digitalmars.D - Another day in the ordeal of cartesianProduct
- H. S. Teoh (55/55) Oct 26 2012
- Peter Alexander (32/42) Oct 27 2012 Unit tests are not the solution to this. There are too many range
- bearophile (14/20) Oct 27 2012 It's not an easy problem. To solve it the Rust language uses
- Peter Alexander (10/23) Oct 27 2012 Yeah, it's certainly not going to be easy. It's unfortunate that
- Andrei Alexandrescu (5/13) Oct 27 2012 It's not clear to me at all. The mechanism works very well and is more
- H. S. Teoh (41/56) Oct 27 2012 [...]
- xenon325 (18/55) Oct 29 2012 We've had a short discussion with Jacob Carlborg about almost
- Peter Alexander (34/42) Oct 28 2012 I'm not sure I can agree it works well.
- monarch_dodra (11/13) Oct 28 2012 Actually, before 880, you had an infinite loop, as "size_t.max"
- monarch_dodra (7/8) Oct 28 2012 Yeah, sorry. I was saying that by just doing unit tests that do
- Andrei Alexandrescu (16/53) Oct 29 2012 This proves nothing at all. So this has to do with invoking walkLength
- Peter Alexander (34/80) Oct 29 2012 You're misunderstanding. walkLength used to allow infinite
- Andrei Alexandrescu (20/91) Oct 29 2012 Yes, but what gets ignored here is that typeclasses have a large
- bearophile (15/19) Oct 29 2012 Such costs are an interesting discussion topic :-)
- Andrei Alexandrescu (6/18) Oct 29 2012 For those who wouldn't know how to search the Net, these indeed are
- bearophile (27/32) Oct 29 2012 People are often a bit lazy in clicking on links present in
- Peter Alexander (3/4) Oct 29 2012 Ok. There is no point continuing this discussion then.
- Andrei Alexandrescu (4/21) Oct 27 2012 No, this has nothing to do with the problem at hand.
- Johannes Pfau (20/35) Oct 27 2012 Yes and no. We can't test all possible combinations, but we should try
- Andrei Alexandrescu (11/29) Oct 27 2012 Often when there are many issues caused by a specific artifact, there
- monarch_dodra (4/5) Oct 28 2012 The best we can get are users like you that take the time to
- Don Clugston (7/60) Oct 29 2012 I think that unit tests aren't very effective without code coverage.
- Peter Alexander (15/21) Oct 29 2012 That's a good step forward, but I don't think it solves (what :-( (The code there is called cartesianProd but it's the reduced code, so it doesn't really compute the cartesian product. But that's where it's from.) So far, the outstanding blockers for cartesianProduct are: 1) Compiler bug which causes unittest failure: std/range.d(4629): Error: variable lower used before set std/range.d(4630): Error: variable upper used before set (Jonathan had a pull request with a Phobos workaround for this, which I _think_ is already merged, but the autotester is still failing at this point. :-/) 2) Issue 8542 (crosstalk between template instantiations) 3) And now, issue 8900 (zip fails to compile with repeat(char[])) So there's still no joy for cartesianProduct. :-( I'm getting a bit frustrated with the Phobos bugs related to ranges and std.algorithm. I think we need to increase the number of unittests. And by that I mean, GREATLY increase the number of unittests. Most of the current tests are merely sanity tests for the most common usage patterns, most basic types, or tests added as a result of fixed bugs. This is inadequate. We need to actively unittest corner cases, rare combinations, unusual usages, etc.. Torture test various combinations of range constructs. Algorithms. Nested range constructs. Nested algorithms. Deliberately cook up nasty tests that try their best to break the code by using unusual parameters, unusual range-like objects, strange data, etc.. Go beyond the simple cases to test non-trivial things. We need unittests that pass unusual structs and objects into the range constructs and algorithms, and make sure they actually work as we have been _assuming_ they should. I have a feeling there are a LOT of bugs lurking in there behind overlooked corner cases, off by 1 errors, and other such careless slips, as well as code that only works for basic types like arrays, which starts breaking when you hand it something non-trivial. All these issues must be weeded out and prevented from slipping back in. Here's a start: - Create a set of structs/classes (inside a version(unittest) block) that are input, forward, bidirectional, output, etc., ranges, that are NOT merely arrays. - There should be some easy way, perhaps using std.random, of creating non-trivial instances of these things. These should be put in a separate place, perhaps outside the std/ subdirectory, where they can be imported into unittest blocks by std.range, std.algorithm, whatever else that needs extensive testing. - Use these ranges as input for testing range constructs and algorithms. - For best results, use a compile-time loop to loop over a given combination of these range types, and run them through the same set of tests. This will improve the currently spotty test coverage. Perhaps provide some templated functions that, given a set of range types (from the above structs/classes) and a set of functions, run through all combinations of them to make sure they all work. (We run unittests separately anyway, we aren't afraid of long-running tests.) T -- "How are you doing?" "Doing what?"
