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c++.windows.32-bits - Windows API version

reply Fabiuccio <fabien.stein eeaaoo.com> writes:
Hi folks!

First, I would thank the DigitalMars crew for making their compiler

Well, on the other hand the Windows API is not at all up-to-date.

How is it possible to use more updated liraries with the DMC compiler?
Is it possible to use, for instance, DMC with th includes/libs of
- say - Borland C++ compliers?

The GNU librairy format ".a" can be used to create libs for DMC
(I don't know which is the actual format of these libraries)


"Tu ne quasieris (scire nefas) quem mihi quem/tibi finem Dî dederint,
Leuconoe[...] Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero" (Horace, I 11)
Mar 28 2002
next sibling parent reply "Walter" <walter digitalmars.com> writes:
"Fabiuccio" <fabien.stein eeaaoo.com> wrote in message
 First, I would thank the DigitalMars crew for making their compiler
 Well, on the other hand the Windows API is not at all up-to-date.
 How is it possible to use more updated liraries with the DMC compiler?
 Is it possible to use, for instance, DMC with th includes/libs of
 - say - Borland C++ compliers?
 The GNU librairy format ".a" can be used to create libs for DMC
 (I don't know which is the actual format of these libraries)
Borland's and GNU's libraries won't work with DMC. What are you looking for?
Mar 28 2002
parent Fabiuccio <fabien.stein eeaaoo.com> writes:
Walter wrote 29 Mar 2002  (news:a8176p$1nel$3 digitaldaemon.com):

 Borland's and GNU's libraries won't work with DMC. What are you looking
Just to profit of up-to-date libraries (GNU's are at least compatible with Win9x + IE 5, commctl32 version 4.72 and Borland C++5.5 has controls compatible with Win2k) with the DMC compiler. -- "Quasi quasi in queste occasioni mi auguro veramente che Berlusconi venda la RAI, ma all'editore di Playboy con l'auguri che trasmettano solo speciali sulla coniglietta del mese. Almeno saprei cosa aspettarmi." (Jonathan E. su it.arti.trash, MSGID <3c8dc150.6491103 news.inet.it>) http://www.geocities.com/fabienstein
Apr 02 2002
prev sibling parent Jan Knepper <jan smartsoft.cc> writes:
I have done some work, but I am far from finished to use the M$ Platform
SDK (MSDN crap) files...


Fabiuccio wrote:

 Hi folks!

 First, I would thank the DigitalMars crew for making their compiler

 Well, on the other hand the Windows API is not at all up-to-date.

 How is it possible to use more updated liraries with the DMC compiler?
 Is it possible to use, for instance, DMC with th includes/libs of
 - say - Borland C++ compliers?

 The GNU librairy format ".a" can be used to create libs for DMC
 (I don't know which is the actual format of these libraries)


 "Tu ne quasieris (scire nefas) quem mihi quem/tibi finem Dî dederint,
 Leuconoe[...] Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero" (Horace, I 11)
Mar 29 2002