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D - how do I get the ClassInfo of an object..

reply "Lloyd Dupont" <lloyd galador.net> writes:
given an Object I would like to retrieve it's ClassInfo, how could I do ?
typeof() seems not to work ... is there an equivalent mechanism ?
Nov 09 2002
parent reply Burton Radons <loth users.sourceforge.net> writes:
Lloyd Dupont wrote:
 given an Object I would like to retrieve it's ClassInfo, how could I do ?
 typeof() seems not to work ... is there an equivalent mechanism ?
Nov 10 2002
parent "Lloyd Dupont" <lloyd galador.net> writes:
ha ...
ok, thanks.

BTW I could say I'm very pleased by the speed of the compiler, it's almost

"Burton Radons" <loth users.sourceforge.net> a écrit dans le message de
news: aqlef3$ncq$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 Lloyd Dupont wrote:
 given an Object I would like to retrieve it's ClassInfo, how could I do
 typeof() seems not to work ... is there an equivalent mechanism ?
Nov 10 2002