Oct 26 2012
On Friday, 26 October 2012 at 22:43:44 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:I'm getting a bit frustrated with the Phobos bugs related to ranges and std.algorithm. I think we need to increase the number of unittests. And by that I mean, GREATLY increase the number of unittests. Most of the current tests are merely sanity tests for the most common usage patterns, most basic types, or tests added as a result of fixed bugs. This is inadequate.Unit tests are not the solution to this. There are too many range combinations and types to effectively unit test everything. What we need is proper semantic support for ranges (and other conceptual classes of types). For example, this should not compile: void foo(Range)(Range r) if (isForwardRange!Range) { r.popBack(); } But it will, because of the way templates work in D -- nothing is checked until you try to use it. Imagine I could compile non-template code like this: void foo(int x) { writeln(; } Imagine you had to try to call it before the static type error was caught. This is not a way to write robust code, especially with the combinatorial explosion of range types that exist. Template constraints are nice, but not enough. We really need something *like* the proposed C++ concepts, or just something analogous to interfaces. I should be able to write something like this: void foo(ForwardRange Range)(Range r) { r.popBack(); } And *immediately* get a type error without having to instantiate it with a variety of different range types. This is the only way I can see these kinds of problems going away. Unit testing does not scale with exponential use cases.
Oct 27 2012
Peter Alexander:void foo(ForwardRange Range)(Range r) { r.popBack(); } And *immediately* get a type error without having to instantiate it with a variety of different range types.It's not an easy problem. To solve it the Rust language uses typeclasses adapted from Haskell. But unlike the usual Haskell compilers Rust doesn't use global type inferencing and it keeps the C++-style monomorphization, so at run-time its generic programming is as efficient as C++ generic programming. I also hope Rust designers will take a look at this (Efficient Dynamic Dispatch without Virtual Function Tables. The SmallEiffel Compiler), an alternative to virtual tables. Maybe the D front-end could do the same on request with a compilation switch (with no changes in D language): Bye, bearophile
Oct 27 2012
On Saturday, 27 October 2012 at 11:41:07 UTC, bearophile wrote:Peter Alexander:Yeah, it's certainly not going to be easy. It's unfortunate that D adopted the whole C++ style "glorified macros" approach to templates -- it makes it very difficult to reason about (or automate reasoning about) the semantics of your code. Retrofitting some sort of structure to templates will be a Herculean task, but I think it has to happen. It is clear to me that the development process we use now (write the template, try a few instantiations, pray) is unsustainable beyond simple templates.void foo(ForwardRange Range)(Range r) { r.popBack(); } And *immediately* get a type error without having to instantiate it with a variety of different range types.It's not an easy problem. To solve it the Rust language uses typeclasses adapted from Haskell. But unlike the usual Haskell compilers Rust doesn't use global type inferencing and it keeps the C++-style monomorphization, so at run-time its generic programming is as efficient as C++ generic programming.
