digitalmars.D - Automatic minimally sized SELECT clauses in SQL using D templates.
- Chad J (145/145) Mar 04 2012 I'd almost be sort of surprised if someone here hasn't thought of this
- Marco Leise (2/7) Mar 08 2012 Yes, there is an existing D library that use CTFE to generate lazy evalu...
- Chad J (2/17) Mar 08 2012 Cool, thanks for pointing that out.
I'd almost be sort of surprised if someone here hasn't thought of this already, but I'll drop it out here anyways. This is a proof-of-concept program I wrote to do a query with the convenience of a "SELECT * FROM ...", but without actually pulling every column in the database. Additionally, it generates this "Entity" type that has a minimal amount of memory allocated for holding the data. I can imagine passing this entity type into templated functions to do nontrivial calculations. Perhaps use of metaprogramming like this can be used to dodge some of the object-relational impedance mismatch problems? (I'm pretty sure I ran into a bunch of compiler bugs while doing this. Unfortunately it is difficult for me to isolate them right now.) Here's the code: import std.stdio; import std.array; class Query(string queryText) { struct Entity(string queryText) { private static size_t bufSize = 0; private static size_t[string] m_offsets; private static size_t registerField(T)(string varName) { auto offset = bufSize; m_offsets[varName] = offset; bufSize += T.sizeof; return offset; } static property const(size_t[string]) offsets() { return m_offsets; } private void[] buf; private struct registrator(T,string varName) { static offset = 0; static this() { offset = registerField!T(varName); } } private struct Transformationizer(T) { union { ubyte[T.sizeof] generic; T specific; } } T get(T,string varName)() { Transformationizer!(T) t; registrator!(T,varName) r; auto i1 = r.offset; t.generic = cast(ubyte[]) buf[i1 .. i1 + T.sizeof]; return t.specific; } static opCall() { Entity e; e.buf = new void[bufSize]; //writefln("m_offsets = %s\n", e.m_offsets); return e; } string toString() { return std.string.format( "Entity.offsets = %s", offsets); } ~this() { delete buf; } } alias Entity!queryText EntityT; string finalQuery; // This is very stub-like. int opApply(int delegate(ref EntityT) dg) { auto e = EntityT(); dg(e); return 0; } this() { char[] columns = new char[0]; foreach( fieldName; EntityT.offsets.keys ) { columns ~= fieldName ~ ","; } columns = columns[0..$-1]; finalQuery = std.array.replace( queryText, "ONLY_NEEDED_COLUMNS", columns); } } void someNonTrivialCalculation(T)(T contact) { auto country = contact.get!(string,"country"); } void main() { scope query = new Query!( "SELECT ONLY_NEEDED_COLUMNS " "FROM contacts c " "WHERE = 'US' " "AND c.sales > 10000;")(); foreach(entity; query) { writefln("%s",entity); auto email_addy = entity.get!(string,"email"); auto full_name = entity.get!(string,"name"); someNonTrivialCalculation(entity); //Email.spam(email_addy, full_name, "We have this great new offer for you!"); } writefln("Final query:\n %s", query.finalQuery); writeln("done."); } ------------------------------------------------------------- My output: Entity.offsets = [email:0,country:16,name:8] Final query: SELECT email,country,name FROM contacts c WHERE = 'US' AND c.sales > 10000; done.
Mar 04 2012
Am 04.03.2012, 19:58 Uhr, schrieb Chad J <chadjoan>:I'd almost be sort of surprised if someone here hasn't thought of this already, but I'll drop it out here anyways. This is a proof-of-concept program I wrote to do a query with the convenience of a "SELECT * FROM ...", but without actually pulling every column in the database.Yes, there is an existing D library that use CTFE to generate lazy evaluated data structures from SQL queries. And although I was very impressed by the solution and how it integrated with foreach I forgot the name and URL. (Haven't been using SQL since a while.) Maybe someone else remembers. I usually find it helpful to look at other peoples' solution to the same problem, since D offers so many concepts and you easily miss some good stuff.
Mar 08 2012
On 03/08/2012 07:00 AM, Marco Leise wrote:Am 04.03.2012, 19:58 Uhr, schrieb Chad J <chadjoan>:Cool, thanks for pointing that out.I'd almost be sort of surprised if someone here hasn't thought of this already, but I'll drop it out here anyways. This is a proof-of-concept program I wrote to do a query with the convenience of a "SELECT * FROM ...", but without actually pulling every column in the database.Yes, there is an existing D library that use CTFE to generate lazy evaluated data structures from SQL queries. And although I was very impressed by the solution and how it integrated with foreach I forgot the name and URL. (Haven't been using SQL since a while.) Maybe someone else remembers. I usually find it helpful to look at other peoples' solution to the same problem, since D offers so many concepts and you easily miss some good stuff.
Mar 08 2012