0 .. N]))
            printf("NOT sorted\n");


// C++ version
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include <algorithm>

//#define DEBUG

template<class ForwardIterator> void combsort(ForwardIterator first,
ForwardIterator last) {
    static const double shrink_factor = 1.247330950103979;
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::difference_type
    difference_type gap = std::distance(first, last);
    bool swaps = true;

    while (gap > 1 || swaps) {
        if (gap > 1)
            gap = static_cast<difference_type>(gap / shrink_factor);

        swaps = false;
        ForwardIterator itLeft(first);
        ForwardIterator itRight(first);
        std::advance(itRight, gap);

        for ( ; itRight != last; ++itLeft, ++itRight)
            if (*itRight < *itLeft){
                std::iter_swap(itLeft, itRight);
                swaps = true;

static inline int myrandom() {
    unsigned long const IM = 139968;
    unsigned long const IA = 3877;
    unsigned long const IC = 29573;
    static unsigned long last = 42;
    last = (last * IA + IC) % IM;
    return last;

#ifdef DEBUG
    int issorted(int items[], int len) {
        if (len < 2)
            return 1;

        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < (len-1); i++)
            if (items[i] > items[i+1])
                return 0;
        return 1;

#define N (10 * 1000 * 1000)

int main() {
    int* v = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * N);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
        v[i] = myrandom();

#ifdef DEBUG
    for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
        printf("%d ", v[i]);

    combsort(&(v[0]), &(v[N]));

#ifdef DEBUG
    for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
        printf("%d ", v[i]);

    printf("%d\n", v[N-1]);

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (!issorted(v, N))
        printf("NOT sorted\n");

    return 0;


Jun 20 2010
next sibling parent reply Lutger <lutger.blijdestijn gmail.com> writes:
bearophile wrote:

 a way to use them more efficiently, I have just started using D Ranges. In
 this program the left and right "cursors" keep their relative distance, and in
 practice the C++ program shows that two "single" iterators (instead of two
 pairs) can be enough for this program. If you know how to improve the ranges

I would be interested in this too, thanks for posting this. If I understood the algorithm right, the basic idea is a sliding window over the underlying container. Can this be expressed by a single range that does not offer random access at all? Probably not since a range can only shrink. Am I right in thinking this algorithm basically requires random access? Both the C++ version and the D version will work for ranges that don't do that, but the performance difference won't matter anymore because it is likely crap anyway. I am curious where exactly the performance difference comes from. A quick profile did not help much, everything was inlined! With this translation exclusively for random access ranges performance is equal to your first D version (that uses arrays directly): void combsort(alias less="a < b", Range)(Range data) if (isRandomAccessRange!Range && hasSwappableElements!Range) { alias binaryFun!less cmp; enum double SHRINK_FACTOR = 1.247330950103979; int gap = data.length; bool swaps = true; while (gap > 1 || swaps) { if (gap > 1) gap /= SHRINK_FACTOR; swaps = false; foreach (i; 0 .. data.length - gap) { if (cmp(data[i + gap], data[i])) { swap(data[i], data[i + gap]); swaps = true; } } } }
Jun 20 2010
parent bearophile <bearophileHUGS lycos.com> writes:
 Am I right in thinking this algorithm basically requires random access? Both
 C++ version and the D version will work for ranges that don't do that, but the 
 performance difference won't matter anymore because it is likely crap anyway. 
I don't think it's crap with a linked list, it can be slower, but not so much because the inner loop of algorithm doesn't need random access, it just just advances two cursors by one step each. There is a bit of wasted time before the inner loop, to set the right cursor at its right place, but it's a small number of steps compared to the whole O(n^2) play. I have not tried timed it with linked lists because SList isn't working yet. Bye, bearophile
Jun 20 2010
prev sibling parent reply Lutger <lutger.blijdestijn gmail.com> writes:

 import std.array: empty, popFront, popFrontN, front;
 import std.range: walkLength, isForwardRange, hasSwappableElements;
 import std.algorithm: swap, binaryFun;
 import std.c.stdlib: malloc;
 import std.c.stdio: printf;
 debug {
     import std.contracts: enforce;
     import std.algorithm: sort, equal;
     import std.array: array;
 void combsort(alias less="a < b", Range)(Range data)
   if (isForwardRange!Range && hasSwappableElements!Range) {
     static void combsort_impl(Range data) {
         enum double SHRINK_FACTOR = 1.247330950103979;
         int gap = walkLength(data);
         bool swapped = true;
         while (gap > 1 || swapped) {
             if (gap > 1)
                 gap /= SHRINK_FACTOR;
             swapped = false;
             auto right = data;
             popFrontN(right, gap);
             for (auto left = data; !right.empty; left.popFront,
             right.popFront) {
                 if (binaryFun!less(right.front, left.front)) {
                     swap(left.front, right.front);
                     swapped = true;
I get about 30% improvement if the inner loop is rewritten to: foreach (i; 0 .. total - gap) // total was already computed by walkLength { left.popFront; right.popFront; if (binaryFun!less(right.front, left.front)) { swap(left.front, right.front); swapped = true; } } Quite surprising. i don't understand asm well enough to analyse this further.
Jun 20 2010
next sibling parent bearophile <bearophileHUGS lycos.com> writes:

 I get about 30% improvement if the inner loop is rewritten to:
Can you please show me the whole program? Don't show inner loops, everybody on the D newsgroups: let's take the habit of posting runnable code, as done on the Python newsgroups, and not broken cuts. Thank you. Bye, bearophile
Jun 20 2010
prev sibling parent bearophile <bearophileHUGS lycos.com> writes:
 I get about 30% improvement if the inner loop is rewritten to:
 foreach (i; 0 .. total - gap) // total was already computed by walkLength
     if (binaryFun!less(right.front, left.front)) {
 	swap(left.front, right.front);
 	swapped = true;
This is a version that works (note the popFront at the end of the loop): import std.array: empty, popFront, popFrontN, front; import std.range: walkLength, isForwardRange, hasSwappableElements; import std.algorithm: swap, binaryFun; import std.c.stdlib: malloc; import std.c.stdio: printf; debug { import std.contracts: enforce; import std.algorithm: sort, equal; import std.array: array; } void combsort(alias less="a < b", Range)(Range data) if (isForwardRange!Range && hasSwappableElements!Range) { static void combsort_impl(Range data) { enum double SHRINK_FACTOR = 1.247330950103979; size_t total = walkLength(data); size_t gap = total; bool swapped = true; while (gap > 1 || swapped) { if (gap > 1) gap /= SHRINK_FACTOR; swapped = false; auto left = data; auto right = data; popFrontN(right, gap); foreach (_; 0 .. total - gap) { if (binaryFun!less(right.front, left.front)) { swap(left.front, right.front); swapped = true; } left.popFront; right.popFront; } } } // postcondition verified in debug mode only. // This is a workaround, D postconditions don't // support the "old" (original input data view) yet. debug { auto data_copy = array(data); sort!(less)(data_copy); combsort_impl(data); enforce(equal(data, data_copy)); } else { combsort_impl(data); } } int myrandom() { enum uint IM = 139968; enum uint IA = 3877; enum uint IC = 29573; static uint last = 42; last = (last * IA + IC) % IM; return last; } debug { bool issorted(int[] items) { if (items.length < 2) return true; foreach (i, el; items[0 .. $-1]) if (el > items[i+1]) return false; return true; } } void main() { enum int N = 10_000_000; int* v = cast(int*)malloc(int.sizeof * N); int i; for (i = 0; i < N; i++) v[i] = myrandom(); debug { for (i = 0; i < N; i++) printf("%d ", v[i]); printf("\n"); } combsort(v[0 .. N]); debug { for (i = 0; i < N; i++) printf("%d ", v[i]); printf("\n"); } printf("%d\n", v[N-1]); debug { if (!issorted(v[0 .. N])) printf("NOT sorted\n"); } } In all the programs I now use a size_t to keep the result of walkLenth and gap. My timings don't show a 30% improvement: Timings, seconds, best of 3: D3: 5.94 D4: 5.86 D2: 3.13 C++: 3.05 D1: 2.90 C: 2.72 Bye, bearophile
Jun 20 2010