Oct 27 2012
On 10/27/12 8:23 AM, Peter Alexander wrote:Yeah, it's certainly not going to be easy. It's unfortunate that D adopted the whole C++ style "glorified macros" approach to templates -- it makes it very difficult to reason about (or automate reasoning about) the semantics of your code.I think D has reached a sweet spot with restricted templates.Retrofitting some sort of structure to templates will be a Herculean task, but I think it has to happen. It is clear to me that the development process we use now (write the template, try a few instantiations, pray) is unsustainable beyond simple templates.It's not clear to me at all. The mechanism works very well and is more expressive than alternatives used by other languages. Andrei
Oct 27 2012
On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 09:06:11AM -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:On 10/27/12 8:23 AM, Peter Alexander wrote:[...] I think the complaint is that the template constraints enforce ducktype requirements on the *caller*, but not on the template code itself. That's what Peter's example was about: the signature constraint declares that the template takes an input range, yet the template body makes use of non-input range properties of the argument. I think there is some merit to being able to declare concepts; for example: // This concept matches any type that has fields that satisfy // what's specified inside the body. concept InputRange(T) { bool empty; // this matches property bool empty() too T front; void popFront(); } auto myRangeBasedFunc(InputRange r) { r.popBack(); // compile-time error: InputRange does // not define .popBack } This way, *both* the user of the template and the template writer are kept "honest" (i.e., they both have to conform to the requirements of an input range). The compiler can thus statically check the template for correctness *before* it ever gets instantiated. Not only so, the compiler will be able to generate a meaningful error message when the templates fail to match -- it can tell the user "the template didn't match 'cos struct X that you tried to pass to it isn't an InputRange, nor a ForwardRange, ... etc.". Currently, if the template writer screws up, the compiler doesn't know any better, and only when the user actually tries to pass something that the template body can't handle, does the error manifest itself. Which seems a bit late -- it should be the template writer who first notices the problem (like if the compiler can statically verify the template body and complain loudly before the code ever gets to the user). Plus, the error message is usually a long cryptic sequence of instantiation failures containing all sorts of internal Phobos types that the user has no idea about. The compiler can hardly do much better, because it doesn't have enough information to make a meaningful message. T -- Старый друг лучше новых двух.Yeah, it's certainly not going to be easy. It's unfortunate that D adopted the whole C++ style "glorified macros" approach to templates -- it makes it very difficult to reason about (or automate reasoning about) the semantics of your code.I think D has reached a sweet spot with restricted templates.Retrofitting some sort of structure to templates will be a Herculean task, but I think it has to happen. It is clear to me that the development process we use now (write the template, try a few instantiations, pray) is unsustainable beyond simple templates.It's not clear to me at all. The mechanism works very well and is more expressive than alternatives used by other languages.
Oct 27 2012
On Saturday, 27 October 2012 at 16:19:43 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:[snip] I think there is some merit to being able to declare concepts; for example: // This concept matches any type that has fields that satisfy // what's specified inside the body. concept InputRange(T) { bool empty; // this matches property bool empty() too T front; void popFront(); } auto myRangeBasedFunc(InputRange r) { r.popBack(); // compile-time error: InputRange does // not define .popBack } This way, *both* the user of the template and the template writer are kept "honest" (i.e., they both have to conform to the requirements of an input range). The compiler can thus statically check the template for correctness *before* it ever gets instantiated. Not only so, the compiler will be able to generate a meaningful error message when the templates fail to match -- it can tell the user "the template didn't match 'cos struct X that you tried to pass to it isn't an InputRange, nor a ForwardRange, ... etc.".We've had a short discussion with Jacob Carlborg about almost exactly this syntax ($1btd$1 in the context of better compiler messages. I will quote my concerns: =====void foo (InputRange range);1. How would you signify `foo` is generic ? For complier it's probably possible - by type of `InputRange`, but that will be one more special case What about user ? 2. How would you put 2 constraints on `range` ? 3. Also you forgot to address:range.d comment on this line is "can define a range object". ===== end quote However I do agree it would be nice if compiler verifies template body against constraints. IMNA compiler-writer, but I wonder if it's possible with current syntax.template isInputRange(R) { enum bool isInputRange = is(typeof( (inout int _dummy=0) { R r = void; /// how would you express this /// b.t.w. ?
