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digitalmars.D - [help] class registry error?

reply rev <rev_member pathlink.com> writes:
private import std.windows.registry;
void main(char[][] args)
Registry localRegistry = new Registry();

produces the following error:
reg.d(4): class std.windows.registry.Registry member this is not accessible

any idea how to fix?
Jan 11 2005
parent rev <rev_member pathlink.com> writes:
Silly Me! Please IGNORE this post!


In article <cs1v2e$dk$1 digitaldaemon.com>, rev says...
private import std.windows.registry;
void main(char[][] args)
Registry localRegistry = new Registry();

produces the following error:
reg.d(4): class std.windows.registry.Registry member this is not accessible

any idea how to fix?
Jan 11 2005