Oct 29 2012
On Saturday, 27 October 2012 at 13:06:09 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:On 10/27/12 8:23 AM, Peter Alexander wrote:I'm not sure I can agree it works well. For example, here's what happened with bug 8900 mentioned in the OP: creates a Zip object, which has a Tuple member. Tuple has a toString function, which calls formatElement, which calls formatValue, which calls formatRange, which (when there's a range of characters) has a code path for right-aligning the range. To right-align the range it needs to call walkLength. The problem arises when you zip an infinite range of characters e.g. repeat('a'). Before pull request 880, walkLength accepted infinite ranges and just returned size_t.max. Pull request 880 added a constraint to walkLength to stop it accepting infinite ranges. Suddenly, you cannot zip a range of infinite chars because of a seemingly unrelated change. This would have been caught if there was a unit test, but there wasn't, and as Dijkstra says, "testing can be a very effective way to show the presence of bugs, but it is hopelessly inadequate for showing their absence." There are probably other places that are broken, and many changes in the future will just introduce more bugs without tests. Maybe we have different standards for "working well", but to me at least, this isn't what "working well" looks like. Working well in this case would look like this: - The person that put together pull request 880 would add the template constraint to walkLength. - On the next compile he would get this error: "formatRange potentially calls walkLength with an infinite range." (or something along those lines). - The person fixes formatRange, and all is well. No need for unit tests, it's all caught as soon as possible without need for instantiation.Retrofitting some sort of structure to templates will be a Herculean task, but I think it has to happen. It is clear to me that the development process we use now (write the template, try a few instantiations, pray) is unsustainable beyond simple templates.It's not clear to me at all. The mechanism works very well and is more expressive than alternatives used by other languages.
Oct 28 2012
On Sunday, 28 October 2012 at 12:28:23 UTC, Peter Alexander wrote:Before pull request 880, walkLength accepted infinite ranges and just returned size_t.max.Actually, before 880, you had an infinite loop, as "size_t.max" was a magic number that meant "walk to end"... ---- I've found recently trying to do coverage for std.container and others, that an "efficient" method of unittesting is to just try to instanciate the template in as many forms as possible. While you aren't actually verifying any run-time behavior, you ARE finding a lot of compile errors. I haven't commited any of them, but I have been able to detect and fix quite some errors. They are [keyboar died]
Oct 28 2012
On Sunday, 28 October 2012 at 14:11:41 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:...[keyboar died]Yeah, sorry. I was saying that by just doing unit tests that do nothing more than declare the templates, you can get some very good compile coverage. It is not optimal, but it gives a good "bang for the buck", in terms of invested effort (very little, just typing the types, but not testing anything).
Oct 28 2012
On 10/28/12 8:28 AM, Peter Alexander wrote:On Saturday, 27 October 2012 at 13:06:09 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:This proves nothing at all. So this has to do with invoking walkLength against an infinite range. At the time I wrote walkLength, infinite ranges were an experimental notion that I was ready to remove if there wasn't enough practical support for it. So I didn't even think of the connection, which means the restriction wouldn't have likely made it into the definition of walkLength regardless of the formalism used.On 10/27/12 8:23 AM, Peter Alexander wrote:I'm not sure I can agree it works well. For example, here's what happened with bug 8900 mentioned in the OP: creates a Zip object, which has a Tuple member. Tuple has a toString function, which calls formatElement, which calls formatValue, which calls formatRange, which (when there's a range of characters) has a code path for right-aligning the range. To right-align the range it needs to call walkLength. The problem arises when you zip an infinite range of characters e.g. repeat('a').Retrofitting some sort of structure to templates will be a Herculean task, but I think it has to happen. It is clear to me that the development process we use now (write the template, try a few instantiations, pray) is unsustainable beyond simple templates.It's not clear to me at all. The mechanism works very well and is more expressive than alternatives used by other languages.Before pull request 880, walkLength accepted infinite ranges and just returned size_t.max. Pull request 880 added a constraint to walkLength to stop it accepting infinite ranges. Suddenly, you cannot zip a range of infinite chars because of a seemingly unrelated change.The connection is obvious and is independent qualitatively of other cases of "if you change A and B uses it, B may change in behavior too". It's a pattern old as dust in programming. Anyway, I'm not sure whether this is clear as day: expressing constraints as Booleans or "C++ concepts" style or Gangnam style doesn't influence this case in the least.This would have been caught if there was a unit test, but there wasn't, and as Dijkstra says, "testing can be a very effective way to show the presence of bugs, but it is hopelessly inadequate for showing their absence." There are probably other places that are broken, and many changes in the future will just introduce more bugs without tests. Maybe we have different standards for "working well", but to me at least, this isn't what "working well" looks like. Working well in this case would look like this: - The person that put together pull request 880 would add the template constraint to walkLength. - On the next compile he would get this error: "formatRange potentially calls walkLength with an infinite range." (or something along those lines). - The person fixes formatRange, and all is well. No need for unit tests, it's all caught as soon as possible without need for instantiation.But this works today and has nothing to do with "retrofitting structure to templates". Nothing. Nothing. Andrei
Oct 29 2012
On Monday, 29 October 2012 at 15:48:11 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:On 10/28/12 8:28 AM, Peter Alexander wrote:You're misunderstanding. walkLength used to allow infinite ranges. Recently, a commit added a constraint to walkLength to disallow infinite ranges. After this commit, all the unit tests still passed, but at least one bug was introduced (bug 8900). That's the problem: a change occurred that introduced a bug, but the type system failed to catch it before the change was committed. Something like typeclasses would have caught the bug before commit and without unit tests.For example, here's what happened with bug 8900 mentioned in the OP: creates a Zip object, which has a Tuple member. Tuple has a toString function, which calls formatElement, which calls formatValue, which calls formatRange, which (when there's a range of characters) has a code path for right-aligning the range. To right-align the range it needs to call walkLength. The problem arises when you zip an infinite range of characters e.g. repeat('a').This proves nothing at all. So this has to do with invoking walkLength against an infinite range. At the time I wrote walkLength, infinite ranges were an experimental notion that I was ready to remove if there wasn't enough practical support for it. So I didn't even think of the connection, which means the restriction wouldn't have likely made it into the definition of walkLength regardless of the formalism used.The connection is obvious and is independent qualitatively of other cases of "if you change A and B uses it, B may change in behavior too". It's a pattern old as dust in programming. Anyway, I'm not sure whether this is clear as day: expressing constraints as Booleans or "C++ concepts" style or Gangnam style doesn't influence this case in the least.If I change A and B uses it, I expect B to give an error or at least a warning at compile time where possible. This doesn't happen. With template constraints, you don't get an error until you try to instantiate the template. This is too late in my opinion. I would like this to give an error: void foo(R)(R r) if (isForwardRange!R) { r.popBack(); } It doesn't, not until you try to use it at least, and even then it only gives you an error if you try it with a non-bidirectional forward range. If this did give an error, bug 8900 (any many others) would never have happened. The problem with constraints vs. something like typeclasses or C++ concepts is that constraint predicates are not possible to enforce pre-instantiation. They have too much freedom of expression.It doesn't work today. This isn't a fabricated example. This happened. walkLength changed its constraint, everything still compiled, and all the unit tests passed. There was no error, no hint that things were broken, nothing. Problems only started to arise when the poor OP tried to implement cartesianProduct. This should never have happened. Typeclasses or C++ concepts wouldn't have allowed it to happen. This is the kind of structure that templates need.Working well in this case would look like this: - The person that put together pull request 880 would add the template constraint to walkLength. - On the next compile he would get this error: "formatRange potentially calls walkLength with an infinite range." (or something along those lines). - The person fixes formatRange, and all is well. No need for unit tests, it's all caught as soon as possible without need for instantiation.But this works today and has nothing to do with "retrofitting structure to templates". Nothing. Nothing.
Oct 29 2012
On 10/29/12 12:21 PM, Peter Alexander wrote:On Monday, 29 October 2012 at 15:48:11 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:I thought I understood the matter rather well.On 10/28/12 8:28 AM, Peter Alexander wrote:You're misunderstanding. walkLength used to allow infinite ranges. Recently, a commit added a constraint to walkLength to disallow infinite ranges. After this commit, all the unit tests still passed, but at least one bug was introduced (bug 8900).For example, here's what happened with bug 8900 mentioned in the OP: creates a Zip object, which has a Tuple member. Tuple has a toString function, which calls formatElement, which calls formatValue, which calls formatRange, which (when there's a range of characters) has a code path for right-aligning the range. To right-align the range it needs to call walkLength. The problem arises when you zip an infinite range of characters e.g. repeat('a').This proves nothing at all. So this has to do with invoking walkLength against an infinite range. At the time I wrote walkLength, infinite ranges were an experimental notion that I was ready to remove if there wasn't enough practical support for it. So I didn't even think of the connection, which means the restriction wouldn't have likely made it into the definition of walkLength regardless of the formalism used.That's the problem: a change occurred that introduced a bug, but the type system failed to catch it before the change was committed. Something like typeclasses would have caught the bug before commit and without unit tests.Yes, but what gets ignored here is that typeclasses have a large cognitive cost to everyone involved. I think typeclasses generally don't pull their weight. Besides I think template constraints are more powerful because they operate on arbitrary Boolean expressions instead of types.That's also at compile time, just a tad later.The connection is obvious and is independent qualitatively of other cases of "if you change A and B uses it, B may change in behavior too". It's a pattern old as dust in programming. Anyway, I'm not sure whether this is clear as day: expressing constraints as Booleans or "C++ concepts" style or Gangnam style doesn't influence this case in the least.If I change A and B uses it, I expect B to give an error or at least a warning at compile time where possible. This doesn't happen. With template constraints, you don't get an error until you try to instantiate the template.This is too late in my opinion.I think there's a marked difference between compile-time and run-time. Instantiation time does not make a big enough difference to bring a big gun in the mix.I would like this to give an error: void foo(R)(R r) if (isForwardRange!R) { r.popBack(); } It doesn't, not until you try to use it at least, and even then it only gives you an error if you try it with a non-bidirectional forward range.So them a unittest with a minimal mock forward range should be created. I understand your concern, but please understand that typeclasses are too big a weight for what they do.If this did give an error, bug 8900 (any many others) would never have happened.How many others? (Honest question.)The problem with constraints vs. something like typeclasses or C++ concepts is that constraint predicates are not possible to enforce pre-instantiation. They have too much freedom of expression.Freedom of expression is also a strength. (The problem with C++ concepts is that they almost sunk C++.)It's just blown out of proportion.It doesn't work today. This isn't a fabricated example.Working well in this case would look like this: - The person that put together pull request 880 would add the template constraint to walkLength. - On the next compile he would get this error: "formatRange potentially calls walkLength with an infinite range." (or something along those lines). - The person fixes formatRange, and all is well. No need for unit tests, it's all caught as soon as possible without need for instantiation.But this works today and has nothing to do with "retrofitting structure to templates". Nothing. Nothing.This happened. walkLength changed its constraint, everything still compiled, and all the unit tests passed. There was no error, no hint that things were broken, nothing. Problems only started to arise when the poor OP tried to implement cartesianProduct. This should never have happened. Typeclasses or C++ concepts wouldn't have allowed it to happen. This is the kind of structure that templates need.We will not add C++ concepts or typeclasses to D. Andrei
Oct 29 2012
Andrei Alexandrescu:Yes, but what gets ignored here is that typeclasses have a large cognitive cost to everyone involved.Such costs are an interesting discussion topic :-) To put people up to speed a bit: A bit of explanations regarding Rust ones: Deeper info from one of the original designers: think typeclasses generally don't pull their weight.<Rust and Haskell designers think otherwise, it seems.We will not add C++ concepts or typeclasses to D.I agree that maybe now it's too much late to add them to D2. But we are free to discuss about the topic. I didn't know much about typeclasses years ago when people were designing D2 :-( I have studied them only recently while learning Haskell. Bye, bearophile
Oct 29 2012
On 10/29/12 2:16 PM, bearophile wrote:Andrei Alexandrescu:For those who wouldn't know how to search the Net, these indeed are quite appropriate.Yes, but what gets ignored here is that typeclasses have a large cognitive cost to everyone involved.Such costs are an interesting discussion topic :-) To put people up to speed a bit: A bit of explanations regarding Rust ones: Deeper info from one of the original designers:'s a matter of what priorities the language has and what other features are available overlapping with the projected usefulness. AndreiI think typeclasses generally don't pull their weight.<Rust and Haskell designers think otherwise, it seems.
Oct 29 2012
Andrei Alexandrescu:For those who wouldn't know how to search the Net, these indeed are quite appropriate.People are often a bit lazy in clicking on links present in newsgroup messages, and they are even more lazy in searching things. So I've seen numerous times that if you give them links they will be more willing to read. This is especially true about topics they know nothing about, because they have a higher "cognitive impedance". Google gives many results about this topic, but not all of them are good. That link from mozilla is a little video that doesn't tell a lot. The papers from Wadler were the ones Haskell typeclases come from, they are harder, but they are more fundamental. But starting from those papers is hard, so better to start from some examples and simpler explanations. In the Haskell wiki there are more practical texts on this topic, and comparisons: Plus an online free chapter of what maybe is the best book about Haskell:'s a matter of what priorities the language has and what other features are available overlapping with the projected usefulness.I agree. On the other hand the main point of this thread is that someone perceives as not good enough or not sufficient the current features of D. Even if their perception is wrong (and you are an expert on this field, so we trust your words), I think the topic is worth discussing. Bye, bearophile
Oct 29 2012
On Monday, 29 October 2012 at 17:56:26 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:We will not add C++ concepts or typeclasses to D.Ok. There is no point continuing this discussion then.
Oct 29 2012
On 10/27/12 6:20 AM, Peter Alexander wrote:On Friday, 26 October 2012 at 22:43:44 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:Agreed.I'm getting a bit frustrated with the Phobos bugs related to ranges and std.algorithm. I think we need to increase the number of unittests. And by that I mean, GREATLY increase the number of unittests. Most of the current tests are merely sanity tests for the most common usage patterns, most basic types, or tests added as a result of fixed bugs. This is inadequate.Unit tests are not the solution to this. There are too many range combinations and types to effectively unit test everything.What we need is proper semantic support for ranges (and other conceptual classes of types). For example, this should not compile: void foo(Range)(Range r) if (isForwardRange!Range) { r.popBack(); }No, this has nothing to do with the problem at hand. Andrei
Oct 27 2012
Am Sat, 27 Oct 2012 12:20:51 +0200 schrieb "Peter Alexander" <>:On Friday, 26 October 2012 at 22:43:44 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:Yes and no. We can't test all possible combinations, but we should try to at least test all code paths: ------------------ void test(R)(R range) { static if(isInputRange!R) r.popFront(); else if(isForwardRange!R) r.saev(); } unittest { //Should test at least with InputRange & ForwardRange } ------------------- We sometimes even have templates that are not used in phobos at all (and don't have unittests). Those are really evil as they can break silently if some typo is introduced.I'm getting a bit frustrated with the Phobos bugs related to ranges and std.algorithm. I think we need to increase the number of unittests. And by that I mean, GREATLY increase the number of unittests. Most of the current tests are merely sanity tests for the most common usage patterns, most basic types, or tests added as a result of fixed bugs. This is inadequate.Unit tests are not the solution to this. There are too many range combinations and types to effectively unit test everything.
Oct 27 2012
On 10/26/12 6:45 PM, H. S. Teoh wrote: :-( (The code there is called cartesianProd but it's the reduced code, so it doesn't really compute the cartesian product. But that's where it's from.) So far, the outstanding blockers for cartesianProduct are: 1) Compiler bug which causes unittest failure: std/range.d(4629): Error: variable lower used before set std/range.d(4630): Error: variable upper used before set (Jonathan had a pull request with a Phobos workaround for this, which I _think_ is already merged, but the autotester is still failing at this point. :-/) 2) Issue 8542 (crosstalk between template instantiations) 3) And now, issue 8900 (zip fails to compile with repeat(char[])) So there's still no joy for cartesianProduct. :-(Often when there are many issues caused by a specific artifact, there are only a couple of compiler bugs manifesting themselves in various unpredictable ways.I'm getting a bit frustrated with the Phobos bugs related to ranges and std.algorithm. I think we need to increase the number of unittests. And by that I mean, GREATLY increase the number of unittests.I don't think that's the best way. Walter and I have had a lasting disagreement about this as he firmly believes unittests are the way to make sure the compiler works well. In my opinion the psychological effect has been negative because this outlook has caused incompletely-defined features to get implemented (in a latent expectation that unittests will cause any issues to be detected). Andrei
Oct 27 2012
On Friday, 26 October 2012 at 22:43:44 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:This is inadequate.The best we can get are users like you that take the time to report ;) Thanks.
Oct 28 2012
On 27/10/12 00:45, H. S. Teoh wrote: :-( (The code there is called cartesianProd but it's the reduced code, so it doesn't really compute the cartesian product. But that's where it's from.) So far, the outstanding blockers for cartesianProduct are: 1) Compiler bug which causes unittest failure: std/range.d(4629): Error: variable lower used before set std/range.d(4630): Error: variable upper used before set (Jonathan had a pull request with a Phobos workaround for this, which I _think_ is already merged, but the autotester is still failing at this point. :-/) 2) Issue 8542 (crosstalk between template instantiations) 3) And now, issue 8900 (zip fails to compile with repeat(char[])) So there's still no joy for cartesianProduct. :-( I'm getting a bit frustrated with the Phobos bugs related to ranges and std.algorithm. I think we need to increase the number of unittests. And by that I mean, GREATLY increase the number of unittests. Most of the current tests are merely sanity tests for the most common usage patterns, most basic types, or tests added as a result of fixed bugs. This is inadequate. We need to actively unittest corner cases, rare combinations, unusual usages, etc.. Torture test various combinations of range constructs. Algorithms. Nested range constructs. Nested algorithms. Deliberately cook up nasty tests that try their best to break the code by using unusual parameters, unusual range-like objects, strange data, etc.. Go beyond the simple cases to test non-trivial things. We need unittests that pass unusual structs and objects into the range constructs and algorithms, and make sure they actually work as we have been _assuming_ they should. I have a feeling there are a LOT of bugs lurking in there behind overlooked corner cases, off by 1 errors, and other such careless slips, as well as code that only works for basic types like arrays, which starts breaking when you hand it something non-trivial. All these issues must be weeded out and prevented from slipping back in. Here's a start: - Create a set of structs/classes (inside a version(unittest) block) that are input, forward, bidirectional, output, etc., ranges, that are NOT merely arrays. - There should be some easy way, perhaps using std.random, of creating non-trivial instances of these things. These should be put in a separate place, perhaps outside the std/ subdirectory, where they can be imported into unittest blocks by std.range, std.algorithm, whatever else that needs extensive testing. - Use these ranges as input for testing range constructs and algorithms. - For best results, use a compile-time loop to loop over a given combination of these range types, and run them through the same set of tests. This will improve the currently spotty test coverage. Perhaps provide some templated functions that, given a set of range types (from the above structs/classes) and a set of functions, run through all combinations of them to make sure they all work. (We run unittests separately anyway, we aren't afraid of long-running tests.) TI think that unit tests aren't very effective without code coverage. One fairly non-disruptive thing we could do: implement code coverage for templates. Currently, templates get no code coverage numbers. We could do a code-coverage equivalent for templates: which lines actually got instantiated? I bet this would show _huge_ gaps in the existing test suite.
Oct 29 2012
On Monday, 29 October 2012 at 14:47:37 UTC, Don Clugston wrote:One fairly non-disruptive thing we could do: implement code coverage for templates. Currently, templates get no code coverage numbers. We could do a code-coverage equivalent for templates: which lines actually got instantiated? I bet this would show _huge_ gaps in the existing test suite.That's a good step forward, but I don't think it solves (what appears to me to be) the most common issue: incorrect/missing template constraints. auto average(R)(R r) if (isForwardRange!R) { return reduce!("a + b")(r) / walkLength(r); } (This code can have full coverage for some ranges, but also needs to also check !isInfinite!R, and probably other things). These are difficult because every time a constraint changes, you need to go round and update the constraints of all calling functions. It's like when you change the types of a function argument, or return type; except that with template constraints, nothing is checked until instantiation.
Oct 29 2012